Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Alleys of Coruscant (open to all)

It has been a long time since Alana place foot on Coruscant, normally she will try to avoid the planet, the memories of what happen here still torment her, and now that she follow the path of the Dark side just thinking in what her former master would think tormented her even more.

But now she had no time to lose thinking, she had to act quick, one of the bounty hunters who work for the Tijure Hutt cartel was in Coruscant and they have been chasing each other all day, hiding in the alley of the lower part of the city, Alana finally get ahead of the bounty hunter and disarm him, now the man was cornered she use the force to push him against the wall and lit her lightsaber walking slowly towards the man

"You know why I'm here" she said

"Of course... You're that slave that choke the boss's son to death, let me tell you he is not happy and put a nice reward on your head."

"It's nice that he knows who I am, because sooner or later I'll kill him too, but for now tell me where are the Twi'leks? I know you and other bounty hunter just came from Ryloth" The cerulean blade was near the throat of the man

"Threat me all you want I won't speak, just because it doesn't even matter even if talk you're going to kill me"

And he was right, after all this man have a partner and maybe he will speak, as soon as Alana raised her saber to cut the head of the bounty hunter his partner appear and drop a flash grenade blinding Alana, she stay in her position and didn't move trying to use the force to defend herself, but the two men just ran away.

After some minutes Alana was able to see again, she scream in frustration because they escape and swear to find them, her eyes glowing yellow filled with rage, she then walk away to the center of the city and try to use the force to locate those bounty hunters.
Corucsant the Universes waste bucket. Its seem the more Rosh put into the city the less he seemed to get out of it. Back stabbers, Thieves, Terrorist you name it, you'll find it in Corucsant. Rosh was on a delivery. It was simple take a data tape to the port and hand it over to the contact. But Rosh knew it wouldn't be that easy, it never was, though he liked to keep a little hope alive, just encase.

The city was crowded, as always, but it was a little more than usual today. Today was the Life Day Parade, Rosh had no interest in such a bland holiday he never celebrated it and didnt plan on doing so anytime soon. Crowds of people pushed and shoved into each other trying to get past to get closer to the celebration. Fireworks raced into the air with a trail of smoke following behind them. The crowds roars could be muted by the sounds of fireworks snapping into the air. The only good thing about the crowds was the back alleyways being empty. Which was great for Rosh. This allowed him to get to his destination faster.

Rosh quickly walked into an alleyway. With a bag on his back caring the data tape he looked up. A pile of poles interlocked and spun around each other pumping who knows what into where. Though it looked complicated Rosh had done this plenty of times and was prepared to do it again. He quickly sprinted. He pushed himself off of the wall grabbing onto a pole. He slowly but surly pulled himself up onto the pole walking on it almost like a balance beam to the others. After jumping between poles he found a service ladder. He quickly climbed up it. Once he reached the top of the building he took a few deep breaths and looked around.
This never gets old
He thought as he saw cars speed through the air above him. Signs floating around dodging traffic. Light turning the city into a star and below him crowds of people celebrating. Rosh let out a quick smile and began to his destination
Some hours passed and Alana was still looking for the Bounty Hunters, she could sense both of them still on the planet, but suddenly the presence of another force user in the alleys, that presence was stronger than the hunters and she easily lost track of both men, Alana was even more frustrated than before.

"This isn't good... I don't want to deal with a force user, but I suppose I have no choice" If she wanted to sense the bounty hunters again she would have to face whoever is in the planet.

Alana followed the presence all over the alleys even on top of some old buildings, finally she was a mere block of distance it was now or never, she jump in the walls and reach the rooftop of one building and then drop down in the other side falling right in front of the force user, much to her surprise it was just a kid, no more than fifteen years old, nonetheless she activate one of her sabers and pointed to the young man

"Who are you?
And why are you here?" She ask still pointing to the kid

The boy slowly turned around. He had never felt a force presence like this before. It was dark and gross to him, something he never wanted to feel again. The young padawan held a blaster at his side and his lightsaber on his belt. The boy began to shake but eventually shook them off because he knew if he feared this woman, she would have the advantage.
"...My names Rosh...."
He said un-clipping his blaster holster. He looked up and down the woman noticing her lightsaber most of all. He asked.
"..Are you a sith...."
He said in curiosity. He wasnt sure how to bring up a subject like that as it could probably get him killed. But he had never seen a sith in person only stories his masters use to tell him back on his home planet.
When she saw the boy shaking Alana thought in deactivate the saber and leave him behind, she didn't want to harm or kill the kid, until he stop shaking and un-clip his blaster, he said that his name was [member="Rosh"] and then asked if she was a Sith, it took her by surprise, maybe Rosh never saw a Sith or maybe she still have some light within her.

