Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Dark Tide | DE Dominion of Borosk & Aris


The world of Borosk is no stranger to Imperial occupation. Long a stronghold of the New Imperial Order, the once blood-soaked world during the early days of the Third Imperial Civil War has more recently known peace under the stewardship of famed NIO veteran FN-999. Now the Dark Empire is setting it's sights upon Borosk in a time of expansion and reinforcement of the Deep Core. The Braxant Run provides the hope the Dark Empire needs in restoring Imperial Supremacy across the galaxy.

As Darth Solipsis turns his attention to fortifying the Deep Core, the Imperial Ruling Council has decreed that the shipyards of the Prefsbelt Sector and Banking Worlds along the Braxant Run must be brought under Dark Empire control to fund and equip the rapidly expanding front. Borosk now serves as a vital stepping stone in the Dark Empire’s expansion towards the Braxant Run and its riches along the path.


Objective I - Imperial Standoff
The ravenous Dark Empire needs a constant stream of materiel to fuel its war with the Alliance. The Borosk Imperial Shipyards, only a decade old and modern by galactic standards, employ the latest manufacturing technology to construct starfighters, corvettes, and frigates. The shipyards will help to grow the Imperial Navy, but only if the New Imperials occupying them can be dislodged.

Capture the shipyard intact - through force or persuasion - to strengthen the Imperial Navy as it prepares for its next incursion into Alliance territory.


Objective II - Fortnight
Operation Shadow Hand—the opening move of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in his conquest of the galaxy—has successfully seized several key worlds in the Deep Core. While the Galactic Alliance has relocated its capital to the galactic south, Coruscant remains a fortified bulwark and a continued threat to the Dark Empire’s invasion force. The Supreme Commander had ordered the captured planets to be fully subjugated and converted to siege worlds for the coming war.

Expand your domains on Tython, Empress Teta, Prakith and neighboring worlds to fortify them against counterattack and deter the threat of invasion by the Alliance.


Objective III - Planet of the Apes
The Dark Empire moves into Aris, a world that had been colonized long ago by Imperial Colonists. The planet is rich in resources covered in vast and dense rainforests. However, Imperial Colonists aren’t the only ones that inhabit the world. The primitive Simian species known simply as the Wok-Woks proven a thorn in the side of seizing control of the planet. The Dark Empire cannot ignore precious materials needed to fuel its war machine, and so the Imperial Ruling Council has decreed that these creatures be exterminated to make way for striping the rainforests. Eliminate the Wok-Woks by any means to secure the land and its resources into Dark Imperial hands.

Objective IV - BYOO

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The momentous transition from hyperspace was heralded by the telltale cascade of starlight collapsing into pinpricks, replaced by the vast expanse of space and the imposing shipyards above Borosk. The INV Edifice, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and the flagship of Assault Force Tapani, emerged with a majestic yet intimidating presence. This behemoth of a vessel, flanked by an array of support ships, advanced in a disciplined formation, each ship adhering to the precise coordinates relayed in the meticulously calculated jump protocols.

On the bridge of the Edifice, Fleet Admiral Zethran Cott stood at the central command dais, his posture exuding an aura of unyielding authority. Around him, a flurry of activity ensued as officers and crew engaged in a symphony of complex naval operations.

"Report status on all systems," Admiral Cott commanded, his voice cutting through the background hum of the bridge.

"Hyperdrive disengaged, Admiral," reported Lieutenant Commander Varin, the navigation officer. "Reverting to sublight engines. All systems green."

"Excellent. Helm, bring us to attack formation Delta-Three. Communications, establish secure channels with the fleet," Cott ordered.

"Aye, sir. Bringing us into Delta-Three," responded the helmsman, deftly manipulating the controls to adjust the Edifice's trajectory. The ship's thrusters flared, guiding the massive vessel into a precise vector.

"All ships, this is Edifice Actual,"
announced the communications officer over the encrypted fleet channel. "Assume Delta-Three formation and prepare for strategic engagement. Report readiness."

On the tactical display, the fleet's maneuvering was depicted in real-time. Assault Force Tapani consisted of several key elements: the flagship and her contingent of support cruisers and frigates forming the protective screen.

"Admiral, all ships report ready. Formation Delta-Three achieved," reported Captain Tiberius Korvan, the Edifice's executive officer.

"Very well," Cott acknowledged. "Sensor officer, give me a full scan of the shipyards and surrounding sectors."

"Scanning now, sir," the sensor officer replied, his fingers dancing over the console. "Preliminary readings indicate minimal defensive patrols, but numerous capital ship construction platforms and drydocks. Tactical opportunities abound."

