Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darius Olar

Darius Olar


The Basics
NAME: Darius Olar.
FACTION: The Galactic Republic; Jedi Order.
RANK: Jedi Padawan.
SPECIES: Morellian-Human.
AGE: Twenty.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 1.8 metres.
WEIGHT: 69 kg.
EYES: Light Brown.
HAIR: Dark Brown.
SKIN: Caucasian.


The Finer Details

+ Darius is quite the intrepid individual, he does not fall prey to fear easily, especially in regards to training and assignments set forth, he finds fear leads to doubt and eventually failure itself, as such, he does his best to perserve in all things, failure is not a garuntee, it's a possibility in his mind. Of course, he is cautious, fearful, not so much. The only thing that could potentially strike fear in this young lad would be either a Sith Lord standing before him or a telling off from the Jedi Masters and the Council.

+ He is not one to resort to violence nor brute force in any situation, he is capable of fending for himself but given the nature of the Jedi or at least in his mind, he seeks to use his wit over brawn and only rely on the latter if absolutely necessary and required. He is quite smart and it can come across when he's being a bit of a smart mouth too, he will try to decipher what someone is saying and make a running joke out of it, to the dismay of the person and his superiors.

+ Darius is incredibly loyal to his friends, peers, the Jedi Order and the Republic, he will not falter if needing to protect either of them and will not stoop to offers to betray them in any scenario or so, he would like to think, he believes loyalty is a trade mark most individuals should stride for. Regardless of whether or not he is indeed your friend, he will give you the same loyalty and trust, however, he can easily revoke both if said trust is broken and if you challenge his ideals and in turn the Republic or the Order's in the most absurd of ways.

+ Charismatic at the best of times, Darius enjoys talking and listening to others, he finds it refreshing to learn more and more about an individual and the like, he tries to put himself across as confident and friendly, which he is, not overbaringly so. He is quite slick with his wording and does enjoy trying to impress people, he likes to make friends, what can I say.

+ Darius was brought up to an honest person and such traits were only amplified upon becoming a member of the Jedi Order, he can't lie for the life of him, which is probably a terrible thing given the foes the Order face but because of this, he opts to remain silent if being pressured into having to lie and will do if lives are on the line.

+ He has a strong connection with the Force, not originally but something he developed through rigarous meditations and honing some of his abilities, it may not be as strong as others but it's apparently strong to him. As such, to go hand in hand with this, he is quite skilled with the lightsaber blade, focusing on the traditional form of Shii-Cho and desires to press forward into the more advanced forms of Soresu, Shien and Ataru, if given the opportunity to study any of them.

- To fall in line with the fact he is witty, he is a smart mouth and the filter between his brain and his mouth can often malfunction, he may at times, unknowingly insult someone or say too much, he would suffer terribly in an interrogation as he says what comes first into his mind. That said, he does seek to learn restraint regarding this, of course it would be a necessary thing to do given his goal of becoming a Jedi Knight.

- Darius is a bit of technophobe, being part Morellian and living with his Morellian father, he isn't quite as tech savvy as he would to be, he lived a very simple life leading up to being initiated into the Jedi Order and continued to live an even simpler life, technology was never a high light, the most fascinating technological aspect he finds to be, is indeed, his own lightsaber and starships, at least those that weren't put together poorly by his father.

- He isn't a man of steel, his lean, athletic body build doesn't offer much in the way of brute strength, sadly, he would suffer greatly against an more imposing opponent of great strength and would most likely falter if any were to continiously lash out strong assaults.


Standing to around five foot eleven inches in height and weighing in to around a hundred and fifty two pounds of lean yet defined muscle, Darius's facial features are quite defined and angular, he definitely does not have much in the terms of a soft rounded face by no means, with his chin and jaw structure being one of the prominent features on his face. Despite being very handsome ( at least in the opinion of his mother) he is very modest about how he looks and once upon a time, he was quite insecure about the way he looked, he did not exude great amounts of pride or arrogance regarding his appearance, he just thanks his mother for blessing him with good genes. His appearance is Caucasian and shares resemblance to the many hybrids of the morellian and human peoples, sporting dark brown hair and light brown eyes, his complexion somewhat pale, much to his dismay but very much alike to those that live on the world he hails from.