"What kind of question is that?
Tell me, do I look like a Sith to you?"
She asked lowering her sabers but still activated in case she need to defend herself
Rosh was sure she wasnt a Jedi, the feeling he got from her was too different and not in a good way. Rosh thought about what he should say, he was never that good at using a lightsaber so fighting her head on would be the last resort. Right now he had to talk his way out of this..
"..I know you're a Sith. your presence makes me ill.."
He said pulling the blaster from his holster and letting it hang from is side in his hand.
"Just admit it, there's no need to lie, arnt sith suppose to honor their title.."
He asked.
The wind atop the building began to pick up, pulling his hair and clothing in one direction.
Alana smirked after hearing "Your presence makes me ill" she slowly walked towards [member="Rosh"]

"If I where you, I would choose me words wisely." She notice that the kid was holding a blaster

"I imagine your masters told you that the Siths are this power thirsty psychopaths that enjoy killing, well let me tell you that the universe is not that black and white, I may be a Sith but I have a noble cause"

When she was close enough she stop, Alana look at the boy in the eyes

"I know you're just acting, you fear me, that's why you're holding the blaster even though that wouldn't help you against a Lightsaber, and that makes the question. Why are you standing here instead of running?"


Out of Character: Hey you should click the @mention button so i know when you answer :)
Rosh wondered the same thing, why was he standing here. Why was he standing up against someone who would kill him in a single blow. To be honest he didnt know, he just was. Something was telling him to stay, something told him that if he didnt...nothing. He doesnt know what would happen now or if he left. So he retold something he had heard before.
"..Because I am a Jedi...."
As he said this he placed his blaster in his holster. He slowly began to walk around the Sith at a save distance. Under his breath he whispered.
"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force..."
As he finished a sound ripped through the air. A buzz made it way to their ears and a blue glow sat on their faces. Rosh unleashed his lightsaber. He hadnt used it in almost 2 years but this seemed like the right time. Rosh believed this Sith was here to steal the data tape he carried, and he wasnt about to let her have it.
"Don't make me laugh, you're not a Jedi you barely classify as padawan"

Alana sighed and assume the third fighting style stance, Soresu, holding the lighsaber at her back and horizontal to the ground, with her left hand parallel to the blade in case she need to use the force.

"Listen I have better things to do, so this is your last warning, drop your weapons and run away." She didn't thought that the kid would listen to her but she at least try it

Rosh's heart began to race this could be Rosh's first and last fight. He glared at the Sith he eyes seemed to pierce its way to her. He slowly lifted the lightsaber with one hand, in the middle of lifting it he placed his other hand on it. He eventually pulled the ligthsaber close to the right side of his face. Rosh used form 2 thats all he knew, and to be honest he wasnt familiar with any other forms. Rosh listened to the sith speak to him in her sinister tone, mocking him.
"..being a Jedi is more than a rank.."
He said this time with a little more vigor. His blue lightsaber lit up the sweat beating from his head as it ran down to his cheek. Rosh spun the lightsaber and jumped. He went right over the sith and swung his blade low from behind.

[member="Alana Vettry"]



Disney's Princess
Saint Monica of New Prosperity folded her arms over her chest and sighed. Looking down and viewing the beginning skirmish below her. She stood on the rooftop nearby.

"Tsk tsk. Goodness now. Wrong planet people. Coruscant is Galactic Alliance territory. Must we use our Space Magic with no manners as to the Lords or Ladies? ...Ah well. Guess we'll just have to stop this then. Pure street rubbish."

She turned around and gave a nod to her Astromech droid. The usual battle routine. Then dismounted the building and drifted down into the alleyway below. Landing gracefully in her black HD coat. She announced herself fully,

"Oh, ladies! Gentlemen! Hello hello! ...Oh. Come now. Let's stop this nonsense. Fighting really does get us no where."