"Good. Tactical, prepare the primary turbolaser batteries and ion cannons for engagement. Ensure deflector shields are at maximum capacity."

"Tactical systems online and ready, sir. All weapons primed for immediate action," responded the chief weapons officer.

"Admiral, long-range scans detecting incoming contacts. Unidentified vessels, vectoring towards our position," interrupted the sensor officer.

"All right, looks like the welcoming committee has arrived,"
Cott remarked with a grim smile. "Comms, relay to the fleet: prepare for intercept. Designate threat vectors and engage as per tactical priority protocols."

"Aye, sir. Relaying intercept orders," confirmed the communications officer.

"Helm, bring us about. Vector two-four-nine, mark seven. Prepare for a broadside engagement. Engineering, reroute auxiliary power to forward shield arrays,"
Cott commanded, his voice calm and authoritative.

"Course laid in. Executing maneuver,"
the helmsman affirmed, the Edifice beginning its ponderous yet precise turn.

"Power rerouted. Forward shields reinforced,"
reported the chief engineer.

The vast shipyards of Borosk loomed closer, their sprawling structures a testament to the industrial might of the Dark Empire. Assault Force Tapani moved with disciplined precision, each ship slotting into its designated position as they advanced towards their target.

"All ships, this is Admiral Cott," he declared over the fleet-wide channel. "Commence operation. Engage at will and maintain formation integrity. Today, we remind our enemies of the Empire's unassailable strength."

The Edifice and its accompanying fleet surged forward, their weapons systems ready to come to life with lethal intent. Any moment now, turbolaser batteries would erupt in a synchronized salvo, green energy beams lancing through the void towards the approaching hostiles and the formidable shipyards beyond. The Battle for Borosk would begin, and Admiral Zethran Cott was determined to lead his forces to a decisive victory.

Vapeet Hallisk



/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/

The Muun observed from the spire's window as the artificial clouds gathered, casting a somber shade over the planet-wide city, intermingled with the dense smoke emitted by the industrial facilities and machinery dedicated to the Emperor's War Effort, while rain began to fall in torrents. Vapeet signed, feeling a sense of melancholy wash over him as he thought about how the war was changing everything,
Although of greater significance was the looming threat faced by the InterGalactic Banking Clan from the Dark Empire, whose insatiable demand for resources to fuel their conflict with the Galactic Alliance was becoming increasingly evident as their armada was poised to strike against the Banking Worlds.
Deputy Director Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk was rapidly assembling all possible defenses that the banking sector could mobilize within a matter of hours to avert a hostile takeover, which would plunge the galactic economy into a downward spiral.
Prior to any confrontation, diplomatic efforts were prioritized, leading to his assignment of negotiating with the Dark Empire to incorporate the Banking Worlds peacefully. The selection of the Droid Mastermind Antipater Antipater was deemed appropriate due to his demonstrated expertise in world governance and adept handling of various administrative challenges.
"Lord Antipater, we bid you welcome to our humble meeting." - Vapeet said with a wide expression, taking a seat on a comfortable lounge.
In Umbris Potestas Est

Tython, Old City
Tags: OPEN

The vortex of energy within the hypergate swirled within the ruins of the abandoned cityscape. The construct had been abandoned for years, but Onrai had succeeded - through significant efforts, the work of the Gree had been replicated to a point where a gateway had been established between Ord Mantell and the old hypergate left on Tython. Now, finally, she had a means of transiting back and forth between the worlds in question.

A secret she did not intend to waste.

In the Old City, teams had moved to bring another copy of the Gree device, made of marionium and charged with dark matter siphoned from Otherspace, to the Tython gate, which would allow its activation from the Tython side as well. This would ensure that, in the event of any chaos that arose, she or other members of the Dark Empire would be able to escape from one side to another. Safeguards were also being installed as well - safeguards that would destroy the portal on both sides in the event that one was to come under the control of the Galactic Alliance.

This would be particularly critical if there were to be long-term benefits.
Machines Making Machines


The InterGalactic Banking Clan was one of those ancient galactic fixtures that refused to die easily. Even where dissolved or nationalized, it always came back. This should come as hardly a surprise to anyone. As long as there were system-spanning nations blinking in and out of existence, there would always be a need for financiers to grease the wheels. It so happened that the muuns were somehow best-predisposed to maintaining a galaxy-spanning financial order.

It didn't seem to matter where in history one stood. All the moneyed roads led back to Muunilinist and the rest of the so-called "banking worlds."

