Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Darkness Calls to Darkness



Voph felt sick. It had been all too frequent in these days. Ever since the attack on Geonosis, and the decimation of his homeworld. He had done what was required of him, and done so with his head held high. But he was broken. Hurting. It was a simple agony to experience the death of nearly half one's species. Something that caused Voph no end of rage and grief. And yet he knew that there was nought to be done. Shepherd the survivors. Rebuild from the ashes. Though the Miraluka had all but expired, the insensitive of the population ensured that the planet lived on. But that did nothing to ease the darkness clouding the warrior's heart.​
Voph walked alone, on some planet far from his own. His black cloak billowing in the wind, his obsidian armor gleaming in the light. He had heard rumors of this place. Specifically, of a being that was sighted nearby. A being that had tickled the edge of Voph's consciousness for nearly a decade. He was never content to see what lay before him, and so entertained the sights of what lay beyond. Always searching. Always seeking. Some traces had been noticed, and forgotten. Others, he had no desire to pursue. But some, he simply had to wait until the time was right.​
In the wake of the Cataclysm, Voph had made a vow. Vylmira had always been home to those in need. But only to those who sought his help of their own will. Now, he had purpose. To offer safety and protection to those who faced extinction once again. His people. His family. Any who shared his heritage would be welcomed to Vylmira. The Survivors had spread themselves to the winds, searching for wayward children that may seek a home among the once golden halls. Voph himself had chosen his mark with extreme care. The spark burned strong amid the pile of ash. Yearning for life and freedom.​
Voph intended to find this spark. And build it to a raging inferno...​
Kyyrk Kyyrk

It was cold here; why had she chosen such a cold place? Truth be told, she hadn’t — she had kept following the whispers that seemed to linger just outside her field of senses... it was frustrating, but she trusted Bogan and his leading implicitly.

Her hands kept straight out around the barrel that held the warming fire, her visor that covered her useless eyes glimmered and shined from the light that danced from the flames. How long had she wandered she thought? The question lingering in her mind as it had done so like so many nights prior. So many sleepless nights... nights without food, nights without heat — it would be another night without one of those. She sat down now, sitting on a thin blanket as she leaned against the wall that stand directly behind her. Tomorrow she thought — tomorrow she would move on, if she were meant to find what she was meant to — she felt she would have had some sign or... something by now she dejectedly thought. She sensed around her and off a ways as she felt, and saw the aura of the other humans that had nothing as well, sprawled our and around her... she laid her head back.

“I’ve followed you, I’ve never wavered. Am I destined to be alone Father? Do I seek that which I shall never be able to grasp? Help me to remember your will — help me to kno—....”

She stopped speaking as she gently lifted her head up. The voices again — this sensation, a pit forming in the depths of her stomach as she got up to her feet and began to walk away from the barrel into the darkness of the night. Who, what was this? She stopped in the middle of one of the fairways for major traffic in the trade city... and listened as she felt out — straining every sense she had to hone in on this surge, this ember that was growing into a fire — her purpose had been here, he led her — he was orchestrating this moment, her dark Father had provided. She stood, and waited.