She frowned and began to walk towards [member="Alana Vettry"] and [member="Rosh"] . Obviously intent on keeping these two magi from clawing at each other all day with light sticks. Ugh. So uncivilized.
Alana quickly rolled and turn to block the attack with her light saber, she step back and reasume her fighting stance, it would be a good idea to analyze the style of the kid before doing something, she didn't want to kill him after all

"Years before I was like you, believing that the Jedi where great heroes that fought for justice, but guess what?
The Dark Side was what freed me from my life as a slave, and even though I was train as a Jedi for some years I never learn something that could help me the way that the dark side did."

Suddenly another Alana felt another presence and this was a strong one, she never felt anything like that before.

"Oh, ladies! Gentlemen! Hello hello! ...Oh. Come now. Let's stop this nonsense. Fighting really does get us no where."

Alana turn and saw a woman probably around her late thirties, she was the one with the strong presence in the Force, Alana deactivate her saber and clip it in her waist with the second one, as she realize fighting her wouldn't be the best idea, she place both hands on her back and look at the woman.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I wasn't to fight against other Force User today, I was looking for two bounty hunters and sense the presence of the kid and lost track of them."

[member="Saint Monica"] / [member="Rosh"]
After the quick clash Rosh spun his lightsaber once more a resumed his stance. He watched still in a battle mind set as the two woman spoke to each other. He didnt trust anyone, never has never will. Though his reason for not trusting anyone was his own he still never went back on his word.
"..Oh so you two know each other then!"
He said in fright and angry all at once making his voice crack under the unevenness. Rosh wasnt about to back down, his arrogance always seemed to take over his mind after a certain point. Rosh quickly felt his bag to make sure his data tape was in it. He then looked at the time, He only have 15 minutes to deliver his tape. Suddenly the ladies words hit him.
Was the sith really more powerful? What if he was lied to. No. His master use to tell him about these Sith Mind games they would try to use on him, he was prepared.

[member="Alana Vettry"] [member="Saint Monica"]



Disney's Princess
Monica stopped a few paces from the duo. Finally smiling and nodding towards them both in turn.

"Perfectly fine dear. Looking for bounty hunters is always a troublesome task isn't it? Hehe."

She tapped her nose twice and winked at [member="Alana Vettry"] . A wise woman for not provoking Monica to combat. Now they could just talk. So she nodded to [member="Rosh"] ,

"And you, good Master Jedi. Let's calm down now. Remember your meditations. I'll not suffer you to lash out in anger at our guest here. Tsk tsk. She can talk as long as she behaves. There is no danger as long as we all control ourselves, yes."

Monica returned her smile to Alana,

"Now then. May I ask why a woman of your remarkable talents finds herself using the Darkside of the Force in the middle of Coruscant? Tsk tsk. A dangerous position given that the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance patrols here. Surly you must have a good reason to tempt them into arresting you for Dark Magic? Mmm?"
Alana smiled hearing the voice of the Kid , full of anger if it wasn't for [member="Saint Monica"] she probably would taunt him a little and bring him a little close to the dark side

"I'll suggest you to follow the advice of the Lady right here and calm down"

Alana then turn to the woman still hands in the back looking her in the eyes showing no fear nor any wish to harm her, it was more like a symbol of respect

"It's kind of a long story, normally I wouldn't be here, I don't really like this planet because of all the things that happen... My name is Alana Vettry when I was a child some bounty hunters came to Ryloth they work for a Hutt cartel, they kill my father and capture me and my mother, she later died at the hands of the Hutt, years passed and when I grew up they put me as the new slave for the same hutt that killed my mother, all my anger awoke the force and force choked the Hutt to death."

Alana make a pause and take a deep breath, she didn't really wanted to tell the story but she knew it was key to get the trust of the Woman, no lies, no tricks, just the truth

"At that time I didn't know what was that or how I manage to escape, later a Kel Dor found me, he was the Jedi Master Eorin Zol and he train me here in Couruscant, but one day again Bounty Hunters that work for the Tijure The Hutt cartel appeared, they kill my master.... He die protecting me... I take his light saber and run, I swear vengeance against the Hutts... And that throw in the Dark Side, soon a Sith Lady found me and started my training."