Antipater entered the lounge with his usual clipped, mechanical gait - hands clasped firmly behind the back, uniform ironed to seamless perfection. A model Imperial functionary if there ever was one. A pair of stormtroopers followed him in, pauldrons stamped with the insignia of the Jaemus Authority. They remained posted by the door while Antipater took his seat at the table.

"Chairman," he said simply. "Your welcome is most appreciated."

He folded his hands in his lap.

"I am told you would like your systems folded into the Empire on favorable terms. Please describe how the Emperor might... Accommodate you."


Vapeet Hallisk



/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/

"The Banking Clan is most appreciative of the Emperor's desire for negotiations instead of direct force." Vapeet displayed a gentle smile while reclining on the lounge chair, fully aware that the Imperial Military could effortlessly dismantle any inadequate defenses that the Banking Worlds might establish within their sector.
The mere acceptance of a negotiation proposal indicated that they were open to considering the Banking Clan's suggestions before determining their next movements. The Muun watched closely as the droid overlord gracefully took its place in the seat. The red photoreceptors conveyed an air of elegance and composure, with every motion and subtle twitch of the uniform appearing meticulously regulated.
" not ask much from the Emperor or the Ruling Council, although our main point of consideration is that the Banking Worlds are a neutral entity with no desire to become embroiled in the hostilities between the Empire and the Alliance from a purely business perspective as you might have deduced." Vapeet clarified the position of the Banking Clan, emphasizing its status as an autonomous entity engaged in commercial activities throughout the galaxy, from the deep core regions to the territories controlled by the Sith Order.
Losing access to lucrative markets would undermine the overarching objectives of both the Banking Clan and the Dark Empire for the Core Region.
"Perhaps if the Empire would be willing to accept the formation of a temporary protectorate. Then we would be able to exert influence on the Alliance on your behalf without being considered a formal part of the Dark Empire." The Muun wanted to offer an alternative to direct conquest that would benefit all parties involved.
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Machines Making Machines


Antipater found the muun's vocabulary to be troubling. Would the Emperor care to have these arrangements described as 'temporary'? Hardly. Solipsis was a deathless Sith Lord. He likely envisioned his galactic rule would be both inevitable and infinite. A delusion to be sure, but - as with all delusions which sprung from the troubled minds of powerful men - one he was required to humor.

"Few thinking creatures have a desire to be embroiled in any conflict," Antipater coldly replied, "But neutrality is a luxury that can only be furnished by distance, Chairman. My presence here should be taken as a sign that your organization is quite close."

It seemed the Banking Clan wished to reap the benefits of Imperial protection and sanction while offering little in the way of material contributions. Not unexpected. It was the uniform desire of all merchants to profit universally without respect to any nation. An exceedingly crude desire and one which naive governments indulged at their own peril.

The droid continued, "Perhaps the Emperor will see fit to recognize a relatively autonomous protectorate. Such an arrangement would be contingent on two key points: the folding of all local Banking Clan security forces into the Imperial command structure, and the embedding of I-S-B inspectors throughout your organization."


Vapeet Hallisk



/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/

"Indeed, your argument has been explained with utmost clarity, Lord Antipator. However, it is essential to consider that fostering animosity unnecessarily is profoundly unwise and detrimental to the rectification of the Great Error." The Muun replied in a similarly detached and frigid manner to the Droid Overlord, eschewing the customary warmth typically extended to select clients, such as the Senators of the Galactic Alliance, who often thrived on incessant flattery and adulation.
He recognized that the Dark Empire represented a significant endeavor by Emperor Fossk to advance his overarching vision, often referred to as the Great Error, following the collapse of the Mawite Brotherhood. The Banking Clan played a crucial role in this intricate scheme, yet they possessed the potential to become entangling tendrils that could ensnare any prospective opponent.
A slender finger traced the surface of the table, collecting a minute particle of dust. "Consider this particle as a representation of the Banking Clan, an intricate network that spans the galaxy, encompassing various sectors and unparalleled financial institutions. Now, envision taking a cloth to wipe the table clean, akin to your proposal regarding the integration of ISB officials, resulting in a completely sanitized system, open to all manner of investigations." Vapeet articulated, aiming to illustrate a fundamental argument through a rather simplistic analogy.
The crux of his assertion was that the Banking Clan would find it increasingly difficult to function under such rigorous Imperial oversight, as their accounts would be fully transparent, thereby contravening their established policy on confidentiality. "However we are not entirely opposed to the integration of the security forces into the Emperor's Military." He said returning to a soft spoken tone to bring the tension back down between them.
The incorporation of local security forces into the Dark Empire would provide them with specialized training. This training would be useful if the Banking Clan sought to throw off the Dark Empire once the Alliance made their move.
Machines Making Machines


Antipater inclined his head slightly to one side, appearing to carefully regard the Chairman. In fact, he was pondering why this ostensibly wealthy organization had failed to properly clean and sanitize this room prior to its use. Casual neglect? Willful indifference? Purposefully, for the sake of this meagre poetry?