The night engulfed Voph slowly, eventually plunging the city into total darkness, save for the many pools of light that served as an oasis from the dark. Voph moved silently through the streets, drawing stares from those around him as he walked. His armor and cloak twisted and swayed around him, blending into the night in a way that made him seem almost incorporeal to the untrained eye. The black band drawn across his face shone with an almost undetectable brilliance. As if the very will to press on against all odds lived within the black fibers. All this sharply contrasted by the white shock of hair that hung loose over the simple cloth, barely visible under the hood drawn low over the man's face.​
Voph paused, watching from the darkness as a young couple walked down the street. They were laughing loudly, having enjoyed the night before them, and enthralled at the possibilities ahead of them. Only to be stifled in screams as a blaster was drawn on them, a vagrant demanding they turn out their pockets. Voph sighed quietly, stepping from the shadows and swiftly closing the gap. His armored gauntlet sprang forth, and took the man by the neck, fixing him with a cold, eyeless stare. The young couple wasted no time in hurrying off, as the vagrant watched Voph wide eyed, scared for what may come. Voph's brow furrowed in a scowl as he released the man, his wordless stare saying more than any idle threat he may have offered. Voph watched the man scurry back into the darkness for a moment before turning to glance down the alley towards civilization.​
There, between the buildings, standing beside the speeder path, stood the one. A young girl who stood no higher than Voph's chest. But most importantly, one who shared his blood. Voph found himself wondering, as he so frequently did, if they were, perhaps, related in some strange sense. Voph strode towards her, once again embracing the shadows.​
As he neared, a large transport drive by, drowning out the sound of his already silent approach. When he stood beside the girl, it seemed as though he grew from the darkness itself. A spectre given life under the harsh light of the moon.​
"You are far from home, little one."​
His voice rang out across the now quiet intersection, crisp and imperial. Mouth visible from within the hood bore signs of struggle. Wounds of conflict that had yet to heal. Scars of ancient wars that clung to the man like memories. He did not turn to look at the girl, for he had no need. He was among his own people. There were no social niceties to observe between the blind.​
"Well met, kin of my kin. What, pray, would a being such as you be doing on a planet such as this?"​


Kyyrk Kyyrk

The landscape in Adi’s eyes did not view like those who had vision. Everything had its own light, some people had brighter lights than others, and at times surroundings and people were blurred. Adi heard screams from just a short distance over and across the way... some desperate individual forcing his will onto another... anger arose within her, a just rage as she remembered the very own injustice that had been brought upon her as a child. She began to walk silently that direction but immediately froze.

Tantalizing and fearfully made — a being, a light she had never before witnessed now stood only mere yards away, she tried to move — but couldn’t — caught up in the maelstrom that was this beings aura. The night air once again became silent as the light blurred out of sight for a mere moment and the standing in front of her, she stood shifting slightly at his mere presence as his voice pierced the night air and broke the silence.

Far from home, he said. What curious words she thought as she remained quiet — he continued to speak as he asked her what she had done, and spoke of her being kin of his kin. Who was this man — what was this feeling she couldn’t shake as her hand moved to her chest, her fist tightening as she swallowed and spoke, her voice soft, but resolute.
“A curious question — how would you know of what or where I hail from? I have no home — I have no family.” The edge in the last few words came out like venom dripping from fangs as the night became silent once again. What was she doing here? The second part of his question left unanswered as she began to ponder it once again her self as she had done earlier, but instinctively pushing it out as she squared herself back off with the stranger. She turned her head towards him as the pit in her chest and stomach became deeper, a small and uneven breath heard hitching from her mouth as she spoke, curiosity in her voice. “Who are you?”




"A fair point. Not all consider their ancestry to be their home." Voph spoke almost as if musing to himself. He still did not look at the girl, but rather across the speeder way, brow furrowed in thought. He could feel her unease in the air, and could certainly feel the venom with which she spoke of family. A venom he knew all too well. She did not answer his question, but her unconscious self answered it for her. Even if Voph did not know the specifics. No home. No Family. And clearly bitter about this fact. An outcast. Or a stray. Why was she here? For all he knew or cared, it was because she was stranded there.​
Then she asked him an equally pointed question. Who was he? A question he had sought the answer to for decades. A question that was equally answered by unspoken means. The poise of his being, the knit of his brow, the scars that some demonic animal had left upon his cheek. Voph reached up, and pulled his hood back to reveal a strict ponytail of hair like fresh fallen snow. The scars upon his face wove a tapestry of conflict and turmoil. So to did his armor. What first appeared as pristine and spotless as black glass now shone forth with blemish and scar. Tales of numerous battles, wars from days long past, conflicts that even now were only in their infancy. And yet, the man traveled unarmed. Perhaps surprisingly, he did not carry a lightsaber upon his person. Or at least, not in a manner that was obvious.​
"I have held many titles in my time. Each as fleeting and fickle as the winds. To some, I was a leader. To some, a brother. But to you, I am simply a wanderer." Voph finally turned to look at the girl head on, studying her with a scrutiny that years of practice lent him. "A being who has heard a call. And seeks to answer it. Imagine my surprise when it lead me to you. A young Miraluka far from the birthplace of her people, alone and wandering a wider galaxy." Voph fell silent for a moment, before offering the girl a stiff bow of greeting. "You may call me Voph. A shepherd of our kind. And who, if I may, would you be?"
Kyyrk Kyyrk

