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Approved Location Dar'Benn: A Gem of the Hapes Consortium

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Dar'Benn: Gem of the Hapes Consortium

General Information​
  • Several hundred thousand


"To walk through the Garden of the Millennium Blossom is to journey through the very heart of Lemmi VI's wild beauty. It is a reminder of the planet's untamed spirit, even within the confines of our greatest city."​
― On the Garden of the Millennium Blossom​

Dar'Benn, nestled within the lush, vibrant rainforest of Lemmi VI, is a city that exudes opulence and cultural refinement. The cityscape is characterized by its towering spires, intricate architectural work, and expansive plazas. Streets are lined with meticulously maintained gardens, fountains, and statues that reflect the rich heritage of the Hapans. The city is bathed in a perpetual golden light, a result of the high density of stars and nebulae in the Hapes Cluster, giving it an almost ethereal glow.​


Dar'Benn is home to a diverse population, primarily composed of near-Human Hapans. The city's inhabitants are a mix of government officials, traders, artisans, and hospitality workers, all contributing to the city's vibrant economy. The population is known for its high level of education and cultural sophistication, reflecting the values of the Hapes Consortium.​
Tourists make up a significant portion of the city's transient population, drawn by its luxury resorts, cultural events, and natural beauty. The city's cosmopolitan atmosphere is enhanced by the presence of visitors from across the galaxy, each bringing their unique customs and traditions.​
  • Wealth: Wealthy
Dar'Benn is a city of immense wealth, reflecting the prosperity of the Hapes Consortium.
The city's economy is driven by tourism, luxury goods, and high-end services. The opulence is evident in the architecture, the abundance of upscale shopping districts, and the prevalence of fine dining establishments. Wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a few; rather, it is distributed across a well-off middle and upper class, ensuring a high standard of living for most residents.​
  • Stability: High
Dar'Benn is a model of stability within the Hapes Cluster. The city's governance is efficient and effective, ensuring that public services are of the highest quality. Crime rates are low, thanks to the stringent security measures and the presence of the Adored Ones. Unrest is minimal, as the citizens of Dar'Benn are generally content with their quality of life and the opportunities available to them. For travelers, Dar'Benn is a safe destination, renowned for its hospitality and security.​
  • Freedom & Oppression:
Dar'Benn strikes a balance between freedom and regulation. The atmosphere in the city is one of relative freedom, with citizens enjoying the liberty to pursue their personal and professional aspirations. The government, led by the Grand Ducha/Dukat, is not dictatorial but maintains a firm grip on key aspects of society to ensure order and prosperity.​

  • Citizens are free to engage in commerce, express their cultural identities, and participate in public life.
  • The media operates with a degree of freedom, though it is expected to align with the broader goals of the Hapes Consortium.
  • Artistic expression is highly valued, with numerous galleries, theaters, and cultural events celebrating diverse forms of creativity.
  • While the government is not oppressive, it does enforce strict laws regarding public behavior, trade, and security.
  • Any activities deemed subversive or dangerous to the stability of the Consortium are swiftly dealt with.
  • There is a strong emphasis on loyalty to the Hapes Consortium and the ruling Inkari family, with dissent tolerated only within certain bounds.

  • Social Climate:
Dar'Benn's social climate is characterized by a blend of tradition and modernity. The city's residents take pride in their cultural heritage, celebrating it through festivals, art, and daily life. At the same time, there is a strong emphasis on innovation and progress, driven by the
city's status as a key economic and political center.​
The matriarchal structure of the Hapes Consortium is reflected in Dar'Benn's social hierarchy, with women holding many of the key positions in local government and commerce. This has fostered an environment of respect and equality, where merit and ability are highly valued.​
The city's focus on tourism has cultivated a welcoming and hospitable atmosphere. The residents of Dar'Benn are known for their graciousness and charm, making visitors feel at home in this remarkable city.​

