Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darkfire..... Hellfire now Zeltron its your turn(Maya Whitelight)

[member="Maya Whitelight"]

"I remember the war, the way the sky burned, the faces of my brothers and sisters as they were destroyed. I saw a third of Rakata Beta's legion stolen and the creation of Lady Exedō's new regime. I stood with my brothers and watched The Wrathful One rise. But now my brothers are not brothers, and we have come here where we are to bind a mind, not yet Exedō's, to serve our cause." The Rakata was scared and as he carried the palanquin holding the Empress of Rakata Beta he didn't know what to do.

All served the Lady Exedō and served at her whim, she was a mad woman compared to the Wrathful one and now as they moved she had been looking to let the ones with her who had come do as she desired. All served Shinju while the water on the shore crashed in small waves leading to the ancient temple, her guest from Dromuund Kaas the zeltron had come as well and as he briefly got parts of the conversation the sounds of which made little sense they arrived.

Going inside was easy, the human with her unnaturally pale flesh and dark red hair, rumor of her endowments and how she won the hand of the Wrathful one were on full display in a tight corset that pushed everything up to reveal heavy cleavage and tight latex. The rakatan entered the temple as the procession walked and standing before them were pieces of debris namely crystals that the few scientists they had were working on. Ancient technology being their only real export for trade and industry.

"Is all ready? I want to meet my newest play thing." He could see her saber and as it activated the screams echoed loud through the chambers bringing the sound of the shard within and then she was bringing the blade to the table where it drove it to hold. The shimming her her energy going along it and then it was deactivated and opened. The crystals inside shown for size as the men got to work harvesting a crystal. They would have another lifeform for her blade to consume and this one would hold her dark taint.

  • [SIZE=10pt]Artificial Intelligence (Non-Droid) (( [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Objective:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total.))[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10pt]Laminanium (( [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Objective[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]: With two or more other writers, complete a role-play in reverse, starting with it’s end and ending with it’s beginning[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]–OR--[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt] complete a role-play from an NPC’s perspective who is accompanying your character. ))[/SIZE]
Standing for the longest time as she drink into the nature all about her. The wind shifting a bit to let her cloak whip around her letting the hood fall from her face. It was the flowing that came with the purple hair, and the pinkish-red skin. It was more then that under was her old Akk armor from her tribe in the depth of Haruun Kal. In the deep pink eyes could only guess what she was thinking. Taking the steps with her knee high scaled boots. All told a different story of to why she there. The winds of the force had welled it to her. Not only did she have a warrior look upon her but she also carried something eyes a skill that one could only seek out a gift that one could only get stronger by the practice of it. That was right on her left hip old leather skin back of some creature she had hunted in her youth.

The slashing on the water her own steps light, and soft. Finding her way into the temple. Smells of the dark place only heighten her own awareness. Today she had both blades with her one that always stay hidden on her bedded in locks of her hair, that held back strains around her hair. Finding that as her eyes play down to the dime lights. Finding that there was more life form in working. Walking slowly upon which let her own eyes find eyes resting on the dark hair lady with the skin type body suit. This being said now feeling that she was a bit over dressed, maybe. [member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The Rakatan looked at the two ladies as Shinju made a face and was laughing. Her hands touching gracefully the one Rakatan girl who was coming up and put on the alter. The old technology for growing crystals was lost but their master could feed on people, could ensnare the being and drain him. Maybe even put him with enough darkside energies into one of those crystals to feed off of her. The rakatan then looked to the purple skinned woman who was there and wondered what her purpose was before Shinju spoke to the elders there.

"You see little one there is much that few can do I am going to enjoy this. I have killed first borns while their mothers watched, I can at my own orders turns cities and towns to ash and sometimes when I really feel like it I can." The Rakatan watched as she did it, her hand balling into a fist and then there was a wet smack, a crack before the rakatan on the alter laid there and she sucked in until the woman was convulsing then shriveling. He inched closer and closer until seeing the skin drain of fluids and crystalize until it shattered the almost glow in his mistress had her holding the heart.