// "A being who has heard a call. And seeks to answer it. Imagine my surprise when it lead me to you. A young Miraluka far from the birthplace of her people, alone and wandering a wider galaxy." Voph fell silent for a moment, before offering the girl a stiff bow of greeting. "You may call me Voph.” \\​

Her breathing hitched slightly as the words hung in the air, the tension threatening to cut what little balance Adi had. Her head spun as years of seeking, praying and fighting landed this man in front of her. Could it really be that simple though? She shifted nervously as her hand came to her eye cover as she removed it. As a child, she had remembered specifically each and every occasion when her father, whi had been full blooded Miraluka would remove his eye cover — it was a sign of mutual respect... something she hadn’t ever done due to the shame of her eyes. Features weren’t important to those who could not see... but Adi remembered the light of the sky, the stars of the night as now the moon shone on her face, her faded iris seen to any ‘sight seer’ mixed with the scars that had for so long haunted her. She rubbed her temples as she strained to focus around the immense aura that was this man... that was Voph.
“Voph...” She mentioned his name as he spoke it, softly, intentionally and almost as if she had made some important mental note to herself. She held her hand out, as she took a step forward and felt cold and hard armor... her hand hitting chest level — he was much taller than she was, she made him feel small. “My name is Adilya.... you may call me Adi.” Her hand came back down to her side as she held her ground in front of what she assumed was a tower of a man. She was resolute — she was firm, and wasn’t much of a talker... or rather, didn’t feel she had much to offer or say... but curiosity was eating away at her. “You speak of a calling ... Pray tell... Voph, who's calling do you answer too?” Was it the dark Father, was it Bogan that had called him? Her heartbeat thudded rhythmically within her chest as she gripped the eye visor anxiously while awaiting his answer. At this point in time however, Adi, having had no formal training of any kind... — her thoughts, her emotions, her mind very much so like that of an open book. Easy to open, and easy to have pages turned with



Voph remained stoic as ever as the young girl approached, and laid a hand upon his chest. She had removed her blindfold to reveal two scarred and useless eyes, marking her as a mere halfbreed at best. But the vestiges of their kind lingered in the Force, reaffirming what Voph already knew to be true. As the hand slid away from his chest, Voph reached up to remove his own blindfold, revealing naught but two empty sockets staring back at the girl. A pureblood through and through.​
Voph tucked his blindfold into his belt, opening his mouth to say something when he paused. Who did he follow? Voph frowned as he considered this. "That question is...difficult to answer. And I fear it is not who I follow, but what. I know its Visage, but not its name. Just one of the many beings hailed as deities."
Voph turned back to look at the girl before him. "It is rare that one of your age puts such faith in the gods. And I wish that life were still as simple as the teachings of Ashla and Bogan." Voph watched the girl quietly for a moment, then asked a simple question, in a rather subdued tone that seemed almost that of a concerned father. "When we the last time you had a warm meal, child?"
Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig
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Kyyrk Kyyrk

The answer Voph chose to give to Adi was definitely vague ... but somehow she understood the meaning behind what he was trying to convey.

Deities... a good word for fallen idols.

