Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Days and Silver Knights

Many years had past since the boy had found himself training with the Jedi on Voss....Many years since he'd been a boy.

Now holding the rank of Knight, The young Togruta known as Ryker, He'd set out on his own to travel the galaxy and right the wrongs, To bring justice to those causing chaos...... But this was but a fleeting dream.

He'd lost his family.

He'd lost his Master.

He'd lost it all and had nothing left but anger and despair..

A soft his followed by a thud sounded as the WyldeStyle touched down onto the loamy soil of Endors forest moon. Moments later a hooded Ryker stepped down the ramp and onto the forest floor. His lithe frame clad in simple cloth trousers and tunic with hooded robes over top. His bantha leather boots carried him away from his ship and into the night darkened forest, His only source of light coming from the deep purple blade of one of his lightsabers.....
The sun was just beginning to crest behind him upon the horizon as he made his way deeper into the jungle, His saber making easy work of the vines as he swiped the blade from left to right and right to left in large X patterns. Sweat dripped off his brow and stung his eyes but he was hellbent and continued forward as if being pushed or pulled by some unseen force....a force calling him deeper into The jungle


Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum
The roar of a ship had awoken the clone from yet another night of terroristic dreams, He'd thank the pilot right after her he beat some manners into them...

Clad in his Arbiter class armor Devin trudged through the bushes and jungle till he came upon the clearing where the cruiser had landed...... "Well what the poodoo biscuits is this?!?" He swore as he drew one of his many blasters and readied himself for a fight as he carefully searched for clues...

Darth Imperia

[member="Ryker Wyldemane"]

The Sith Acolyte formerly known as Mala Arar was not, in general, very powerful in the Force. Her Force Senses, though present, were rudimentary and untrained. Her skill in Telekinesis was basic at best. The only Power she understood with any familiarity, in fact, was Dominate Mind - better known in the galaxy as the 'Mind Trick.' And while that was certainly a useful skill - not to mention one rarely found in an Acolyte - it was hardly the only one that mattered. But like almost every Force User in the Galaxy, sometimes, she Dreamed. And before Ryker landed on the forest moon of Endor, the Apprentice dreamed that she needed to be in a glade on that same moon, waiting patiently. For what, she did not know - only that she needed to wait.

And, well, who was she, a nameless Acolyte, to deny the Will of the Dark Side?

So travel to Endor she did, and there she waited. For Forty Eight Galactic Standard Hours, in fact, during which time she sat and meditated, stewing in her own dark passions - lust and rage and greed and primal, animal need. She hungered and she thirsted, but she neither ate nor drank - to do so would break her meditation, and it was not yet time.

When Wyldemane finally made his way through the thick of the jungle, he might find himself face to face with a delicate looking young woman, pale haired and yellow eyed, covered in tiny scars and seething with darkness deep and black enough to outmatch his own.

"You certainly kept me waiting."

Darth Imperia

[member="Xunduro Starkiller"]

Friendly Note for the Future:
It's in incredibly poor taste to alter a post as extensively as you did - you completely altered the actions your character took, and that's a bit of an iffy thing to do. EDIT: Although not against the rules, per se.
[member="Mala Arar"]

It gnawed at his mind as he trudged onward, That familliar tingle that only came from being around another force user. He could nearly taste her presence now as he neared the edge of the forest.....he could taste the sweet yearnings of the dark side pulling him closer...... And there she was, Meditating from the looks of it, Sitting, Waiting.... But for who or what..... "I am Ryker, Knight of the Silver Shadows.....State your purpose?!?"


Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum
[member="Ryker Wyldemane"] [member="Mala Arar"]

He'd moved away from the ship and now followed a more than obvious path through the jungle. His sidearm now holstered and traded for the blaster carbine he now held tight to his shoulder, eyes down the sights as he panned his view from left to right and up and down searching for any sign of the one who had landed.

Devin had figured out several things about the pilot just from tracking him, Such as the fact that they were in possession of a light saber, He'd determined this by the cleanly burnt cuts through everything on the path. He'd also determined that he was tracking a male judging by the stride of the steps and the boot size.... About an eleven he'd say.