"Fascinating. Have you at all considered what may transpire to your... Particle of dust..." His speech was a low, synthetic hum. Smooth, but layered with contempt. "...If you were to refuse?"

By minute degrees, Antipater's head straightened again. The droid's photoreceptors never strayed from the muun.

"The Imperial Ruling Council has deemed these provisions necessary. It is their desire that all corporate operations be closely assessed. To allow the Banking Clan to conduct its affairs without direct oversight is - to them - an unacceptable risk to Imperial autonomy."

Captain of the 82nd Company


63rd - Guillotine Company:
Star Destroyers:

1 Praefect-class Star Destroyer - INV Robespierre (Flagship) [Link]

Support Craft:
2 Squadrons: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport [Link]
11 Squadrons: TIE Starfighters (5 Outlander, 4 Interceptor, 2 Bruiser)
1 Hugot's personal TIE/VX Vanguard and accompanying Vanguard squadron

1 The Valiant-Class Star Destroyer - INV Danton (Standby - Ord Mantell) [Link]

Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
2 Squadrons: TIE Starfighters (2 Drone)

1 Stalwart-Class Carrier - INV Lafayette [Link]
Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
10 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (5 Outlander, 3 Annihilator, 2 Interceptor)

1 Hux-Class Interdictor Cruiser - INV Marat [Link]
Support Craft:
10 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (6 Bruiser, 4 Drone)

2 Escolta-Class Frigate -
INV Barère (Starboard side) & INV Saint-Just (Port side) [Link]

Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
3 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (2 Drone, 1 Outlander)
Support Craft:
1 Tarantula-Class MAW Spider Cruiser
3 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (3 Drone)

2 TXS Vandal-class Corvette - INV Talleyrand (Starboard side) & INV Gouges (Port side) [Link]

1 Gurkha-Class Corvette -
INV Sieyès (Standby - Ord Mantell) [Link]

The Robespierre exited hyperspace with a boom her companions shortly following in a narrow formation. Aboard her bridge the officers stood in attention the their commanding officer. Commodore Tyvek marched in rapidly his well maintained cybernetic feet landing on the solid floor with a oh too familiar clank, his prosthetics since the accident had made it much easier for officers to goof off since they'd always know when he was coming. Luckily for Commodore Tyvek he felt he had a good crew, a loyal crew.

"Commander please give me good news tell me everything is operational we're already tardy, inform the staff of the Saint-Just I won't take excuses this time form a fault power coupling."

"All systems are operational and running at peak efficiency Commodore and no reported issues with the support craft."


Commander Rhysio Denau pushed up his glasses, a rare sight in this part of the galaxy "And the Marat is waiting orders for activating the gravity well."

"Tell them to not activate until we reach coordinates Tetra-C-11, oh and patch me through to captain Admiral Kott, he should be expecting us

Hugot growled this from the spot, you know the one, centred on the walkway between the pits of officers working away on either side, he gazed at the cloudy weather on the ever creeping closer world and stroked his chin, Dramatically turning back to the holotable when the sound of the communicator began to buzz yelling as he stomped over,

"And we better have half power to engines and half power the forward shields when my call is done, don't think I didn't see that."

Once at the table he adjusted his uniform and combed back his hair.

"Fleet Admiral Kott, Commodore Tyvek of the 63rd Guillotine Company at your service. I do apologize for my tardiness my company was caught up with a skirmish with pirates orbiting Nellogant. While there Admiral Keese gave orders to upon arrival file into position B-8 and hold, is this still correct?"

He adjusted his uniform one more time.


Vapeet Hallisk



/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/

"Naturally the Dark Empire would wipe the slate clean, but the dust or in this case the Banking Clan always returns to its natural place." The Muun responded with a gentle smile, recognizing the droid's implied threat that the Dark Empire would invade and take control of the Banking Worlds should the Clan reject their demands.
However, they failed to grasp that the Banking Clan was a resilient organization, consistently returning to the Banking Sectors regardless of any previous destruction they faced. Vapeet paid close attention upon hearing the reference to the Imperial Ruling Council, the foremost authority within the Empire, second only to the Dark Side Elite and the Galactic Emperor Fossk.
Despite their significant power, the Council was not a cohesive entity, as it included representatives from the trade federations. It is likely that they would emphasize the importance of the Clan's autonomy in the struggle against the Galactic Alliance, arguing that a hostile acquisition of the banking system would serve no one's interests. However, the absence of such delegates in the discussion heightened his suspicions.
"We understand the position, but we must ask what does the Imperial Treasurer Aerarii Tithe have to say on the matter?" The Muun expressed a readiness to accept the Imperial's position, yet sought to know the perspective of the Imperial Treasurer regarding the ongoing negotiations.
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Nearby: Hugot Tyvek VII Hugot Tyvek VII Zethran Cott Zethran Cott