"I saw a creature on my world, naked, bestial, hungry laying upon the sand and she held her own heart in her hand. "Is it good servant" I said and she looked at me. “It is bitter—bitter,” he answered; “But I like it “Because it is bitter, “And because it is my heart.” The Rakatan watched while Shinju moved her hands while a red crystal was presented to her and she grabbed it clenching until her knuckles were covered in gore but still white knuckles. She was pushing it into the crystal and as it laid in her hands it shattered sending shards around the people.

"Arrrrggg" Her shriek as the woman made a face grabbing the man and flinging him with the force away from the table was more then enough of a sign. The crystal had failed to hold what she was trying to do and now his master was angry while he watched her eyes the zeltron. "Come here little one, do you want to learn parts of the body. I can teach you so very much about anatomy and pleasure. All I need you to do it help me with this task."
All she could do was watch on even with this, only her eyes scan what going on. Her face told nothing of what she had going on inside. Emotions as they where in the Zeltron came and went. As watch the one on the altar had she came to only to find her own death but this witch woman. Surely not or the her mother would have whisper to her through her inner mind to run to leave. Even as she shifted her whole body. It seem when the sith had done her power it was on her body around her neck glow.


There was something more it seem all three side came alive like that of something coursing around in a circle. Coming to her own mind as if to see what would happen next. Only to see the the red glass shattered in her hands. Finding that eyes was upon her now, calling her to them. As she step closer only to find that the purple gem with in could feel the magic with in the darkness as if called to this sith. If wanting Maya to listen to this one. In all her heart in mind it was screaming to flee but this one was staying. Finding herself move forward once again slowly, as she made sure to keep her eyes and wits about her full.

Once in a while her eyes going both ways finding herself being enclosed. Keeping her strong warrior about her. Leaving what lay with in cage in its place. Only to show what could only be nothing more the a Zeltron with a little bit of force to use as healer, but would this one sense there was more to this ones then what one would let her see.

"Come here little one, do you want to learn parts of the body. I can teach you so very much about anatomy and pleasure. All I need you to do it help me with this task."

All she could do was be quick to answer this question, "teaching is something I would like very much, but I may as what does anatomy and pleasure have to do together, I am welling to help, as long I don't end up like ..." not able to finish what she had just watch happen before her eyes.

[member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The Rakatan watched the failure of making the crystal while Shinju looked to the zeltron and spoke. She wasn't about to stop and a second volunteer from one of the outlying islands was being prepped. Made ready for her body to be broken and turned into whatever their empress demanded. He was afraid of what her whims could do even the ones of eating which they all did. Cannibalism wasn't something frowned on it was to be used as everything. Honor for the slaves who were inferior, punishment for those who were enemies and as he heard the Empress talking to Maya.

"You will be little one." The pale skinned empress brought a gore covered hand up to lightly caress and almost her fingers snatched at her hair. "There is much one can learn about pleasure of the body and much.... oh so much can be gleamed. Your jedi do many things but they are not evil. Others would try and seduce with lies your heart little one, they would have you believe your really evil deep down. When in truth your just following your natural path, your natural urges and it doesn't matter how others see it. Good... Evil, it matters not I want to show you how to be above that and this mortal coil."

The Rakatan continued to listen as the new one was ready and he watched. The empress turned and repeated her performance this time leaving the heart in her gore covered hand a fist clenched ball of ice as it pulsed and glowed a dark red. Then it was almost weeping while blood dripped as she squeezed and tried to pour all the essence of it into the crystal they had gathered. It had failed again and he saw Shinju throw what was in her hand at the wall as it stuck for a moment and then slowly slid down leaving a dark streak on the darker stone.

A murmur of fear rolled through the others there while the elders went back to work trying to harvest a larger enough shard able to be used and contain their empresses energies. She was getting angry and he had seen her angry, people and things had a tendency to lose their faces, eyes or limbs while she let her urges out to regain bits of her sanity.
It had been the emotions that was flooding off not just those around her but also off the Lady Sith herself. All she could do was to stay her roots. Feeling that those being use was willing to be used in this manner. How could these be so brain washed to just offer themselves like they do? Only to find herself look at the the blood hand, but more then that the smell of blood. Nothing on her mind showed the emotions upon her eyes or face. Flowing once again in her mind was to get out of this situation.

