Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Plains

Dathomir, Lands of the Witch and supernatural. A Beautiful place and deadly planet that attracted everyone brave enough to hold their own. For Javik the 9'8ft tall De'Nochsax this was his Home and the Creatures knew his species well. Javik wandered close to a minor Spaceport waiting for someone he contacted about Training for his new found powers. The Force. His contact would be here soo hopefully and Javik could be trained on his Home planet. Though Javik had Lightsabers He lacked training in the Force and desperately needed guidance in order to further lead his people off world for a new home. His Species had been on Dathomir since the start and now a dying breed it was time to Man-up and be the Leader they needed.

Inside the Shuttle port Javik Wore a Cloak that covered his body and Lightsaber belt. He was waiting by the Enterance/Exit for his Contact to appear. Many came in and out but so far Javik did not sense the one.

[member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa's long black cloak billowed as she walked through the spaceport. This was a whole new adventure for her. Dathomir, a planet of darkness and mystery. It was her first time on the planet, and already, she could feel the abundance of Dark Side energy flowing through it. She was here to meet a mysterious contact about Force training. They hadn't provided her a name, which made her a bit wary. She was ready to defend herself should anything rise up. Her two lightsabers, one being her late husband's, hung from either side of her belt, ready to be weilded at any moment. Lexa walked out of the port and began searching for the contacter.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik looked around searching more, under his cloak all six of his arms were crossed. He tapped his claw against the metal constantly which aloud him to see through his sonar. Watching [member="Lexa Imura"] another Cloaked person walk out Javik stood from his hunch of a stance and focused his white eyes on her direction. He swayed and tilted his head trying to Read her but couldn't . Finally Javik Threw his thought to her in a Question of << " Are you the Jedi? >> Javiks voice in her head was calm and stood out it was not her own thought.
Lexa stopped abruptly when she heard a voice in her head. She concentrated on it's Force signature, turning until her hooded gaze rested on the enormous looming figure near the spaceport's entrance/exit area. She made her way to him. "Jedi? Hardly." She replied, her voice cold and emotionless. No. She had never been a Jedi in her lifetime. Goodness was not always a part of her intentions, that much as certain. "And who might you be?" She asked?
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik's Tapping stopped and his Sensory Sight kicked in with his thick hairs standing up on his back. Looking down at the Lady the De'Nochsax nodded and threw a greeting to her head << " I am Javik, And i am surprised you are not a more Evolved Species. It matters little though I am your Contacter" Javik crossed his arms across his chest but only the primary set showed outside the cloak. With the Cloak parted slightly Some of Javiks Double Blades Lightsabers could be noticed and couple other weapons foreign in Design. << And Forgive me I took your posture as a Seasoned Jedi. >> Javik Added. [member="Lexa Imura"]
"One doesn't need to be 'seasoned' to have good posture, let alone be a Jedi. And as to this 'Evolved Species' business. No, I am not as large as a building, nor do I possess such unique sensory abilities." Lexa stared up until she found what appeared to be his eyes. She used the Force to hone in on his mental wavelengths. <[But I assure you that I am quite capable of doing things that normal sentients cannot. If you are to learn anything from me, you will first and foremost think of me as your equal. If this is too difficult for your mind to comprehend, then I suggest we part ways as of this moment. I will teach nothing to a pompous beast.]> She spoke to his mind. Even then, she sounded cold and unfeeling. She wanted anyone who asked her for guidance to respect her, whether it be for her skills or for her intelligence. But most of all, her race should make absolutely no difference. It was something that she broke to all of her pupils sooner or later.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Hearing [member="Lexa Imura"] thoughts Javik smiled and held his thoughts back to say anything too offensive. << " Then I am Glad to be in the Presence of someone who holds my level of understanding.. What is your Name?" >> Javik did not see the lady as equal yet but liked her personality so far. It reminded him of the Warriors of his Race, Fearless and hardened. Javik started walking around to stretch his limbs, He had been waiting awhile.

(( Srry for Delay))
"My name is Lexa Imura. You can call me by my name, or you can call me Master. I have no preference." She replied. She gently removed her hood so that Javik could see her face. "You contacted me requesting Force training, if I remember correctly. What do you wish to learn exactly? There are many different assets to be gained."
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik threw his explanation at [member="Lexa Imura"] is a quick manner. << " I wish to be..Apprenticed if possible. I have much to learn in full, My powers are limited and have not reached their potential in Order to lead my People. Combat with lightsabers I could also use, but the main reason i contacted was because of the Force. >> Javiks thoughts rushed through that time, If he was talking physically he would be out of breath. As Dathomir grew Darker Javiks Blue Markings glew, showing his royal bloodline for those who knew about De'Nochsax Species.

<< " I suggest we head out soon, Lexa. This spaceport is a common place to be attacked by the wild life, including Rancors.." >> Javik added as he looked at the under paid security guard nervously looking around as the Darkness covered the Dark Plains. [member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa studied Javik's mysterious glowing markings. They were quite lovely to see. She then noticed the wariness of the guards. "Right. It would be most helpful if you coud direct me to a place for the evening. I'm fairly new to this planet." She admitted. Rancors didn't really worry her, but it would interfere with their little meeting.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik started walking away from the Spaceport and His Camp of Salvage he had been taking refuge at. The Camp wasn't that far and with Javik leading they would be fine if Night the night came early. << " I have a Camp outside of my Peoples main Cave, They do not come on the surface and wont care for us being there. Its marked territory we will be save" >> Javik walked with a hunch into a Forrest like area, The Darkness of the planet came quick and with Javik's hood now off aswell his markings lit up the area around him. The Forrest was calm and most creatures that eyed them ran. Javik kept his Sensory hair's raised in case he could find a meal, looking up while walking Javik started sniffing the air around him. << " Do you Fancy your self a Sith? or Somone who is in general a Dark One" >> Javik asked as he looked around. [member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa followed him silently as they made their way to the forest. She used the Force to keep up with his large steps. "I don't consider myself a Sith, either. I am simply a person. My thoughts and actions are not tied to a code. What I do is what I feel is right." Raising her hand, she ignited it and used it as a kind of torch to see where she was stepping. Falling on her face was not an enjoyment of hers.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik's sense of smell lead them out the Forrest and into the Dark plains by a mountain side, They were few miles away from the Spaceport and now out of the Forrest the Moon shined brightly on the Dathomir plains. Dew in the long grass and some Mammals roaming Javik took a turn toward the mountain side where his camp was. It was a Dark camp with some glowing lights here and there, made of salvaged metals and such it led under ground slightly and the smell of food came from a secure area in the camp. Javik was roasting something.

