Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dark Phoenix



TAG: @Barinthus E’ron
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

The Curtain drifted out in space, aboard, the ship was having power surges and sparks fell from outlets. The small vessel had its crimson sails deployed and it spun in a corksckrew pattern towards a planet Green Planet that drew the damaged ship into orbit and then it descended into atmosphere.

The Curtain fell and breaking through the fog of clouds it landed in a shallow basin of water, a great smoke trail rose from the haul and then the ground began to rumble, something of great weight approached at rapid pace. Suddenly the vessel was knoced, its ball cockpit rolling and the crimson sails becoming a cape as it was tossed by a great Turquoise Beast with six pincher pointed legs that it used to charge. Its mouth opened wide with serated teeth, able to wrap about the ball cockpit and cause the glass to splinter. Its crest on its head swaying as it tried to open the ship like an oyster.

Suddenly the the glass opened like a hatch into its mouth and leaping out was a figure in Crimson robes from head to toe, he dropped down into the water. Ahe let out a deep breath and then sprinted from the scene, heading forcone of glowing fungi looking trees. The Ackay tore the glass from he cock pit, snaped it into shards and gave chase.

Venia could hear its awful call, it clicking growl as it threw its front pointed pincher leg at her like a spear. The Crimson Maiden dropped as it bore inti tye glowing fungus spewing blue liquid. She reached for her lightsaber on her belt and taking it in hand showed forth the glowing crimson that she swung at the Beast, which reared up on its back legs, now towering high as it used its front two in a act of agressiveness.

Venia screamed, drops of tears flying from her cheeks which made her saber swirl like a twister was inside and pointing it bolts of scarlet flew up at the Acklay which shrieked as one beat its belly. This did not dissuade the Turquiose Titan, but put it in a frenzy.
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The Felucian people were... one thing. THe ancient abyss where the Ranger's had constructed their Compound. It was an impressive base for many to go to and serving this far out away from other jedi.... he did what his father would do in this situation. He smashed a few of the darkside corrupted creatures into each other to help the farmers or the tribes. Some were corrupted sure... but he just had to subdue them in many case. He was working with a few of the rangers and paladins who were there in the compound itself when the news of the crashing ship came. Sensors formmonitoring attacks were beneficial after all and he was on the move. The jungles air thick and muggy as he lept over one of the rock walls and the defenses for a moment... allowing his senses to guide him further and further outwards into the jungle.


TAG: Barinthus E'ron Barinthus E'ron

The Acklay clawed at the Crinsin Maiden, ahe rolled as it dug into the earthen floor, causing holes and dirt if red clay coloring to shoot up like getsers. When one of the legs came down, Venia tried ro sweep her scarlet blade to severe it, but was git by the second front pointed leg, throwing her in the air. Then it tried to swallow her, when ahe jabbed her tip in its nose and it cried out.

Getting away, the ground began to shake as she went to another glowing turquiose mushrrom tree. Another of those Monsters emerged so that the two befan to saiel around glowing tree. Venia felt like she was a dish, topped with a fungi for these ferocious beasts.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she contemplated her end. This made the lightsaber create a great funnel of red wnergy around her as she acreamss and it rose up in a mighty twister to throw back the two Acklay. Their exo-sskeletons seared from the heat, and the tips of their legs began form cracks that rose up the arms. The creatures let off a terrible bunch of cries, both began to retreat swiftly as Venia fell unconscious beneath the glowing shroom. The saber clung to her hand as if glued, and she went into a sleep from the shock to her system over such a use of power that she had no idea existed within her.

"Well... that isn't something you see every day." He said it moving.. the jungle was one thing but he could hear the creatures as he moved. Feel the grass and dirt under his boots. He moved and heard the creatures as for a moment he watched something strike a mushroom... and then the air changed. Scents coming in while he waited for a moment orienting himself and then he was charging as he saw one of the creatures. Barreling into it and though he sent the force through his body.. letting it launch up and outwards one of the creatures before he was standing there. "Hmmm." He said it and was scenting the air as his body moved.. a scythe like leg coming at him and his body was reacting before his mind did. The force pushing through and he stopped when he saw someone there... robed and unconscious while he looked at the lightsaber while pushing it with his foot to the side. He remained bristling for a moment against anything that might come after him here.


TAG: Barinthus E'ron Barinthus E'ron

Venia felt herself enter the Shadow Realm, all around her was a gray liquid that when she walked it moved around her and took shapes. The Troubled Soul saw the liquid rising into a shape of those beasts, The Acklay groweling as she ran, till the liquid floor grabbed her boots snd pulled her to the ground. The Acklay opened its mouth wide and swallowed her whole, making he jolt awake and scream. The fungus tree shook from her shriek, and she sat up, her crimson robes at her chest collapsing and rising rapidly from her accelerated heat beat.

Looking around she saw her lightsaber pinned by a foot and looking up a man with no shirt, chiseled torso with muscles tone into abs and a head of blond streaked hair rising ad a crown. Venia looked at him with The Sight, he was swirling with Force energy and she hesitated to reach again for the saber. Her cheeks had dry tears that were covefed in some black soot from her fall, making them look like ashen tatoos that The Bainite Sith sported.

He remained there looking at her. SHe seemed to wake up startled and the jedi crossed his arms over his chest while crocuhing down to look at her. "Careful now, you've had quite a day already. Crashing and then arkley is not an easy thing to face under the best of circumstances and miraluka aren't always built for navigating jungles." He said it and stayed neutral in his expression and looking at her, allowing the force to swirl around more and more but he could feel most things and taste it as it were. Hybridization was different for many but he was more then his sister prone to the hunt and that let him feel force users better.


His voice was pleasentcenough. And he conveyed an understanding of her ordeal which made The Miraluka assess he was not a threat, she laid her head back for s moment and took a deep breath. He was right that it had been full day, a crash and then being hunter by those enormous predators. She had to admit she was relieved someone was planet side who seemed to have some compassion.

Turning her head with her veil to Barinthus E'ron Barinthus E'ron she said, “Those creatures.. are there more of them?” Her tone cracked with the sound of exasperation. She had barely fought them off and had her peculiar saber not have done whatever it had done, she probably would be in the belly of the beast.

Starring at the Shirtless Man she asked in a disoriented tone, “Where is this? My ship was adrift and I have no idea what system I am in..” She would admit she was scared, not because of him, rather because so far each place she fouhd herself something wanted to take a bige out of her.

"Felucia always has more of them, nasty beasts but they are something able to be managed. Good hunting and practice though if you want something dangerous but don't want to go after sithspawn just yet." Moving up to Gallos would be... well harder then he thought but he knew he could manage there. .it was more a question of logistics... you didn't have a lot of real estate where friendlies were or places you could resupply so... you needed to bring more which was heavy and slowed you down. It was a circle as he stood there watching with a nod of his head. "As to your ship well.. I haven'tt scouted it yet.. seemed bettter to get you taken care of first."

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