Faith in them? Her nose wrinkled slightly and eyebrows furrowed as her lips pressed tightly together, Faith? Never ... at least, not in her, never again. In him? Always, he was and had been a pillar for her.
“He was there in my darkness, he gave me the strength I needed, and only furthered my resolve. When all others failed me, and cast me away a mere child, his darkness was my security. I hear his whispers in the night, I have followed his calling to this very place... and here, we are.” She only spoke of Bogan, Ashla was clearly not even a forethought. The air became silent. She had been called as well, and by answering the call they had met. Two different beings, but similar in many ways now joined. It wasn’t coincidence, it wasn’t fate — it just was. He spoke and asked her of food, her stomach at that moment growling in protest as she began to speak, but stopped. Her first instinct was to immediately deny this man the opportunity to help her, as if she needed help, but something in her paused and hesitated immediately. Her hands came to her thighs as she bowed her head ever so slightly. “It has been sometime — A meal would be appreciated...” She paused, remembering her manners. “Thank you, Voph.” She pulled her white gold eye covering over and back down over her eyes, fixing her hair as she stood by the man, waiting to follow his lead.



Voph frowned slightly at the suggestion that Adilya had not been eating regularly. For a moment, his heart sank with the realization that there were likely more of his people in the galaxy suffering similar fates. And it pained him to know that he could not help them all. Voph drew his own blindfold back across his face, and a curious feeling would emanate from him. It likely would not have been noticed on his first approach, but was certainly present, given the contrast when his blindfold was removed. There was something...inspiring about this man. Something that caused a feeling deep down that would make a person follow him to the ends of the galaxy.​
He turned without a word, and led the way through the streets towards a small cantina tucked away between the larger buildings. Certainly a seedy looking place, and rather troublesome looking individuals coming and going. But Voph carried himself with a confidence that suggested he didn't care what unsavory types may try to approach him. Voph took a seat at a table in the corner, clasping his hands together and resting them on the table. When Adi was settled, he asked the question addressing the bantha in the room.​
"So, young Adi, you now find yourself at a crossroads. You have dutifully followed the voices in your head, and found the help that you so desperately sought. But in finding aid, you have also found a choice. My homeworld was attacked, and once again our people were scattered. I come to you, and others like you, with an offer. A home. A place where our people may live in peace, united. This is why I have sought you out.
But, you like all our kind, have been burdened with ability. Our sight is not our only gift, nor our only blessing. For a price, I can teach you. But this is not an offer I make lightly. Nor one you should accept lightly. Were it not for your talk of destiny and guidance, I would not even mention the subject. But if you feel that you have been brought to me for a reason, then perhaps it is more than the security of a home you seek."
Kyyrk Kyyrk

Adi followed almost on the heels of Voph as they approached what sounded and seemed to be a cantina... but at this point like so many days prior, her ‘sight’, her vision was becoming spotty, blurred, her head throbbed — she was tired, it had been a long day in general. As they walked to the entrance she heard cat-calls behind her as she stopped slightly, her teeth gritting as her temples flexed, her body rigid as a slight disturbance went through the force, the flames that danced on the wall torches and in barrels flickered as if wind were pulsing around it... it was men like them that deserved punishment, her anger bubbling to the surface from ghosts past reminded her — but as angry as she was she forced herself to move and catch up to Voph. They came to a booth as Adi gently sat her self down in it, her hands folding slightly in her lap as she sat there, head downwards at a slight angle, and so, she listened as he spoke.

His home-world had been taken, and he was alone — but he sought family, he sought others to bring back into unity. A shepherd she smirked towards herself. He then spoke to her directly, but his words sparked a deep, insatiable curiosity that she couldn’t deny... he was right on all accounts. All her life, she had never seemed to fit the mold that others wanted her to be in... it was, suffocating. She never felt in place, always out of step with others ... but this man, Voph... the name lingering in her mind was someone in just a mere hour or so, she felt herself being drawn into too. What was down this rabbit hole? What price did it entail should she agree? She spoke now, for the first time in a few a moments, always speaking deliberately.
“What is this price you seek for such guidance?” The sentence hung in the air, the interaction between the two almost isolating all others out and away as she focused on his words, and his only.