She almost drop a tear telling the story

"Two Bounty Hunters that work for those Hutt are hiding here, they came from Ryloth with a group of capture Twi'leks, I'm looking for those men to freed my people, I don't want anyone to live what I live"

Rosh listened to the Twi'leks story. His fear and anger turned into sympathy, he did what the woman asked and remembered his meditations. He hadnt meditated in a while, he seemed to have lost his way. Rosh hesitantly retracted his blue saber. He kept it tight in his hand just encase. He looked at the two an soon replied.
"...I-I Im delivering a package to some hutts...."
He said tapping the back of his bag. He wasnt sure who was to pick it up but he thought he'd try to help, even though shes a sith.
"..From...From what I can see you're lost....You let your anger cloud your judgment..."
He said to the lady trying to distract her. Slowly rosh un-clipped his holster again.

[member="Alana Vettry"] [member="Saint Monica"]



Disney's Princess
Monica nodded as [member="Alana Vettry"] finished her tale,

"I see. Well... Let's make a deal then. I'll allow you to go free and pursue these hunters if you promise me that you will harm no sentient being here on Coruscant. Not so much as a scratch. And then, of course, you must leave the planet immediately after your mission is accomplished. Before the NJO find you. Otherwise the consequences will surly be dire for you indeed."

She paused to let that sink in. Watching [member="Rosh"] and wondering just what the young one was mumbling about. Hutts? Deliveries? Mmm. Strange,

"...Well dear? What say you? Deal or no deal?"
Alana thought for a moment the deal that [member="Saint Monica"] was offering, it is certain that she would have bigger problems if the New Jedi Order found her and sure she has to thank the woman for letting her go.

"It's a nice deal but... I can't promise nothing about not harming a sentient being, if I found those men I need them to speak and if they don't I'll force them... But since you're letting me go without the order knowing or even trying to bring me to the light side, I accept, I can respect someone like you Master, I'll try to not harm those men and leave as soon as possible"

Alana bow at the woman and turn back she was going to drop down the roof when she hear that [member="Rosh"] was delivering something to some Hutts, she turn again and look at the kid

"Did you just say... HUTTS!" Alana was angry and almost activate both sabers, she saw the woman one more time and sighed

"I guess... This is their lucky day..." She drop down the roof and walked away the alleys trying to focus and find the Bounty Hunters


Disney's Princess
And so it was that [member="Alana Vettry"] took her leave. Allowing Monica a short reprieve to nod to [member="Rosh"] in kind,

"I suppose you're free to complete your deliveries now, young one. I doubt she will pay you any mind with her mission in such a hurry already. Of course. Do remember to mind your feelings from now on. Standing up to darksiders is not brave or valiant when done alone or in dark alleyways. No. I'm afraid that's just stupid."

She shrugged and turned to take her leave.

"Force go with you, young one. Ta ta."

With a quick step and a blend into the shadows, Monica and her Force Signature disappeared.


She hated the planet, she truly solemnly did, but Ebony was a Galactic Alliance fighter, it meant she had to come back to the festering hellhole of a planet that was Coruscant. The sun would barely reach a side alley and there was always something shady, not that she was any stranger to having partaken in such activities.

She'd taken to sitting on the roofing of the lower levels, the high towers bored her and the slums disgusted her, so she found her middle ground; watching and waiting before she had to get back to work, two years being registered as dead did that to someone; time felt somewhat irrelevant when things needed to be done.

However, the force tugged at her senses, it was darkness, a shroud of it, splattered with light all over it. If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't have even seen the camera feed on her wrist showing the small duel that erupted.

"Bloody hell" she grumbled and stood up, holding her wrist out and angling it into the edge of the roof. She fired off a small cable into its surface and jumped down, descending hastily but apparently not fast enough. The feed turned to static and the duellists were sated it appeared. However, she could feel the darkness on the Twi'lek in the distance.

Ebony phased through the crowd, passing through it looking like a blur of a figure before she finally closed the distance between her and the Twi'lek, she wanted to tap her ont he shoulder to ensure her attention, but the sabres dissuaded that thought, "Excuse me ma'am!" she half shouted to the woman in her silky smooth voice.

[member="Alana Vettry"]

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