Kaleb could feel his own heart beating faster and faster, his hand had clung tightly to the rung above him. The gunship would roar, he felt the occasional jerk from the laser blasts coming from the defensive turrets, or the TIEs that were swarming against the boarding party that looked to take the shipyards from within. His face had turned grim as he could feel the mixed emotions that swirled amongst his Stormtrooper squad. Many hadn't anticipated to fight enemies that were once Imperials like them, but as this mission required the Shipyards for the war effort against the likes of the Galactic Alliance. The shipyards themselves would be taken by any means necessary.

He could hear the collective screams of TIEs as they swarmed and blasted all around the gunships. He could hear the occasional explosions, and the exchange of laser blasts that sounded all too familiar, it was a little difficult to event make out who was the enemy, and who was the real Imperials. To Kaleb it didn't matter, only that the Emperor's will was accomplished. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists as frustration was starting to gnaw at him. The sooner he was off the gunship and out there using his rage against traitors that needed it most.

He jerked again, many of the Stormtroopers were doing last minute weapon checks to calm the nerves. Some were nervous, some excited, and some were just damn afraid. Such was the usual for combat operations such as this one. For a Dark Side Elite like Kaleb he would make sure that his mission was accomplished. He felt the gunship make a fast approach towards one of the rings, gripping tightly to the rung above him. He felt the blast of turbolasers strike the gunship causing the gunship to go on a crash course straight towards the interior. Kaleb then saw nothing but darkness as he felt himself slam against the Gunship.

When he finally came to, the door was open and he could hear men shouting. His vision was slightly blurry and what it looked as if he had crashed into a hangar. He was looking at the fuzzy, yet ever clear visor of a Stormtrooper that was nudging him awake. His words becoming more sound through the ringing of explosions and blaster fire. "Sir! Sir! Get up, we are being pinned down on all sides!" The trooper was frantically shaking Kaleb. "E-Enough trooper!" Kaleb said his voice rising, his irritation clearly shown. "Sorry sir." The trooper would slay as Kaleb slowly stood up. All around them were Stormtroopers, older looking, more ragged. Kaleb narrowed his eyes his crimson blade igniting as he looked to them all. "Troopers! provide suppressing fire and dig yourselves in. We're securing this platform!" Kaleb would look back to his troopers, his lightsaber occasionally deflecting a blaster bolt. He started to rush forward, drawing upon the Force to increase his speed. He would not be pinned in by rabble such as these.


Hugot Tyvek VII Hugot Tyvek VII

Admiral Zethran Cott stood at the command dais of the Edifice, his piercing gaze fixed on the tactical displays that dominated the bridge.

"Admiral, new contacts exiting hyperspace,"
reported the sensor officer, his voice steady despite the intensity of the standoff. "IFF confirms they're friendly. It's the Robespierre and her group."

Cott allowed himself a brief nod. The 63rd Guillotine Company had arrived, albeit a touch later than anticipated. The addition of Commodore Tyvek's force would bolster their intended offensive and help secure the area before any significant enemy reinforcements could arrive.

"Comms, patch me through to Commodore Tyvek,"
Cott ordered, his voice calm but laced with the gravity of the situation. As he awaited the connection, he monitored the fleet's status—shields holding, weapons firing with precision, and the formation remaining tight despite the growing debris field from destroyed enemy ships and orbital platforms.

A moment later, the familiar buzz of an incoming communication filled the air, followed by the clear, slightly metallic voice of Commodore Tyvek.

"Fleet Admiral Cott, Commodore Tyvek of the 63rd Guillotine Company at your service. I do apologize for my tardiness. My company was caught up with a skirmish with pirates orbiting Nellogant. While there, Admiral Keese gave orders to upon arrival file into position B-8 and hold. Is this still correct?"

Admiral Cott allowed a brief pause before responding, calculating the shifting dynamics of the battle. Tyvek's arrival presented an opportunity to tighten the noose around the Borosk shipyards.