Mammals and Scavengers surrounded the camp scratching at the big metal doors, Javik started making a Popping noise to see through sonar and got in a Gorilla like stance rushing toward the Mammals Giving off a Roar that sounded close to a Rancor. The Creatures of the Night ran off in Fear and Javik looked back at Lexa with a smile. << " You will have to deal with the Dark, Lexa. Feel free to light up the Camp lightly.." >> Javik opened two big metal doors, both made from salvaged metals from Ships. With the Doors open Javik parted his cloak haivng all of his body marks Glow a Deep Blue, The light they gave off showed a Metal Salvage Interior that led down few meters. The Tunnel was very large and was able to fit Javik's massive height well. Holes in the Metal Roof had large portions of the Moonlight shine through in some locations making the metals shine and glitter. << " I will tolerate no remarks about my Home, Lexa. With that said please make yourself at home." >> Javik told her as walked down the Tunnel to a roasting Mammal about the Size of a Bantha.

As Javik cared to his cooked meal he asked << " How did you do that earlier with the Flame?" >> Javik paused and had a large sharp homemade knife come to his hand via the Force. Positioning the Knife to cut a piece of meat Javik's curious attitude came << " Do you have many Student? Perhaphs like me? You seem Very closed off.. Why?" >> Javiks Thoguhts poked at [member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa didn't even flinch when Javik roared to scare the creatures away. She studied his home with curious fascination as they walked inside. "I have nothing ill to say. You've made it sturdy and durable, but also added a bit of artistic flare. You knew that the light you gave off, mixed with the light of the moon, would create a soft glow that could light the entire structure. It's simple, comfortable, and beautiful. You have good taste." She mused. When they reached his rather large cooking fire, Lexa sat down on the ground. "The tiny flame you saw before is only a sample of what my abilities are. I am what many call a Kro Var. I can weild elements as well as the Force. My element in particular is Fire. This makes me a Fire Shaper. It has been a gift that I have possessed from a very young age." She didn't answer his next question as quickly as the one before. She cupped her hands in her lap, a an orb of flame forming in them. She stared down at it. "I have taught others a bit of Shaping. None of them became my Apprentice, however. You're the first. My distance...... It grew because of a particularily painful event that occured a few years ago. I...... I don't enjoy discussung it."
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik nodded and cut a large piece with the knife and started eating it. << " I see.. ". >> Some Rumbling and roars sounded from above as he ate. Looked at [member="Lexa Imura"] he asked << " Would you like some? Its not very flavorful but its filling... When I was young i built this place and as i grew i added on. It resembles what is left of Home." >> Javik got up and looked up through a hole at the sky. It would be Morning soon and they could hopefully begin some training. << " You are not the first to train me, I have been trained by many others in the Force. All have abandoned me so far or treat me as a Monster..." >> Javik paused and his anger settled in slightly turning the deep blue marks to a Purple-ish Red. << " What can I offer you if I am to be taught?" >> Javik walked around the Cave like Tunnels searching for something.
Lexa accepted some of the meat. She nibbled on the slice she'd recieved. It was incredibly bitter, but there was a bit of swetness in it too. As Javik began searching for something to give her, she chuckled a bit. "There's no need for payment of any kind. When someone wishes to learn, I come to teach them. When I can teach them no more, we part ways. My payment is your advancement in knowledge and skill."
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik stopped his search and looked up again, The Moon shined bright on the Dark Plains and the Rancors and such had moved on. << " Perhaphs we can test each others Saber Skills now that the beasts are gone? " >> Javik told [member="Lexa Imura"] as he looked down at her and moved by the metal gates to peek more. His Chitin like Scales scraped against the metal walls making his Sonar active and letting Javik see more. Looking back at lexa, Javik nodded and waited an answer.
Lexa stood, discarding her robes. "A little sparring sounds nice. I've never done so with anyone much larger than myself. It will be good to see how I might fare against you."
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik opened the door and and walked outside to the Plains of the grasslands. Dropping his cloak Javik bowed at [member="Lexa Imura"] and drew two double bladed lightsabers. Apon Activation he gave them both a spin, The blue Crystals glew bright and matched Javiks glowing marks on his scales & skin. Javiks second set of arms were empty ready to switch grips maybe, But Javiks third set of arms had Gauntlets of some type on them. Javik smiled. << " I am Ready when you are.." >> The moon light showed a variety of colors as he waited, It was truely beautiful.

[member="Lexa Imura"]
Lexa took a deep breath, clearing her mind and focusing on the Force. It would guide her. She ignited her two sabers. The yellow one was hers, and her husband's was the orange one that dripped with lava from the special Kiber crystal he'd collected on Mustafar. She had an onyx pearl choker with a similar glowing crystal as its centerpeice around her neck. She twirled her blades twice, the orange one flinging liquid fire a few feet outward. Getting into a defensive stance she waitred patiently for Javik to make the first move.
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]

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