  • Description:
Dar'Benn, is an extraordinary fusion of futuristic architecture and ancient elegance. Inspired by the real world opulence of Dubai and the romantic allure of France, Dar'Benn is a city of soaring towers, lush gardens, and vibrant markets. This dazzling metropolis serves as the administrative, and cultural heart of Lemmi VI, drawing visitors from across the galaxy to marvel at its splendor and partake in its rich heritage. Governed by the Grand Duchy of Lemmi VI, the city has remained under the rule of the Inkari family since its founding.​
Dar'Benn's architecture is a harmonious blend of sleek modernism and classical elegance. The city's skyline is dominated by soaring skyscrapers crafted from transparent metals and reflective glass, creating a dazzling array of light and color. These futuristic structures are complemented by lush green spaces and waterways that weave through the city, offering a serene contrast to the urban environment.​
The design ethos of Dar'Benn emphasizes harmony with nature, with many buildings featuring living walls and rooftop gardens. The use of holographic displays and advanced lighting systems adds a dynamic element to the city's aesthetic, allowing for spectacular night-time displays that transform the cityscape into a vibrant tapestry of light and movement.​
The Palace of Bellise: The central governmental hub, housing the Grand Ducha and her court. The palace is a marvel of transparent metals and holographic art, representing both transparency and grandeur.​
Garden of the Millennium Blossom: A vast botanical garden featuring the rare carnivorous Millennium Blossom, along with other exotic flora from the planet's rainforests.​
Skyline Promenade: An elevated walkway offering breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding rainforests, lined with upscale boutiques and cafes.​
Dar'Benn Grand Bazaar: A bustling market where traders from across the Hapes Cluster gather to sell everything from rare spices to advanced technologies.​
Starspire Towers: The tallest buildings in the city, housing luxury apartments, offices, and observation decks that provide panoramic views of Lemmi VI's lush landscapes.​
Hall of Unity: A cultural center hosting exhibits and performances that celebrate the diverse heritage of the Hapes Consortium.​
River Arienne: A large river running through the city, fed by underground tributaries flowing from the planet's core, providing a serene natural element to the urban environment.
Summer home in Serenity Vale
Mount Serenity: A remote area located approximately two hours by transportation from Dar'Benn, dominated by beautiful lakes, surrounded by mountains and valleys. This picturesque region is a popular retreat.​
Summer Homes of Serenity Vale: Located in Mount Serenity, these elaborate and lavish summer homes are built along the riverbank. Constructed from stone and capped with white domed roofs, these homes feature courtyards, sitting rooms with tall windows, walls painted blue, bowls of red flowers, several guest rooms, and greenhouses.​
Verdantia Vineyard: A major vineyard located just outside Dar'Benn, known for producing some of the finest wines in the Hapes Cluster, attracting connoisseurs from across the galaxy.​
University of Luminae: A prestigious institution for higher learning that trains artists, educators, and politicians. The university is renowned for its rigorous academic programs and influential alumni.​
Rating: High
Dar'Benn is not only a hub of culture and commerce but also a bastion of security and defense. The city employs a multi-layered defense strategy combining advanced technology with elite personnel to ensure the safety of its inhabitants and visitors.​
City Defenses:​
  • Energy Shields: The city is enveloped in a sophisticated energy shield system that can be activated in the event of an attack, protecting it from orbital bombardments and aerial assaults.
  • Surveillance Network: An extensive network of surveillance drones and cameras ensures constant monitoring of the city's perimeters and critical areas, allowing for rapid response to any threats.
  • Automated Defense Systems: High-tech turrets and anti-aircraft batteries are strategically placed throughout the city, capable of neutralizing any unauthorized intrusions.
  • Security Checkpoints: Entry points to the city are fortified with security checkpoints, where advanced scanners and guards ensure that no threats pass through.
Elite Guard: The Adored Ones:​
Dar'Benn's most distinguished security feature is its elite all-female special forces unit, known as the Adored Ones. These warriors are not only highly trained in combat but also serve as the personal bodyguards to the Grand Ducha The Adored Ones are a symbol of strength and loyalty, embodying the highest ideals of the Hapes Consortium.​
Training and Equipment:​
  • The Adored Ones undergo rigorous training in various combat styles, including close-quarters combat, marksmanship, and strategic warfare.
  • They are equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and armor, including energy swords, blaster rifles, and personal energy shields.
  • Their uniforms, while functional, are designed to reflect the elegance and prestige of their role, incorporating elements of Hapan culture and aesthetics.
Roles and Responsibilities:​
  • Personal Protection: The primary duty of the Adored Ones is to protect the Grand Ducha and other high-ranking officials.
  • City Defense: They also play a crucial role in the defense of Dar'Benn, coordinating with other security forces during emergencies.
  • Ceremonial Duties: The Adored Ones are often present at official events and ceremonies, showcasing their prowess and enhancing the city's prestige.

Dar'Benn was established under the directive of Bellise Inkari, a daughter of the monarchy, who sought to create a capital that embodied the unity and strength of the Hapes Consortium. The city's foundation marked the culmination of the Grand Unification, a period of consolidation that saw the forced relocation of populations to break old allegiances and foster a centralized power structure. The Inkari family, has governed the city since its inception, with the title of Grand Ducha or Dukat passing through generations.​
Over the centuries, Dar'Benn grew from a fledgling settlement into a bustling metropolis. Its strategic location along with the introduction of luxury tourism further propelled its growth, attracting wealthy visitors with its unique blend of natural beauty and sophisticated amenities.​

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