Dungeon Master
"It needs something if we are going to continue present output levels. It needs motivation." Edicon, head of biological studies, rumbled. The Architects marched around the chambers that held their current harbinger on stilt legs. "It needs...hope."
The facility was a greenish white that hurt the eyes of most organics. The single circular chamber that Edicon stood in front of was the only outlier. Each corner of the small room was shrouded in complete darkness. In the center, a powerful light bore down upon the current Harbinger. Each time he stood up to escape the illumination, the light followed.
"It needs to be further sedated, unless you want to corrupt the genome." His assistant garbled in a voice not unlike that of the Selkath.
"I hold authority here. Sedation will kill the subject. Transport it to Mandalore. Inform its mate."
The message was a short one. There was no traceable address, nor were there any forms of formality. All that came with the message was an attached set of coordinates, leading to the middle of a forest some twelve miles outside Kurs'taylir.
"Hey, it's Cal. Come to the coordinates within the week -Mandalore time. I only have a little bit of time; hurry."
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]