Voph didn't move for a moment, still focused on the child before him. A voice nearby spoke in Huttese, "What do you want?" Voph didn't have to turn his head to recognize the droid was waiting for their orders. "Two Ales, Corellean, and a bantha steak." The droid scuttled off towards the kitchen without dismissal, leaving Voph to return his attention to the girl. Mostly. Their entrance had turned some heads, and he could hear the low whispers of many beings around them. He was obviously well geared, and well funded. Better than most in this part of town could say. That could make him a target.​
"The price is not one that I ask of you for my own sake. It is a price that you pay to yourself. The Force is a powerful ally, one that bestows great power upon those that know how to wield it. But with that power comes the burden of knowledge. The burden that you will be thrust into a life you may never escape from. A life that will destroy you in every imaginable way. Heart, Mind, Soul, and Body. And it begs the question. What would you do with power once you have it?"
Kyyrk Kyyrk

What would she do with power if she had power? What an intriguing question — all her life, she had felt that she endured through a struggle that never ended. She had seen the ways of ashla, and she had only begun to see the ways of Bogan. It was a difficult question to answer. She raised her head slightly as she spoke softly, but with resolve.

“It’s hard to answer a question when one has never wielded such a power. I have heard and felt the tug of this... force. I have seen the ways of Ashla — filled with deliberation, injustices for those that are victims and politics. I have just begun to see the ways of the dark Father — of Bogan, filled with nothing but I’ll-conceived notions of power, of blood.” She paused as her lips once again pressed together. “My body was taken and wronged early... and with it, my heart failed and broke along with all the childish notions I once believed. My mind has been crushed by those that wished me to be something else, something other than what I was created to be... but I refused to let them shape me. My soul? That may be the one thing that has remained untouched, but I would freely give it away, to gain the purpose I have sought with my whole being.” She paused once again as her hands now came up and interlaced together as she allowed her chin to rest on the. “ Darkness, and light. Right and wrong. These are the things that are taught and people are expected to believe one or the other. When scales are adjusted according to those who have dealt measures.... they are never accurate. I seek to find how to embrace the whole, the entirety of the two... and help build something better in that process.”
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Voph arched a brow as the young woman spoke of the Force, and how she had already endured torment. He had no doubt that such travesties had occurred, but he suspected that she still had no idea the true scope of the horrors that could await her. Voph leaned back in his seat, studying the girl with a curious gaze.

"So hasty are you to say that in the Darkness there is naught but scheming and bloodlust. Perhaps the darkness as the Sith would see it. Born of and succumbed to Corruption. But true darkness is a good deal more. And it would seem that in darkness you have tarried too long."

He spoke of her sight. He could see the subtle hints that marked her as nearly blind. The way she interacted with her world to compensate for a lack of vision. Or, at the very least, clear vision. "Close your eyes."

A rather pointless command, given the useless nature of the organ. But still, Voph requested it all the same. "Allow the darkness to engulf you. Do not see what you wish, see what you are meant to see. Feel the currents of life flowing about you. Feel the ripples as they clash upon stone and metal, and see the world as it is around you."

The first steps towards a mastery of Force Sight were always the most frustrating. But for her, they would be fundamental steps towards a larger world. For all intents and purposes, she had failed Voph's test. But she was young, and did not truly understand what was being asked of her. But in time, she would. And she would face the test again...

Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig
Kyyrk Kyyrk

She frowned just slightly as the man spoke to her — most people never gave her the time of day anymore, let alone honest opinions. Had she tarried too long? Had somewhere in her solitude did she become puffed up with what she believed was the ‘ultimate’ and only answer? She had... and she had known it, but needed someone to put her in her place — and now, she felt slightly embarrassed as the man finished speaking, knowing now, she was father away from the truth now.