Dress wise, Darius keeps his hair moderately tidy and of course, he wears the tunics and robes of the Jedi Order, he is incredibly critical of his own appearal in this sense, he cannot stand to see a single crease but sadly, he finds it hard to keep his robes pristine to the point of passing his own self-inspections regarding the matter. The colour of his robes vary from white to brown, he always has his utility belt carrying various gadgets and his lightsaber attached to it.


Darius was born to a human mother and a morellian father, born on the homeworld of his father, he had an elder sibling, a sister and a couple years following his birth, he had a younger brother. Living an incredibly simple life on Morellia, technology was not exactly on par with the rest of the galaxy, life was made even simpler due to the location of the world, it was in the wild space region of the galaxy. Despite the lack of technology, his father did indeed have his own starship, from a young age Darius was thrown into the life of an intersteller traveler, his father being a self-employed merchant and his mother his assistant in this family business.

During the family's travels around the outer rim, Ossus was but a few systems away from the family's intended destination. Attending to a trade station, the family had come upon the most unsuspecting of people, a Jedi Recruiter in fact, while poised and dressed as any ordinary civilian, they were caught unaware when they were indeed, approached by him. Curious about the family and its heritage, he spoke to them in great detail, all of the children were given midichlorian tests, Darius' results spiked more so than the rest, the levels were abnormal for any ordinary civilian with no sensitivity, his youngest brother also shared similar results. The decision came to the recruiter to coerce the family into handing Darius and his younger brother Arelon to him, so they could be taken to the Temple on Ossus.

Somewhat hesitant to begin with, both saw it would be a prestigious and honorable thing for the family to have their name in the Order itself, they decided Darius would be best suited, given his curiousity and fascination with new worlds and so on, Arelon was also considered but they decided they would give him a few more years as opposed to handing him over straight away, of course, they kept in contact with the Recruiter regarding Darius. At the tender age of six, he was inducted into the Order on Ossus, having left his family for the hardships of the Jedi and the great adventures that lie in wait.


Jedi Stats & Information (Force-User)
Age of Initiation: Six Years Old
Preferred Path: Consular/Guardian
Mentor: Nalis Dakuri (NPC)

Lightsaber Arts & Theroy:

- Darius' Lightsaber: Darius' lightsaber is a standard hilt created from the usual components offered by the Jedi Order and the Temple of Ossus, the lightsaber is by no means anything special, the hilt was more or less created through prefabricated parts that were all slotted into place with ease. The blade itself has a blue hue, standard to any lightsaber using a blue adegan crystal.

- Shii-Cho/Form I:

- Makashi/Form II:

- Soresu/Form III:

- Ataru/Form IV:

Force Abilities:


Statistical and Misc. Details



Out of Character Information and Tracking

WRITER: Mikey (Darius Olar)
ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS: [member="Zayra Sakarr"]
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread

Marselia Urstalis

[member="Darius Olar"]

Oh, a hybrid Morellian. How fascinating.

You must be from another continent.
[member="Avalore Eden"] The One tied to the Republic of course! Thank you!

[member="Marselia Urstalis"] Ehh.. Spent more time on a starship and Ossus than Morellia!
Ahhh! I did post in the padawan-master request, so this is perfect! I do have intentions to be guardian-isque but eh! Whatever direction this will take should be awesome for content regardless, healers are pretty good with lightsabers, right [member="Avalore Eden"]?
Actually Avalore has no training with a lightsaber but there are plenty of things she can teach you! Her other Jedi mates that live at the temple with her on Cato Neimoidia can give you instruction in other areas. [member="Hal Terrano"] is one of them. :)
[member="Avalore Eden"] Ohh! That's very interesting actually! I think he'd do well with her teachings, he's got some prior experience given that he's been with the Order since a child, I think it'd be a nice dynamic. Totally up for
[member="Pinkistylist"] It can be quite daunting at first, it's understandable, just read through all the headings! I'm quite new to this place myself, there's plenty of staffers and veteran members around that can help you and feel free to PM if you need any help! :)

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