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Approved NPC Dark Archers

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Ezra Nelson


  • Intent: To app the poor people that Ezra's gonna whip into a squad of highly trained Vigilantes and thieves.
  • Image Credit: [1]
  • Role: They're serving as his backup.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Unit Name: Dark Archers
  • Affiliation: Taji Nelson / Ezra Nelson
  • Classification: Infantry / Artillery
  • Description: A large group of poor people that were highly trained. They don't kill, and are reluctant to use killing force. They're also some of the best Archers on the world of Denon. They tend to obey Ezra, and Taji as if they were the ones that take care of them the most.


  • Strength in Numbers: This comes in large quantities.
  • Expert Marksmen: Due to the training Ezra gave them, they are experts with a wide range of ranged weapons.
  • They've been trained in sleight of hand.
  • They've been trained in Free Running, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, and the like, as well as Parkour.


  • Melee Inexperience: They lack experience with melee, or unarmed combat.
  • Poor People: This group is mainly comprised of poor people from the world Denon, so they could be bought off.
  • Most of them aren't Force Sensitive: Self Explanatory really.
  • Won't Kill: Like Ezra, or Taji they're unwilling to kill.

Poor people on Denon who were assisted by Taji and supplied food and medicine as well as clothes. These were trained by his brother Ezra into the "Archer Force" and made to be one of the largest "gangs" on the planet. They've recently been deployed by Ezra to help him get Taji freed.
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Ezra Nelson Hey there :) Nice submission, just a few notes:

  • In Out of Character Information, please write n/a in the Permissions and the Links.
  • In General Information, for Affiliation, Taji Nelson and Ezra Nelson need to be linked - either a character sheet, member profile, or other submission.
  • In Combat Information, you mention that these troops are sized Large, and availability is Common. As per the Codex rules, these are the limitations of their available equipment:

    This means that they can only make use of permitted submissions that are at Mass Produced level. The Shock Arrows that you've listed among their equipment is produced at a Limited level, so the Dark Archers can't use them. You can either: (1) remove the arrows from the equipment list, or (2) change the production of the Shock Arrow to make it Mass Produced, or (3) swap it for something else.

Please tag me back once these edits are done :)
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