Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Darkness of Light

Rain lashed across the shuttle as it settled onto a landing pad within the Jutrand Palace grounds. Lina wasn't entirely sure if she was imposing by coming here, if she was over stepping some invisible mark by wanting to visit her Empress.

Her Empress…

It was a strange sensation, to find herself so enraptured by a woman whom she barely knew, to find herself devoted. And for why? There was nothing to be gained from it, there was no pwer this woman could provide her with that she could not gain elsewhere, she did not have any interest in using Srina to elevate her own position, so what was it?

She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head as she shifted down the landing ramp and into the dark rainy day to the Palace entrance where guards allowed her access, her request to visit answered with a yes before she;d even set the shuttle down. A servant appeared at her elbow, taking the sodden cloak from her and leading her through grandiose corridors to where Srina was resting, recovering.

Lina had only one purpose for her visit today and that was to see how she was fairing, beyond the physical exertion of what she had done during the invasion. An odd thing for her to do, perhaps, for there were no doubt dozens of dedicated souls who wanted to know how she was faring, but none would be so bold as to some to her, would they?

Maybe, this was all about filling gaps in her life. Was there a chance that Lina perhaps just wanted a friend, not someone to be conquered nor manipulated, but someone to simply sit with.

Srina Talon Srina Talon

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