The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister

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Intent: To make a fashionable Dark Jedi robes for ceremonial purposes, but can also protect the wearer to an extent.
Development Thread: Will make one if needed.
Manufacturer: Sinner's Clothing Inc. (Link is in sig SCI)
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: The parts that are thicker then the rest are made of Padded Armor, while the chest piece is a Battle Vest, and the rest of the robes are Armorweave. The cowl, and other flimsy robes pieces are made of Spider Silk. The mask is padded armor as well.
Classification: Anti-Blaster
Weight: 5kg
Quality: 4
Special Features: This suit as a great amount of protection from blaster fire, and if it is hit near the cowl, or other spider silk areas it can be deflected.
Description: Being a Dark Jedi himself, the King decided it was time his kind had their own set of robes that could easily show their ideals, and ways of life. With the thicker arm, leg, shoulder, and chest areas being made of padded armor, physical attacks., or falling can be cushioned. While having a battle vest under the padded areas of the chest, and the rest of the robe being made of armorweave, and spider silk, a dark jedi will never fear being gunned down from a blaster ever again. The spider silk also gives it vibrosword protection, keeping the cowl from allowing the wearer to be headed or stabbed in other places there is spidersilk. The robes still cant stop a slugthrower though, nor a lightsaber.
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