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Darien Cordel

Darien Cordel

NAME: Darien Cordel
RANK: Neutral apprentice
AGE: 17 [Having undergone age reversal]
HEIGHT: 5.8 feet
WEIGHT: 8.5 stone
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian


+ Kind and trusting: Given his perceived upbringing, that being a string of fake memories, Darien believes all people are at heart good and therefore tends to treat all people kindly even if public consensus is that they are undeserving.
+ Educated : Darien is no fool and has received the finest education possible
+/- Just: He follows his father in regard to fairness and avoids inflicting undue harm, but if someone falls foul of his perception of what is just he will make an effort to destroy them.
- Shy: most People scare Darien plain and simple

- Sheltered : Despite his education Darien seems naive, this is due to the fact that he has never really left the sheltered world of the upper class, all memories of pain or suffering have been masked from Darien and the only experience his had of the world outside the bubble has come from children's stories and the holo-net.
- Veiled Scars: Darien has suffered a lot in his 17 year life but he doesn't remember much of that, he has forgotten his true parents and the isolation he felt when lucien sent him to boarding school and the age reversal. All of these have been masked by false memories of a happy childhood planted by lucien. Were he ever to remember the truth the trauma would likely make him go mad. He recently watched his father and most of the household get butchered by assasins sent by the Banking clan.

SHIP: A Battered Stalwart-class Starfighter inherited by his father who obtained it Here

Items :

Darien is decidedly unimposing, having lived a sheldered life for many of his years. His father allowed him to undertake little combat training and he has not built himself much in the way of muscle. He is slight and tall though no where close to unhealthy. As a child of privillage he is often dressed in fine clothing, though his state of exile has meant that his clothes are aging and growing worn in some places.

Darien is a very troubled child. Born on Dromund Kaas, the child of two imperial officers who were not hugely visable in his life, often about their work and much too busy to spend time with him. Once he was old enough he was often sent out of his house in the morning to play and only permitted to return in the evening. Like all children in that situation he often found himself up to micheif.

He was 7 when that propensity for trouble came back to bite him. He made the mistake of angering a Sith knight in the service of an ambitious sith lord, who oposed the current sith governer, with an act of childish theft. Intended to be a foolish prank he hid the data card he had pilfered.

Regrettably it was picked up by a rebel group who used it to free several political prisoners. The scandal was explosive as the sitting governer was openly challenged by the knights master. The investigation revealed Darien's involvement and the governer found his scapegoat. Darien's parents were killed framed as traitors and Darien was left with no one.

He was picked up and taken to an Orphanage miles away from his house. He was there for two weeks before Lucien Cordel arrived and adopted him. Lucien was at that point the governor of Elom and a sith bureaucrat under the old sith empire but just one week after his adoption Lucien fled the empire taking himself and his son to the unknown regions to seek political asylum.

Darien was too young and grief stricken to really notice the true meaning behind the change or to care that he and his farther were practically homeless, well they lived out of a Luxury yacht but ... it was no house. by the time Darien was 9 Lucien had cemented himself in a position of power and was excessively wealthy once more. From the age of 9 Darien attended boarding school. Having never really connected with lucien in any real intimate way he was left at something of a loss as he felt like more like a house guest than a son in his father's company.

Shortly after his 13th Birthday his father discussed with him the prospect of returning Darien to childhood age, so as to allow them both a second chance at a childhood for Darien. To this end Lucien contracted [member="Tmoxin Temi"] to conduct a dramatic six year age reduction. The procedure was successful and shortly after Lucien wiped Darien's Memories of everything that had ever occurred in his life, replacing them with false memories of a happy childhood marred only by the death of his loving mother, modeled after Meret Blackmoon an old flame of Lucien's.As far as Darien knows he is no older than 17 and never has been. He does however suffer frequent nightmares about his old life but never tells anyone about them as he doesn't recognise anyone in the dreams.

Darien has recently been forced to go on the run. When the Techno Union folded the resulting crash in the economy and the stringent new laws put in place made technocrats like lucien wildly unpopular, especially among the banking elite. Assassins came from the banking clans and slaughtered the household, they would have got darien too had lucien not pushed him down a secret passage with only a bag a speeder key and details of a safehouse and hidden bank accounts. At present Darien is on the run in his fathers aging ship.




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