Rolling back her head from the left to the back for her not to touch any strain of her hair. This one being that she didn't need to have the smell of blood in her hair, but also more then anything her hidden weapon was in it. Then came the angry upon her as if one getting ready to blow her top off. Finding herself only to seek out a workable. Before she could form a plan, "I afraid I don't under stand this your trying to do fully, right now it just look like a waste of life."

All in all she just wanted to try and figure this out also to make sure she guard herself fully. Knowing that she need to full put all her guard up. Coming to full know that with her word it could go very badly speaking up once again, "I would think that the sacrifice can be use better, if we can find away to hold their life force longer, to what every process is taking place." , Finding herself once again thinking about the good and evil that was coming into play with this one on words. Feeling that once again she was face to face with another kind of darkness, not fully understand this one but with time she hopes. [member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The Rakatan saw it for a moment play across the empresses face, that look she had when dealing with those who amused her. While the old ones spoke of their peoples power in the force fueling their technology and machinations they also spoke of the vastness of the empire. How the infinite fleet ruled all that it saw until the gods had to interfere to stop them, creating a plague to cut them off from the force and their power. Now their empress displayed the magics needed to truly empower them and she asked for their servitude and this. Their bodies and soul. Then the empress was speaking and a third woman was bring brought forward.

"Oh pet there is so much you could do, but what we are making is so pretty. A crystal for a blade that will be bound with the soul and energies of a servant. So tempting and so delicious." The empresses face showed much amusement even while she held her hand bare centimeters from the woman's face and hair. "Do you know what this is, this moment? It is not something cruel and wasteful each one of my Rakatan are willing to die at my command because they know that on my command I could have their mouths filled with their own feces. That I can from now until the end of their time when stars burn out peel the flesh from their bones."

He could see it not and feel it that psychotic aura the empress had, in her eyes that held a tinge of madness but when she spoke like this. When she got into the enjoyment of unnerving others it bled out from behind her eyes almost in waves. He could feel it there now while Shinju spoke again and the rakatan climbed on the alter. Slipping a little in what gore was splashed on it and.... and he couldn't believe it. "Little lamb here you have a choice, I do not kill unless I have to, there is no sport within it or fun." She gave a laugh and crooked her hand to bring Maya forward.

"Now come and apply your craft my pet, we shall see how good you are and maybe if your preform well.... I will teach you wonders to satisfy both the beautiful and grotesque but I am not for the timid." Shinju brought her hands around and she looked at the rakata on the table, the male stood there quiet while the ritual was preformed a second time and his empress had a pair of crystals. One in both hands while the husk of a body shattered into crystalline shards echoing screams into the heads of the others and what gore was on her hands came to her lips. They didn't shatter and hungrily his empress took one into her mouth cleaning it.

"Where am I?.... What is this?" The sounds from the crystals came as the empress looked at them and laughed. The aura coming from them was in waves even more then her own aura while she held out her hand and motioned the zeltron forward, bringing her hands out to grab her shoulders and as the blood and gore on her face. He brought herself closer for a kiss and on the tip of her tongue was the saber crystal that screamed into his mind. With his free hands the piercing sounds came bringing him to his knee's. "No I don't want to die.... where is my body?"
[member="Lady Exedō"]Letting her breath come out slowly, as to use this a way to calm herself. Nothing about showing or reeking of fear. Coming to reason to be strong in front of this butcher, only to make sure she keep that though to herself. Finding herself being asked forward. Looking down of what she must take place. Only way she would get though. To bring forth the sleeping warrior. Looking at her once more with her pink eyes, then down at the one that would give up their life. Fighting still what she was all about, all life was scarcity. Only what she came up with that with this helping could stop this blood madness.