So far Devin's only sign of the man was the path hed left behind him. The old clone kept his guard up however, Having served beside Jedi he knew how sneaky and treacherous they were.... And he didn't even want to get started on the Sith, Bloody savages that lot.

Darth Imperia

" interesting name, for a Togruta." She ignored his demand for information, for the time being. Under other circumstances, she'd be afraid to be so irreverent with a jedi - but right now? When he was so weak, and vulnerable? She saw not an enemy, but an opportunity. "Tell me, Ryker, Jedi - what is it that you seek here?"

The Acolyte was unafraid, that much was clear. This was despite the logical conclusion that an angry, emotionally distraught Force-Wielder might pose a significant threat to one's well being - something that she was acutely aware of, being on the other end of this equation many times herself. But she was Sith. She did not fear the darkness in the hearts of sentients across the Galaxy - it was her succor, her ambrosia. She fed it, and in return, she fed upon it. "Jedi are taught to purge themselves of emotion - of attachment, much like an Acolyte shedding her old life. So it must have been quite the tragedy, to bring you so close to Darkness. Who have you lost, young Jedi? Your Master? Your Childhood love?" The Sithling's voice was not one of scorn, or mockery, or apathy - when she spoke, her voice dripped with sympathy.

"Whatever the cause, I know why you are here - you seek release. Relief. An end to the pain. And yes, I can provide it."

[member="Ryker Wyldemane"]
"I seek only what drew me to this world.... What's it matter to you Sith?" His voice held an almost seething contempt for the young woman who he didn't even know. A feeling that had grown normal for the knight as of late, Growing stronger by the day lately.

Her words struck deep for the young knight and his second lightsaber was quickly drawn to his off hand. A feeling he'd only felt when he was a young boy surfaced once more a feeling of rage.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME SITH!!" His tone seethed with rage as he moved towards the Sith, His grip tightening upon the hilts of his sabers as he raised them to attack the young Sith woman.

It was then he heard in her tone what could only be described as sympathy... Bit Sith don't feel such emotions. "How can a Sith know anything of relief or sympathy?"

Darth Imperia

[member="Ryker Wylde"]

The young woman responded to her Togruta companion's aggression not with fear or aggression of her own, but by looking up at him with a calm, almost satisfied expression. "Not everything that the Jedi taught you of the Sith is true. It is correct, of course, that we do not allow ourselves to be held back by emotions such as love, compassion, or affection. But that is not to say that we do not experience them." The young woman stood up, dusting off her apparel, and began making her way towards the young Togruta before her, arms outstretched - she was unarmed, as far as the eye could see.

"I pity you, Jedi. And I mean that sincerely. You are a creature of power, of passion and beautiful darkness..." The Apprentice continued her approach, a small smile forming on her face as she gazed into the Togruta's eyes. "Yet you act like a common man. You restrain yourself with quaint ideas of morality, of equality and peace - and where has that led you? To a war-torn Moon, cleaving through brush and trees instead of the source of your pain. It would be funny, if it wasn't such an utter waste of your talents."

The Acolyte finally finished her approach, and, if allowed, placed a gentle hand upon Ryker's chest. "And as for relief? I know much of relief, Jedi. In whatever form you might desire..."
"You speak of pity?? I've seen you're kind slaughter the innocent and destroy everything in your path yet you speak of pity? What do you know of it?"

He'd switched of the blades of his Sabers and now allowed them to hang loose as he watched the young woman.... He must admit her beauty was inviting and as she grew closer her aroma was nearly intoxicating as his breathing heavied.

"Without those restraints I'd be no more than another animal like the Sith" He knew it was true but hed often yearned to let go and just let the force be free within him to be molded to his will..... "And what is it you think I desire Sith??" With that he stepped till the were chest to chest mere centimeters apart from one another, Close enough he could even smell the surprising sweetness to her breath..

[member="Mala Arar"]

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