"Commodore Tyvek, your arrival is timely, despite the delay,"
Cott replied, his tone authoritative but not unkind. "The situation here is well in hand, but your support will be crucial in ensuring the complete neutralization of the shipyard's defenses. You are to proceed to position B-8 as instructed, but be advised, the tactical landscape is evolving."

He glanced at the holotable, where the positions of enemy reinforcements were being plotted. "Once in position, activate the Marat's gravity well projectors. We need to prevent any enemy ships from escaping the system and regrouping. Your task force will provide a forward screen, reinforcing our left flank where enemy resistance is heaviest."

As the communication ended, Cott turned his attention back to his fleet. "Helm, adjust our formation to support the 63rd Guillotine's entry into the battle. Have Resolute and Valiant move into defensive positions on the left flank to support Tyvek's forces. Tactical, prepare to target any ships attempting to break the cordon once the gravity wells are active."

The bridge crew moved with practiced precision, executing the orders with the efficiency expected aboard an Imperial flagship. The Edifice adjusted its position within the fleet, the thrusters firing in controlled bursts to bring the massive Star Destroyer into optimal firing range for the next phase of the assault.

"Captain Thariv,"
Cott addressed his XO, "I want all gunnery crews at full readiness. The moment Tyvek's gravity wells are active, we'll likely see an increase in enemy attempts to punch through our lines. We need to be ready to intercept and neutralize any such attempts."

"Understood, Admiral. I'll ensure the gunnery crews are primed and ready," Thariv responded with a crisp nod.

Cott's eyes narrowed as he studied the tactical display. The assault on Borosk was more than just a battle—it was a statement. The Dark Empire's power was not to be contested lightly. Every decision, every maneuver, was a piece of a larger strategy designed to bring the entire sector under Imperial control.

"All ships, this is Admiral Cott,"
he announced over the fleet-wide channel, his voice resonating with cold determination. "No quarter. Engage any targets and prepare for the final phase of the operation. We will leave nothing standing."

Now they would wait, to see what might materialise from the hidden recesses of the Shipyard.

They waited.


"Admiral, we're getting signatures. A series of Corvettes and Frigates making an attempt to flee. They're trying to escape from the planetside of shipyards. They're coming into firing range in twelve seconds."

Cott smiled.

"Fire at will." The order was given.

The Edifice and her fleet surged forward with renewed purpose, their weapons systems firing in a coordinated symphony of destruction. The battle for Borosk was reaching its crescendo, and under Admiral Cott's command, the Dark Empire would emerge victorious, its grip tightening around yet another star system.
Machines Making Machines


"Mr. Tithe is honored to serve the Ruling Council at the discretion of the Grand Vizier and His Majesty the Emperor. His opinions on this matter reflect their own." There was something rote about the way Antipater relayed this information. Like it was a pre-rendered response... Had Antipater predicted in advance the Chairman would invoke Tithe? The amount of processing power it would have saved was negligible, but still...

In any case, the droid continued. "The future is a shifting thing. Whether the Banking Clan is forced to endure an undetermined period of time outside its 'natural state' is entirely in your hands. My own projections indicate cooperation with Imperial authorities will improve your long-term prospects far more than resistance. It will also have the benefit of shielding your organization from more punitive measures."

There were more than a few large, multi-galactic firms circling what constituted Imperial space. The Banking Clan was merely one of the more prominent, and thus somewhat deserved to be dignified with advance notice... An opportunity to step in line before the real knives came out.

Not all of them would have that luxury.



Tags: Zethran Cott Zethran Cott , Hugot Tyvek VII Hugot Tyvek VII , Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker
Ship: Eternal Triumph
Ground Complement: Companions, Skytroopers

Allegiance: Unknown
Objective: Secure Research and Development Data​


The Eternal Triumph exited hyperspace at the outer system of Borosk, its sleek hull gliding forward against the scenery of the stars. The ship was immediately set on high alert, the presence of warships, engaging warships, making this operation a difficulty no less but also a necessity. With its weapons and shields fully engaged it propelled itself forward towards the the systems center and the shipyards. Its approach was covered by its cloaking device, not intending to reveal themselves unless absolutely necessary. Its commander had decided to use a single ship to minimise the aggression-factor, which considering who they were meeting, might still be too much.

Aurelian Sigismund stood on the bridge, the blue lenses of his crested helmet shining with life as he observed the situation ahead. It has been many years since he was here and met with the late Baron of Borosk and his Moff co-ruler. They had no small part in the expansion and improvements of the local infrastructure, but more seriously, they had shared data for the research of their strike craft and escort ships. Vandemarian data and engineering details which were not to be appear in hands unwanted.