Closing her eyes as she brought forth the strong warrior with in. It whipped around as it swirl around her. Calling upon life giving inside of her. As she lay her hands upon this one body. Finding herself able to see everything down to the small atom. As this happen only after she had found the very bond what held all life with in this one body. Nodding her head, as she knew what would be coming next. Finding had been splatter with this one blood. Finding herself deep focus on her task.

Slowly much slowly then it would have been that life slip from the body only to find herself feeling more then anything reaching out in the force to almost boost something with in the force it self. Even as that help calling upon the warrior more then anything it happen inside of her so no one could hear the scream of the warrior with in. It was true when it came out that it would take blood if needed to by it was only for protection that was it.

Well after life had left did she open her eyes finding that he had the crystal in her mouth licking it off. Stopping herself once more to shaking head, no she would stay the strong warrior. Even saying in her mind what the jungle warrior did when one moved on. Following her eyes then it was what she heard the twisting of her stomach. Only to find herself stepping up closer to her, to find herself hearing this one that now laid on the slab dead cold.

Didn't came one with the force did she do that, help trap this one pour soul. Finding not able to speak at all, only to watch on to would come next. Only finding herself wiping the blood off her face finding all she did was smear it upon her face more.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The Rakatan couldn't understand what was happening as his eye stalks kept going back and forth between the two women. His empress who now standing there with her twin crystals was eyeing the empress and the zeltron who was standing up to her. He had to breath to lose but the screaming was there. The crystals shouting into the room and into his head before the empress brought her lightsaber up and to her hip. The crystal going into a pocket. "Now now you have so much potential and I would hate to see it wasted. Lets go and we shall see what you can do."

Then they were gone, not disappeared but the empress led the procession and he followed behind the others. If the zeltron followed he could not see cause the bright light from outside stung his eyes brifly after having been in the low light for so long. Their empress was heading to the top of the temple and its veranda where a throne was set up. All warblades melted down by the people of the Fringe and made into an asymmetrical throne lording over the grounds and observing the island. Her domain everything in sight and across the planet.

He stood there while she climbed into her seat and offered a smaller one next to her for the zeltron. "Come young one, enjoy the sight and feel the thrill of lording your power over those subservient to you, those who wish nothing more then to be ruled. It is why I am here and why I offer you a place at my side. Not for being an apprentice but for being an equal or as much as you can be until you are strong enough." The Rakata didn't fully understand his empresses meaning but it was clear that she was offering something far more then a mere chance to be her apprentice. He had seen the ones who died for that.
Looking at her then to the Crystal once again. Only to hear it scream once again, that it came off the walls with in the room. Lets go, all she need to hear to let herself leave this place. Not knowing if it was because of the Darkness of the place or if it was the snitch of the blood. As soon as first drop of ray of light hit. Soaking it up she did letting it feel her whole body.

Drinking in not only the rays coming from the brightness of the sun. It was more then that she reach out with her every flowing force to all the plant life, taking a long drink from them. It was life self that could make her forget what her eyes had witness in there. Flowing a long up each step to the top. Finding her mind wondering just who this lady . Coming to want to ask, why was still standing if she truly was evil and a sith. Her life had ended already, for her being who she was of the bringer of the light, nothing dark flowed out of her.

Again like all life there must be a reason why this one flowed with such twisted darkness. Finding herself looking at the ones trailing after them both. Giving away to a sadness look. Didn't these ones know there was freedom out there to one could make a free choice. Bring only something else to her mind, maybe this was their free choice to serve her like a Queen of the Dead, giving their bodies for the cause. Causing her look upwards until coming into what looked to be a throne room.

Looking at the throne then the next to it. Not fully understanding what was happen or what she been speaking about. Sitting but not fully looking out over all that she could see. In her eyes could drink more of the beauty outside. "I don't understand why want more why want power, isn't that all that does is to corrupted to want more and more power. "

[member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The rakata looked at Maya as she spoke and didn't say a word, this was their empresses domain and the pursuit of power was a big thing. They had spanned across the entire galaxy in pursuit of it. He knew the empresses cared not for the power but for the fun. It was less her wanting worlds cause eight billion soldiers ready and willing to conquer the worlds around Beta. She kept them here and then he went silent. Shinju was speaking and looking down from her throne.

