Never Hide Your Heart
I stood empty handed
Like a seagull stranded
Watching all the other seagulls soar
Like a seagull stranded
Watching all the other seagulls soar
Months after her awakening, Jedi Katarine Ryiah travels to Coruscant to seek members of the Jedi Council. The Galactic Alliance now stands where the Republic once did, and sources tell the young Jedi that the New Jedi Order holds the location of the Jedi Council. Katarine cannot remember much of her past, which healers say is a byproduct of the long stasis she was in. With no idea what rank she held, or who she really is, Katarine is uncertain if the Jedi will accept her. Will she be asked to take the trials now? How different is the New Jedi Order than the one she remembers? The Sword of the Jedi, Valery Noble, may hold the answers for Ryiah.
Katarine took a deep breath as she glanced around the marble statues in the halls. They showed great Jedi and political leaders, but none of their faces looked familiar. Her deep green eyes roved over some of the people she saw walking around. She wasn't sure how to feel. After Order 66 she never thought she would live to see the Jedi Order fully restored again. Seeing the temple had made her heart soar, but there was every possibility that this order was nothing like the one she remembered, or at least barely remembered. There were big black holes in Katarine's memory. She could see flashes of her training as a Jedi, and she felt certain she had been one, but how had she survived the purge? What was her rank in the Order? Would she be allowed to join the New Jedi Order? It was the Councils decision, or at least it would have been back in the day. Now she had no idea how it worked. Maybe she was no longer fit to be a Jedi.
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