He had no doubt that the information would be accessible and retrievable on the dockyards, they had helped built the systems afterall. The potential interest of the Dark Empire into such was questionable, but leaving it to chance to gain an edge was not in Aurelian's interest. He did not see the Dark Empire was an enemy or the antagonist the pathetic Alliance would mark them, but neither would he succumb to the believe that they would just let him take what was is and walk away.

On the holo-projection in front of him he inspected the situation. Two Dark Imperial naval groups were present, together with various support and boarding units. The High Imperator had little doubt that they could deal considerable amounts of damage to them if it came to blows, but that was up to them. The fact that they had gravity wells working was luckily no bother for his flagship, but it would be for the Borosk-Imperials. Would he get a morale epiphany now? Watching his decades old allies blown into space by forces of an Emperor he equally strong considered an enemy? It was not even worth a consideration, not causing a moment of hesitation.

With unyielding determination and unbroken purpose the Eternal Triumph moved further towards the shipyards. In its bowels boarding pods and assault shuttles preparing.

Deputy Director of the IGBC


/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/
"A shame that Mr. Tithe could not join us to express such views himself, Lord Antipater. Brings lots of unanswered inquiries that can be settled at another time." The Muun extended his hand, fully aware that a figure as notorious as Aerarii Tithe would never permit anyone to impose their views on the intricacies of economic matters without being present himself. The integration of the Banking Sectors was undeniably an economic issue, particularly in light of the current condition of the Dark Empire's financial system.
While Lord Antipater possessed commendable skills, they were insufficient to sway the Banks that the Imperial Treasurer had signed off on this agreement. Despite the challenges, there existed a chance to acquire knowledge and adjust to the insights provided by the Droid Overlord, whose forecasts indicated that collaboration represented the most favorable path for the Banks, even in light of the astronomical risks involved.
Their internal evaluation of any potential agreement revealed a projected decline of approximately 14% in total revenue, as the Alliance excluded them from the market once the Imperial Occupation took hold, allowing other firms to capitalize on the resulting gap.
"A mutually agreeable compromise can be achieved, as is characteristic of diplomatic negotiations within the galaxy. The Banking Clan will transition into an Imperial Protectorate, with the inclusion of the Imperial Security Bureau in the monitoring stations. In return, we will retain the authority to perform internal audits and investigations of our officials without the need for Imperial oversight. We regard the scrutiny of accounts with utmost seriousness." Odett explained.
Machines Making Machines


Antipater's head slowly rotated to consider, now, the Deputy Director. Hallisk. He did not expect the Banking Clan to be pleased with his messaging, nor did he expect to himself be pleased by their response. Yet here he was. An obliged and obedient servant of the Ruling Council, relaying the wishes of the Emperor. What a galaxy.

Hallisk prattled on about a mutually agreeable compromise. Antipater might have laughed with transparent cruelty if he had the programming necessary to do so. Instead he only appeared to listen carefully. "I see. If it is your desire to submit a counter-proposal rather than comply, I shall relay your... Response... To the Ruling Council."

The droid suspected this would be a costly, if not fatal, mistake. But as he opined earlier, the future was a tenuous thing. Perhaps Tithe would ascend from hell and rescue the Banking Clan from the machinations of the Grand Vizier. Or perhaps he wouldn't, and this sad little exchange was only a delay of the inevitable.

In any case, he was finished here. Antipater rose stiffly from his seat.

Deputy Director of the IGBC


/:/ Cademimu V /:/
Tag: Antipater Antipater /:/
"Then the matter is settled, Lord Antipater. We shall await the results of such Internal Computations." The Muun remarked as the Droid Overlord prepared to depart, aware that the Ruling Council would require time to consider such a counter-proposal and offer suggestions of their own. It was likely that they would recognize the Banking Clan's reputation for financial resilience, as it was not an entity that would easily submit, even in the face of total destruction.
They had endured the challenges posed by both the Sith Empire and the New Imperial Order, two regimes that wielded significantly greater political influence during their peak compared to the Dark Empire at this juncture. However, these entities acknowledged the critical role of economic factors, which contributed to their prosperity.
A single credit serves as a potent instrument within market systems, but when multiplied by hundreds of thousands, it gains such immense power that any attempts to suppress it would likely result in catastrophic repercussions.
Captain of the 82nd Company


63rd - Guillotine Company:
Star Destroyers:

1 Praefect-class Star Destroyer - INV Robespierre (Flagship) [Link]

Support Craft:
2 Squadrons: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport [Link]
11 Squadrons: TIE Starfighters (5 Outlander, 4 Interceptor, 2 Bruiser)
1 Hugot's personal TIE/VX Vanguard and accompanying Vanguard squadron