"You mistake me my sweet, in some ways. All want power and all are trying to attain it in some ways. Many lie to themselves and others that it is for a good reason, they convince themselves their actions are for the best until the lie is so very ingrained in their minds they believe it. It is not my intent because I care little for these people, these meat suits walking around the galaxy, who only serve as little happy meals. I don't want the galaxy I want my own little world full of violence and destruction where I can take to bed anyone I choose at my whim. You know girly things."

The Rakatan listened and didn't fully pay attention but oh he knew the intent and depending on what the purple skinned one did it could earn the empress ire or her mercies.... Which weren't more a threat then anything. No one wanted to be left to the empresses tender mercies save a few who had come from other places. the large chested one who had held the heir to the throne since the wrathful one was indisposed usually. The pale fleshed one knew things she had the world able to speak to her she said and knew all their thoughts. Not a pleasant experience as the Rakatan continued to listen and stand still.

Shinju rose to speak and held her arms out offering a spot under one for Maya. "You see my dear this is my empire, my every word, my every thought is law and my decisions praised. Is it bustling with life like Coruscant or famous like Korriban? No but it nevertheless mine and until stars burn out, until the worlds collide and till the end of time I will have claim upon it. All who walk its shores will know that the eater of the dead holds dominion over the last vestiges of the Infinite Empire."
In listening as she did not wanting to miss any part of what he was saying. It had a strangeness to her. Nothing of this could be true, she wanted to save lives she wanted to keep the balance. In deeply thinking to herself at what cost was she welling to pay. Listening that didn't care for what the rest of the galaxy was doing but had what she wanted right here. Not even thing of what could be didn't evil want to have the rest of the galaxy this way.

It was the look in her eyes when looking down at her in a such a way. It only gave way to a brighten in her cheek. That couldn't be what she had brought her here it was to help her right. Now her own mind wondering so much as she keep her face with out emotion. Looking over to all that she rule, it more then some brainless subjects. Only she could do to look back at her with a glaze that was telling something out. All she could do was think over everything. "I don't know if I could live the way you do ma'dam in a way that brings no life but takes it, I'm a healer a warrior to keep the balance in side of her me. To control the ragging warrior that sleeps always."

[member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

He watched Shinju move down from the throne and towards the woman as the rest of the rakata started to leave. With a look he went to stand as one of the honor guard and listen while making sure the scraps of clothing that covered him were clean and presentable. Shinju was making it quite a display while she stood there in the tight outfit and closed the distance needed between the two. ""Oh but there is so much life that has come, I have two daughters, if I did not respect life they would not be, I only take that which I want to eat ad have fun. You my sweet are so much more and could have so much fun. We are all healers and warriors, come now though tell me all about it and I will show you why those who try and get in your pretty head are wrong. I may even teach you the pleasures one can have out here in the Unknown Regions."
Even those her eyes told nothing. The face wasn't even a telling sign itself. Giving away herself time to pull all her thoughts together. Trying not to give anything away of the fact that her own son was now in the Sith hand. Being used against her to explode her own weakness, that was the caring bound she had with her son. That wouldn't be brought up to this one. Knowing that a personal question.

"Please, I choose to make sure I keep balance of life. I am a life giver not a taker. Only thing that I kill if need is on hunts in jungle, forest, desert for that which needs to keep a body going. ", giving a way to another small smile. Giving away to another one of her own, playfulness only to keep it under cheek again. "You have pleasure out her in the unknown, is this your way of not getting bored out here, with one self."

[member="Lady Exedō"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

The guard observed Shinju staying and getting closer to Maya her hand coming up and a smile playing across to show the sharpened incisors. "Oh sweetie, so brave, I think you have earned for your services to me and making these crystals. ONe like you shouldn't have to be alone for a night. Stay in my palace and enjoy yourself and then you can go home and have your pretty prize. You may find my bed is a kind thing little jedi." The guard cringed a little, kind was not the empress and her mercies could hurt but he also knew the meaning of her generosity. A smile came from his toothy grin as he and the other guards started to leave for their quarters.

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