Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Daran Carn

NAME: Daran Carn


RANK: Warrior


AGE: 25

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 183 cm

WEIGHT: 86kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Somewhat tanned but otherwise pale skin.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(More may develop through training)

-Natural ability to befriend animals.
- Able to trick the untrained mind to do his bidding. (He himself is unaware of this trait)
- On rare occasions where he does lose self-control able to use moderately powerful force abilities such as force push, pull and choke. Though not for long periods of time.
- Peak physical condition.


-Having lived all his life on Cathar has no tolerance to cold environments.
- Has a tendency to run his mouth which usually ends up with him getting more than heíd bargained for.
- Bad gambler, doesnít stop him from doing so though.
-Quite trusting in nature.

APPEARANCE: somewhat stocky but lean build. Very fit with well-defined muscles. Usually, keeps his hair tied up in order to keep it from bothering him.

BIOGRAPHY: Daran wasn't born on Cathar but was there for as long as he can remember. He didnít know his parents long enough for them to have told him where he was from nor who he was, but two friends of theirs took Daran in and ended up raising him as their own. Though from an early age Daran realized that he didnít fit in with his siblings. Though all the sameÖ he was home there, he underwent the same training, schooling, and trials as everyone else for the next 2 decades. Finally a full fledged warrior, when the pirates attacked he was among the captives as their forces were overwhelmed by the unfamiliar weaponry in use by the men. Losing control as his brother was about to get shot, his outburst resulted in the deaths of a few piratesÖ which oddly enough seemed to intrigue the captain. Raxle Lee was his name, or so he claimed. He wasnít sure he trusted this two tongued monster. He also seemed surprised to see Daran among the Cathar people. Eventually taking him along with them in one of his ships.

Where they were taking him? He didnít know. All he knew was they seemed to think he was worth a lot of money. He snorted at the thought. The journey though.. wasnít a smooth one, the last thing he remembered before blacking out was the ship letting out an ugly groan and the men's panicked sounds from above deck while he remained down in the cell down below. The ship would later crash land on Dathomir with most if not all the men either dead or having fled the ship.

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