1 The Valiant-Class Star Destroyer - INV Danton (Standby - Ord Mantell) [Link]

Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
2 Squadrons: TIE Starfighters (2 Drone)

1 Stalwart-Class Carrier - INV Lafayette [Link]
Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
10 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (5 Outlander, 3 Annihilator, 2 Interceptor)

1 Hux-Class Interdictor Cruiser - INV Marat [Link]

Support Craft:
10 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (6 Bruiser, 4 Drone)

2 Escolta-Class Frigate - INV Barère (Starboard side) & INV Saint-Just (Port side) [Link]

Support Craft:
1 Squadron: FD-874/3.0 Troop Transport
3 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (2 Drone, 1 Outlander)
Support Craft:
1 Tarantula-Class MAW Spider Cruiser
3 Squadrons TIE Starfighters (3 Drone)

2 TXS Vandal-class Corvette - INV Talleyrand (Starboard side) & INV Gouges (Port side) [Link]

1 Gurkha-Class Corvette - INV Sieyès (Standby - Ord Mantell) [Link]

"Right away Admiral." Hugot disconnected the communication and marched back towards the viewports of the bridge.

"We are to proceed to B-8 and hold, Lieutenant Obrith you are to hold on the gravity wells until we arrive at position we'd hate to have them go to waste."

Hugot had never been to this world and had only heard uncivilized things about it, he thought to himself how integration into the Dark Empire would only do this world good as his small fleet reached it's position.

"Commodore! We're in position!"

"Inform the Fleet Admiral and tell the Marat to begin cycling her wells and give the all clear to launch fighters in formation 12-F-G, interceptors, outlanders and bruisers on engaging fighters, drones protecting the ships and I want a bombing run at position H-56. I expect them out of the hangars in t-minus 90."

The message rang all clear among the staff aboard the bridge as it became even more a buzz with excitement, Hugot gazed upon the ever approaching shipyards in determination but also perhaps a gram of awe, imagining the possibilities of craft created by her, Hugot snapped back to reality as the oh so satisfying "ker-thunk!" sound of ship mounted turrets locking into position caused the ship the rumble slightly. Hugot received the Admirals command loud and clear, he activated his comms to the rest of his fleet command spoke into his comm softly

"We are to engage; You may all fire when ready..."




TAG: Khronas Khronas




"My Lord?"

The corners of the Shadow Hand's mouth perked up from where he was facing the turbulent waters of the Temple. It was satisfying to know that the lower ranks immediately took to calling him by the correct title. Not once had he had reason to lash out at them but they all knew by now what he was capable of.
"Yes?" he asked, his calm baritone not helping to ease the anxiety behind him.
The Commander swallowed. "All forces are settled and ready in the bases set up in the various requested areas." he said, trying to at least sound confident.
"Excellent." said Välk as he finally turned to face the Trooper. "Now follow me." he continued as he started walking toward the exit.
The Commander scrambled to follow.

When they reached the steps, he stopped, facing the valley. The Commander came to a respectful stop next to him.
"Yes, my Lord?" he asked.
The Netherworlder lifted a hand and pointed as he directed. "I want the reserves to start digging trenches that can also double as a kind of moat around this entire perimeter here. And over there, be sure to have them mine and trip the entire area. From this point onwards, no civilian whatsoever are authorised to cross the buffer zone. Is that clear?"
"Yes, my Lord. Things will be done as requested along with the other requests." said the Commander. He wanted to ask something, but stopped himself.

Not that it had gone unnoticed by Lord Rūkas.

"Speak your query, Commander. Rather that than letting it fester and spread between the ranks." Välk said, somewhat bored.
The Trooper cringed behind his helmet, but cleared his throat. "My Lord, I was just wondering - there's some obvious holes in the defences you suggested."
"Very astute Commander, but do not fret. I have plans for those that Troopers won't be able to help put up. Now, go and relay the orders, I have work to do." Välk said with a smirk.
"Yes, my Lord." the Trooper said with a bow before taking off.

In reality, the Dark entity had sensed a budding power that called to him from not too far away. It fascinated him to the point of curiosity as there aren't many with the power to draw his attention. As a being fashioned from Darkness, it took something exceptional to intrigue him. Whoever this was could help immensely in setting up the things the Shadow Hand had planned for the rest of the defences. Perhaps even beyond it, this was no mere Dark Sider that managed to draw his gaze.

Allowing his mind to reach out trough the empyrean, he sought the Dark presence wherever it may be. When he found it, he allowed his own Presence to pulse like a beacon.

<Come to me.> he beckoned the young Acolyte with his mind.


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