Close your eyes. The statement, comical almost to anyone that would know of their situation — she did so and relaxed, and allowed the darkness that had to this point, never having said it aloud, still terrified her. He was right again, she wasn’t seeing the things she should be seeing; she was trying to control it on her own, it was simple — why hadn’t she realized this? It’s because like the simple truth of how Voph was already providing for her. A meal, guidance — she was still just a child. She took a deep breath, shuddering slightly as the light she saw disappeared and the darkness took its hold.

The sensation that began to overtake her was... disorienting to say the least. She felt, as if, her conscience was now no longer tethered to her physical body as she sought these ripples, these currents. The sources where people around her — far more than she had realized there had been. She saw shapes, figures. Where walls stood, she could see past — as if there had been nothing there... but it was all still so, blurry. Forms, shapes, but details were so hard to make out. She now came to a realization, a man, in front of her, Voph — she could make vague details out, her heart stopping slightly as somewhere deep down, this sense of awe overtook her. This man, wasn’t like her Father, he embraced her imperfection, he guided. A small smile formed at the corners of her lips as she swallowed hard, choking back the tears.
“It’s.... you, I.... I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
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Voph watched as a range of emotions played across the girl's face and aura. So old, and yet still unable to tap into the one blessing their heritage offered. Voph frowned slightly at the thought. Likely that the non-Miraluka parent was quite insistent against learning such things. Assuming the Miraluka parent had even been present in her life. Or so he hoped. But as the girls awareness of her surroundings grew, so too would Voph's appearance. There was a miasma of energy within him that now shone forth clearly under scrutiny. A tangle of light and dark working in equilibrium. Each surging and fading like the tides, but speaking volumes of the man's history.

"In time, you may learn to see that which other species cannot even comprehend. To see even the fabric of our reality in all its wonder. But for now, be mindful. Be aware of what the Force has to show you. Control will come later."

Voph paused as the tender droid deposited the meal and drinks. Voph pushed the plate and one of the drinks across the table towards Adi. "Tell me, little one. You speak of your family as though they are a thing of the past. Where do you come from?"

Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig
Kyyrk Kyyrk

Where did she come from — it was such a simple question to answer, but when it came down to answering the question she didn’t know — she didn’t know the planet she hailed from. She opened her mouth and as she thought to respond she paused... she needed to reformulate the question.

“ I am embarrassed to say that I know not the planet I hail from, but know that it is within the Outer Rim.... you see, my father was apart of a movement that dated hundreds of years prior to my birth. Our people, as I’ve been taught are nomadic, our planet of origin suffered a disaster of some sort... they were, always vague with me. Our society consisted of a council of several men, my father being one of the prominent figures. My full name is Adilya Solvieg — my Father Bevin is full blooded Miralukan; but being a council member was rarely present and when he was, things were... swept under the rug frequently. My mother Dara, is of Kiffar descent.”

She turned her attention to the food in front of her now as her stomach now seemed to churn with a sickening growl... her hand found the cutlery in front of her as she bowed her head as a formality, thanking Voph for the food. She began to nibble on it as it made its way down into her empty stomach, she continued as she took a moment between bites.

“The planet was heavily populated — but we had our own society on the outer edge of the main spaceport established there. My parents gave me extensive education, but I suppose they never found the ‘where’ of my education important.”



Voph's frown deepened as Adi spoke of her family. Solveig. A name he was gravely familiar with. He immediately became lost in thought, tracing back to the first time he'd heard that name. Solveig. "Solvieg..." he muttered, his brow furrowing with thought. Voph mused on this for a moment, before simply stating, "I've heard of your family. Though I have never met your father. Not yet, anyways." Voph was quiet for a long moment, simply watching the girl eat. His head turned after a moment as he took a drink of his ale, a sign he was searching the room. Checking on the turned heads, ensuring they were not required to make a hurried exit.​
"There are a group of scholars that answer to me. More of our kind. I will have them assess your knowledge." Voph turned back to Adi as he continued. "If you have yet to properly learn how to see, I can imagine that what skill you have at reading is likely not worth noting either." Voph shrugged. He was not judging. She may have learned how, and perhaps with what limited sight her vestigial eyes offered. But, that did not change the fact that if she were to embrace the gift of Force Sight, she may need to learn how to exercise this skill anew. "The sum of our people's knowledge lie with them. What they know, they will share with you. As you are ready for it." Voph's face became quite stern at this. "There are things they know that even I wish I did not. But, such is the burden I bear..."
Kyyrk Kyyrk

