Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Resurrection.

Volume 1 has been around since 2007 and the prequel volume 0 since 2011 with the finale volume 2 still in the making. But for those who have never seen or heard of this, I think Star Wars Dark Resurrection is by far the best fan made Star Wars movie ever made from what I've seen anyway.

Volume 1 below with English subtitles.

Volume 0 below. Couldn't find it with subtitles on You Tube. Will have to go to their website for that. Unless you can understand Italian like me. So sorry.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Yep! :D Agree 100% For a fan film its high quality. Basis of three of my characters claims, and some of [member="Raien Keth"] 's biodroids!

Nato here, the actress has done a couple more shorts I was going to put into mix in a fan vid, but never got around to it.
[member="Fyor Nayus"]
[member="Natalya Selanne"]

Are the other two.

Volume 1 - The sequel though didn't really have such impact for me, hope volume 2 does it more justice.

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