Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darius Ino'Kane


NAME: Darius Ino'Kane

FACTION: Order of the Silver Jedi

RANK: Jedi Knight


AGE: 487

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 146 Lbs

EYES: Yellow eyes with Pitch Black Iris

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Chalky White



  • Force Attunement: Like all members of his species, Darius has a naturally strong connection to the Force, able to connect and use it with ease at a moment's notice. Abilities like Force healing and precognition, both traits required for the survival of his species, are abilities Darius has personally come to Master.
  • Quick: Despite his size, Darius is incredibly lithe and agile, able to move his body in ways that might break the bones of other species. In a straight forward encounter. Darius will prefer to avoid and redirect an opponent's attacks rather than take them head-on, relying on his agility to stay alive.
  • Fragile: Millenia spent aboard starships has altered the genetic and biological makeup of the Ulnoll, leading to a decrease in overall bone strength, and physical weakness unusual for their general size. Darius is no exception, and his own physical abilities are greatly limited when he is not in his natural habitat, space. Any direct strikes on his body run the risk of serious injury, and he must rely on his speed rather than brute force in a fight.
  • Pathogens: Pathogens, chemicals, and germs of the galaxy pose a serious risk to Darius if he is exposed to any of even mildly severe nature. He must constantly wear clothing covering his entire body from the environment. He uses a constant trickle of Force energy to create a small bubble around his face, allowing him to remain connected to the environment around him as not to limit his senses. if he gets too distracted or weakened, he could lose control of the bubble and expose himself to potentially lethal situations.

Darius Ino'Kane is a tall, lithe being with a chalky white natural skin tone. He has a large standard humanoid bodily structure, though he has small 'gills' on the side of his face at the bottom of his cheeks, that run to the corners of his jaw. He has dark red paint across much of his body in sharp, jagged lines, though only the markings on his face and neck are visible. He keeps a majority of his hair shaved off, though a single, small braid wraps around his neck and over his shoulder, bearing various bands, ribbons, and jewels denoting his place in Ulnoll society. He has five digits on each of his hands, however, unlike many other species, each of his digits is triple jointed, allowing for a vastly expanded range of motion. His body has a natural inclination to lean forward on its own, thanks to a slight bending in his legs, sometimes making people think he is leaning over them or attempting to be intimidating.

Darius Ino'Kane was born nearly five centuries ago aboard the Ulnoll Home Fleet, the last remnants of the ancient Ulnoll civilization. At birth, his genetics were tested for any abnormalities, and when a small defect in a secondary gene was found, he was sterilized, as to avoid the risk of a deviant gene eventually developing into a risk generation later. Like the rest of the Voided, those children who became sterile, he was raised in an orphanage ship, the Ino, run by the Fleet and trained from birth to serve as little more than a slave for the good of his people. Due to his unusually strong connection to the Force, even among his own people, Darius was selected to become a Kane, a Force wielder of the Ulnoll. As he lived aboard the Ino ship, his name became Darius Ino'Kane, slave to the state, and healer of the sick.

His early childhood was not memorable, spent in the confined isolation wards of the Ino where he was indoctrinated into the service of the Home Fleet. He was trained in the various medical arts known to the Ulnoll, both technological and chemical, as well as Force related, showing an easy understanding of the principle. By the day of First Ascension, Darius was the only member of the Ino orphan group to become a full member of Home Fleet and departed the ship to work across the rest of the wandering flotilla. The next century of his life was spent in this manner, going from ship to ship in the fleet to serve as doctor and medic for other workers like himself, as well as the upper levels of the Ulnoll society. Under his careful direction and care, dozens of new Ulnoll were brought into the world, with all but three being sterilized. Darius never let this on to his peers, but every time he had to carry out the procedure he was uncomfortable, and once even displayed a negative reaction to the process, receiving a warning from his superiors.

During his time he also picked up an understanding and personal interest in machinery. In his limited free time, he looked into the inner workings of the Home Fleet, seeing machines as simply mechanical bodies. Though, as hobbies were highly discouraged among the Voided, Darius did what he could to keep his personal interests hidden. After nearly two centuries in service to the Home Fleet, Darius came across a situation that would lead to his eventual banishment. During one of his routine visits to a ship crewed primarily by the Voided, he came across a mother and her newborn child. It was not unheard of for the Voided to become fertile again after several centuries, sometimes with the help of Kane's who would be harshly punished when discovered. By law, Darius was required to take the child into custody, and hand the mother over for execution at the hands of the Elevated. He did not do this, however, and instead began to work on keeping them hidden. He used what technical knowledge he could to hide the mother and child from discovery, and used his authority as a Kane to move about freely with supplies, which he brought to them whenever he could.

Three years after this had begun, the mother and child were found. On his journey to meet them that day, Darius had been forced to watch as their public executions were broadcast across the entire Home Fleet. The usual reasonings of protecting the fragile genetics of the Ulnoll were given, and that any who broke the law put the entire species at risk. For once, Darius did not listen to the Elevated. For once, Darius cursed them. For once, Darius chose to stand against it. Darius went to the location of the execution, the very quarters he had built for the small family, and using his medical tools, killed the soldiers outside, and on the broadcast still showing to the fleet, struck down the Elevated Ulnoll. His actions inspired other rogue behavior among the Voided across the fleet, long chafing under their slavery to the Elevated, and soon a widespread uprising erupted across Home Fleet. The uprising was doomed to fail, as only a scant few Voided took up arms against the society that had indoctrinated them for so long, but the conflict lasted long enough to be disastrous for the Ulnoll people. Hundreds were killed in the fighting, and two vessels were destroyed in the fighting from internal sabotage. By the time the Elevated and the loyal Voided were able to regain control of Home Fleet, Darius and the few survivors were already fleeing. Knowing their fate should they be captured, each of those rebellious Ulnoll that survived the Uprising fled in different directions, heading out into the galaxy to try and find new lives for themselves, and watching for a chance to return to the Home Fleet and liberate their people from the cruel rule of the Elevated.

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