Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Dark Council Nomination + Vote: Hand of the Emperor

Who should be the Hand of the Emperor?

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Hand of the Emperor -

Arguably the most important position, who's power is known to be second to only the Emperor themselves. The Hand does what the Emperor commands - working outside the influence of any of the other positions of the Dark Council or Empire. Privy to private information of the Sepulchral, tasked with direct orders of the Emperor, the Hand does everything the Emperor does in their absence - and anything the Emperor themselves would choose not to do themselves. Simply put, it is to be Emperor in every way but title.

In this thread, we will consider nominations and vote for the position - to give more opportunities for the faction members overall while also adding some official flair to the matter. If you are nominating yourself, please copy and paste the following application below - and if you are voting, please do so under the listed poll.​
Name of Character:​
Do you feel you are skilled at creating storylines?:
Do you feel you are skilled at worldbuilding for your position?:​
IC Rationale As to Why they should be considered:​
Name of Character: Darth Angonous

Do you feel you are skilled at creating storylines?: Yes, I have experience in contributing with groups specifically I was part of the Silver Jedi Order creative team and have helped pitch ideas over direction of storylines.

Do you feel you are skilled at worldbuilding for your position?: Yes I am, I have created multiple lore articles and NPCs for this site such as prosthetic arms, sarcastic droids, and modified Lightsaber and Starfighters.

IC Rationale As to Why they should be considered:


I love Star Wars ever since I was kid. I love to imagine myself in Star Wars battles and fighting Stormtroopers, Battle Droids or even explore fantastical planets and interact with their customs and traditions. Rping a Sith Lord was something new but I ended up loving it, to RP a character who has a different perspective of the Force than your average was Jedi was something I found liberating especially when I returned to this site to RP my character and his apprentice. The thrill of being in touch with your more aggressive side, the one that you don't want to be but have no problem writing was engaging and fresh. We want to be the Darth Vader or Darth Maul, or Asajj Ventress. To actually play that Dark Lord archtype was fun and addictive. I bring plenty of experience in creative storylines, I was a part of the Silver Jedi Order's creative team and I've learned a lot about their creative process and even created a few group threads for the faction such as a thread training Jedi In the Shii Cho Lightsaber Combat. I love action and Star Wars never fails to deliver creative and imaginative action scenes that keep you wanting to watch again and again. If elected, I aim to give epic and interesting battles that keep to the Star Wars universe. The Sith will rise again and I hope to be a major part of it!


If there's one thing to describe Angnous, is that he is a warrior. He was trained all of his life to be a Sith Juggernaut, Angonous is relentless, unyielding and craves for battle to the point where he draws upon the fear, hate and bloodlust around the battlefield to fuel his anger. Angonous even draws on his own fear and doubt to power himself up and attack with passion. A brutal pragmatist, Angonous cares more about killing the enemy using any means necessary but he's not sadistic Angonous only cares about getting the job done and nothing else: Jump in, kill them all, and move on to the next mission. Simple sadism is a waste of time and serves nothing to the big picture. Angonous detests the needless backstabbing that the Sith love to do and will get them to focus on the common goal even resorting to killing those who continue to squabble and backstab if necessary. Angonous does have a begrudging respect for the Jedi, he doesn't taunt them giving them a warriors respect. Angnous will still kill a Jedi as quickly and brutally as possible but he will remain focused on the battle rather than just taunting them. Angonous prefers to lead in the frontlines with his troops drawing on their fear and anger to power himself up. As a Lightsaber duelist, Angonous is described as an: Implacable Man standing at 6'4 and is built like a tank. Though a master of Djem So and prefers the form, Angonous is also a master of Ataru, Juyo and Makashi. Angonous loves to overload his opponent with pure strength while shrugging off their hits with a stonewall defense.
Name of Character: Telis Taharin-Zambrano | Darth Aagenti

Skill at Creating Storylines: I’ve had a hand in the creation and execution of many faction threads for the previous Sith Empire, alongside working with others to try and create stories between differing factions, such as with the Eternal Empire and the Mandalorian Union (for a very brief time on the latter, sadly). I would like to think I am skilled at building storylines, and being able to continue utilizing those storylines, though I’m sure I can be better.

Skill at Worldbuilding: I have always been in love with worldbuilding and expanding upon the lore of settings. While I haven’t done as much of it directly on Chaos, I have helped many others come up with ideas for Codex and Factory entries and have helped plan out ideas and certain groups and locations that have had influence on RP, though largely in invasions (due to much of the RP on Chaos being focused on invasions for really as long as I’ve been here).

IC Rationale: Telis is somebody who is ambitious by nature. He is willing to take what it is he wants and control it without mercy or restraint - but just the same, he isn’t foreign to the idea of playing a sycophant if it means getting to a higher position, such as his rise from a Knight to a Sith Lord. He is ruthless, cunning, and surprisingly confident in the realms of civil administration, battle strategy, and, above all else, diplomacy.

Telis, however, also wouldn’t be afraid to simply just ask to be proven for the role, as seen in the thread where he has done just that. He isn’t somebody to settle at just being somebody outside of the realm of being able to know and control, and he would strive to reach the point where he do almost anything to reach what he feels is his by merit and birthright alone. He has seen the height of the Sith Empire and helped steer the exodus of its people away from danger, arriving to the heart of this new world, hands open in expectation.

If told to be wild then he would be as evolution itself. If told to be civil then he would be as ink on a page. Aagenti does not settle for less, and he wouldn’t hesitate to prove that to the Worm Emperor, nor be found wanting in capability.

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