As she listened she couldn’t help but turn her head slightly in curiosity as Voph mentioned her family name; as well as the fact that he had heard of her family — she put her fork down as her own mind began to wander. Her father, in her own eyes had never seemed significant — he was a vessel with nothing; a cracked and useless cistern. Did the Solviegs of days past hold themselves differently? What was their worth? Did they think, and relate to Adi? She had always believed that her fathers aversion to Adi was due to the fact that she reminded him of something unpleasant, perhaps this was the reason. She threatened him. This thought amused her ever so slightly.

Knowledge — true wisdom and guidance from people, and for people like her. She was going home.

Her heart beat heavily as a pit formed in her stomach; she was ready... ready to learn, ready to prove her mettle... to show that she was a container ready to be shaped, filled, and poured out for use. She laid her fork down as she slid the plate forward and sat back, her head now lifting slightly as she spoke to Voph now after what seemed to be several broken moments of silence.
“When I go, and I learn... will you be with me?” The implication of her meaning was noted and hung in the air, she wanted to learn the ways of the force from Voph — and all its intricacies. This man, this pillar, she felt called and drawn too — she wanted to learn from him, she wanted to be molded by him.... and to her, nothing else would be sufficient.



Voph drew a deep breath, and sighed quietly at the question posed to him. "Yes...and no. In a sense." Voph leaned forward again, clasping his hands in front of him. "I have a great many duties and burdens. Many of which are not fit for a girl of your age. Or experience. I represent a powerful nation, and work at the bidding of a man I have sworn to follow till our dying breaths. In some ways, I cannot be there." He was a warrior. A leader. When conflict came, Voph would answer. Same as any of his fellow defenders. He would not ask a child to join him in the ways of war. He would not deny her the ability to join, but he would never ask it of her.​
"But when I am able, I see no reason why you may not travel with me. There is far more to this path you have chosen than a mastery of the Force. After all, even I cannot cheat death forever. Someone will need to carry on my work when I am done. Perhaps it is destined to be you." Voph fell silent for a moment, glancing off to the side as he turned his attention over his shoulder. The whispers were deepening, and the stares were intensifying. It was time for them to leave. Voph laid a credit chit on the table to cover their supplies, and stood. "We should be on our way. It is not wise to draw attention in places such as these."
Kyyrk Kyyrk

She noticed Voph tried to be gentle in his delivery as he let her know and explained why he may not be present always; but unlike the former men in her life, the hope and promise of his presence when he was able was a yes, not a maybe. She simply lifted her head and nodded slightly as a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “I understand — I promise not to be a hindrance and to do my best at learning what must be learned to walk in step with you.... when that day comes.” He cared of her well being, which meant he took into account where and how much she could and would be able to handle — he was someone unlike anyone she’d met... and the faith he was already bestowing within her and on her future progress made her want to be more. She felt needed. She felt important — she felt accepted.

She began to focus on Voph within the force as she tried to make out as much detail on him as she could — she wanted his presence and his distinction within it to be familiar, and then... immediately noticed him stand up. She heard the last sentence spoken as she immediately realized several men had been leering over in their direction, how long had they been here? How long had they been staring? He was right, they had begun to draw unwanted attention... another trait she found herself astonished by. He had focused his attention on her during the conversation but never, let his attention drift on his surroundings. She nodded as she stood and repeating his own words from earlier to her to confirm she was noticing what he had.... and hopefully he would see — she was already learning and extremely mindful of what he spoke to her.
“Be mindful, be aware — always. I understand Voph.” She positioned herself slightly closer to him, slightly towards his side and back. She would follow.

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