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Approved Melee Weapon Darklust - Darth Xyrah's Darksaber

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Manufacturer: Darth Xyrah
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Melee Type:
  1. Other
Size: Average

  • Enhanced Blade
  • Enhanced Lightsaber Blade - The unique construction of Darklust has made the blade far more potent than a standard lightsaber in terms of cutting power. It can cut through metals and other durable substances with far more ease and efficiency than a regular lightsaber, making it an incredibly potent weapon in Darth Xyrah's hands.
  • Cortosis - Despite it's unique construction, Darklust is still weak to Cortosis, and will be disabled as easily as any other Lightsaber when struck with Cortosis alloy, be it weapon or armor.
Built in the likeness of the famous weapon of Tarre Vizsla, in terms of aesthetics and construction methodology, Darklust was hand forged and crafted by Darth Xyrah himself to serve as a new lightsaber more reflective of his nature as a force wielder, neither strongly light or dark, but well balanced in between. It's hilt was forged from the purest beskar retrieved from Mandalore itself, and it's unique synthetic crystal painstakingly created via alchemical techniques after much trial and error. The end result is a blade matched by few others and deeply connected to it's creator. A potent weapon indeed.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a unique personal weapon for Darth Xyrah.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Darth Xyrah
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Beskar, Lightsaber Components
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Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah

I'll be completely honest, for a lightsaber that doesn't make any sense, if the lightsaber showed other abilities, or was a alchemized blade. But there is no light and dark nature to this blade, so unless I'm missing something I'd recommend you remove it as suggested.
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