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Approved Tech Dark Gladiator Armor

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  • Intent: To sub a unique Light Armor

  • Manufacturer: Westenra Mina Westenra Mina
  • Affiliation: Westenra Mina
  • Market Status: Closed
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Armorweave, Songsteel, Phrik (Alchemized) Electronics
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High (Conditional)
    • Kinetic: Very High (Conditional)
    • Ion/EMP: None
    • Lightsabers: Extreme (Conditional)
    • Acid: None
    • Sonic: High
    • Cryo: None
    • Flame: High
    • Force (Dark Side): Extreme
    • Electricity: Very High
    • Alchemized: Very Low
    • Light Side: None
  • Nano-Machine pockets allow for gradual armor repair over a 24 hour period
  • Alchemized Vambraces provide extreme resistance to Lightsabers and The Dark Side, along with a wide variety of conventional damage
  • Built in custom repulsorlifts allow flight at very high speeds, along with immense precision in turns, even while hovering
  • Vambraces allow any common melee weapon grasped to have the same level of resistances they do, and automatically grant them the cutting power of a Vibrosword fitted with a level three Vibration Cell (User is protected from this effect), allowing what is held to cut through nearly any Conventional material. If grasping a standard Kyber or Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber while wearing the vambraces, their cutting power increases to the point they can threaten Alchemized objects (Note: The Vambraces themselves have only limited resistance to Alchemized Weapons)

Empowered Cutting: This Armor comes with items called The Vambraces of The Brain Demon, which confer an extreme resistance to Lightsabers and the Dark Side due to their Alchemized nature (Note: The Vambraces Lightsaber and other conventional damage protection is limited to the surface of the vambraces itself, while the protection they confer against the darkness is not) along with numerous other resistances, allowing any who wear them to grasp any common melee weapon and instantly confer upon it the cutting power of a level three Vibration Cell, allowing it to sheer through nearly any Conventional Material. If grasping a Lightsaber, the Blade's cutting power is increased to the point that not only can they cleave through even Lightsaber resistant metals, but also now pose an immense danger to Alchemized Materials also. Grasping a synthetic powered saber has a higher chance of inflicting damage on Alchemized Materials than normal sabers. (Note: Vambraces can be worn seperate from the rest of the armor)

Fixit: Nano machines in the main armor itself enable it to slowly self repair over a 35 hour period

Flight: Custom Repulsorlift mechanism developed specifically for this armor enables fast flight speed with high flight ceiling of 300 meters for 35 minutes of uninterrupted flight before it needs that same amount to recharge. It enables her to stop and turn on a dime in mid air, even reorient her position in the air while remaining stationary otherwise

Fear Me: Subtly alters West's appearance to convey and unsettling, demonic feel, aiding in intimidation

  • Conditional protection: Only the Gauntlets confer most of its most powerful protections. Without them, the resistances ratings for Lightsabers drops to High, Energy and Kinetic Drop to Average, and it's Force Ratings drop to none
  • Force Voids: It's vambraces will not function in Force Voids
  • Acid: Acid eats right through the material, vambraces or not
  • Cryo: Cryo makes the torso armor brittle and prevents the Vambraces from using their weapon embuement ability
  • Ion/EMP: While Ion damage does not affect the Vambraces, they shut down the electronics in the suit for 14 minutes otherwise until they reboot
  • Alchemized: Alchemized weapons can cut through the vambraces after one blow, and the user has to get them repaired by a Force Blacksmith as they themselves lack the ability to repair it
  • Exposed: Exposed at the shoulders, arms and leg sections (Whatever is not covered by vambraces or leg armor)
  • Obviously Evil: Wearing the vambraces alters The wearers skin color to be an unsightly pale gray and makes their eyes zombie white. She will have trouble getting people to trust her
  • Light Side: Force Light does heavy damage to the Vambraces
  • Empower limits: If grasping Lightsabers, the user can only swing it at four fifths it's normal speed if it's a natural crystal, and 3/4ths the normal speed if Synthetic powered. They also can no longer deflect blaster bolts, only absorb them

The Dark Gladiator Armor, constructed after the invasion of Metallos, symbolizes it's wearer fully embracing the Moniker "Demon of Jedha", leaning hard into becoming a symbol of fear to Mawite warriors who encounter the now undead-looking Warrior who constantly seeks to slaughter them wherever they gather. People in the GA are justifiably wary or even infuriated by her bloody actions, perhaps reminded all too much of another once promising Warrior who dressed in black and grew gradually more extreme in their methods to fight a ruthless foe--with ALL the negative connotations that comparison to a certain someone carries.

Its owner could not care less about any similarities she may or may not bear to Darth Xiphos, as long as there are Maw servants to butcher.
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