Chastity Lunelle
Location: Silver Sanctum Jedi Temple, Voss
Like a ghost in the sky, the opaline moon of Voss loomed, briefly illuminating the woman as she slunk through the Silver Sanctum Temple grounds. Wearing a dark black cloak, with the hood pulled over her head, sulfur-colored eyes shone brightly from the chiaroscuro of her face. Tendrils of dark hair snaked out from under her hood, like pieces of seaweed. Dark red lips pulled back in a sneer at the sight of her former home. Then, she was off, moving across the grass like a banshee haunting the grounds.
Her movements parted the light fog that lay over the Memorial Gardens. She moved swiftly, but used as little of the Dark Side of the Force as possible. The Voss temple was a testament to the Light, and unleashing her power would surely trip some psychic alarms.
The woman’s dew-soaked boots disturbed a family of doves, nesting in the grove near the archway where she and her Master had trained. She plucked the mother out of its nest, and twisted its neck with a snap, letting it fall to the ground amid of a tumble of loose feathers. It was a momentary sacrifice to the darkness that consumed her, the points of its constellation pulsing before her like a beating heart, telling her where to go. Who to find and turn. Or kill.
She had a lightsaber hilt at the waistline above her skirt, and a curved Sith-alchemized knife strapped to one of her thighs. The kind of knife used for slitting unsuspecting throats.
She had forgotten her own name, but not his. She would find him soon. Her Master, [member="Connor Harrison"].