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Private Darkness Reborn

Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Location: The Plains of Tython

The rain fell, and the thunder rang throughout the plains... and as the lightning danced in the sky above, in the middle of the plains, slumped on the ground lie a lifeless form sprawled out. To any force user, to anything that could sense the unusual... death hung heavy in the air, anger, anguish and despair -- which caused the atmosphere of Tython to react violently. The lifeless corpse lay, breathing uneven, her hand clutching her stomach were the scent of putrid, and burnt flesh filled the air. Blood pooled around her form as the rain soaked her body, giving a prickling sensation to her beaten and carved up body. Bruises and broken flesh littered her extremities from close combat fighting and her clothing torn and burned from blaster fire, all aimed at her back.

Adilya had never once given thought to what it would be like to die -- but as she lie there, her scarred, lifeless eyes facing the sky, all she could feel was the darkness... all she felt was the betrayal of a man she'd called Master, of a man she thought would be the one to lead her to the answers she'd sought her whole life -- but that wasn't the case. Cut down, unexpectedly... used as a mere tool and not a vessel and put down like a dog when her usefulness had come to an end in his eyes... and not even the deed itself done by him, but by a army of his followers. Her mind tried its best to remember, bits - pieces and flashes of the battle coming to her mind. She'd fought valiantly against a large host of soldiers... but in the end, the sheer numbers her Master had commanded overwhelmed her and she fell to the blade. Maybe... she thought, maybe this was Bogans will -- perhaps her usefulness had come to an end.

An uncontrollable tickle, then stabbing pain tore into her chest as she coughed uncontrollably, blood spewing from her mouth and pouring out onto the ground -- a gut wrenching scream tearing from her lips as she cursed the skies of Tython. "NO! NO! NO!!!" Adi spoke, her teeth clenched angrily, her free hand curling into a fist as it indented the wet ground, the raindrops hitting her face still. "I am a chosen vessel for your dark purpose -- I refuse to give up... I refuse this to be my end..." Gasping again a scream escaping her lips -- the pain burning intensely, she rolled over onto her side blindly grasping around with her hands, clawing with her free hand at the dirt, rock and ground to move -- her Force Vision falling her blind eyes just from the sheer desire and will to live, her body having nothing else to give but this one desire, her soprano voice hoarse. "This-- will not... be the end. Wellspring of darkness that breeds strife -- grant me power, grant me strength... this I ask... do not let your boon fail, do not let me pass into death -- for I must have revenge, I MUST bring judgement onto those undeserving..." Her breathing heavy, her efforts failing as she rolled back onto her back. "... ones that claim to know you and your will...." Adi lie once again on the ground lifeless, the anger, the hate, the fear -- in her heart. "Grant me... favor... hear the call of your daughter..." A sob escaping her mouth as her lip quivered, but... no sooner than the sob broke free from her lips -- her strength gave out due to the sheer pain and fatigue... Adi barely clinging onto her life... but there drenched in blood and rain sat a smoldering ember, waiting for a fan to set it ablaze into a wildfire.


The Shadow Priest had returned, between dealing with the mundane matters of the Imperial Council, and left to see that his Knights of Ren would be ready for the next conflict. Detritus had arrived to Tython on a holy pilgrimage to the site of the World Eater’s Rebirth. His body reacted to the bites of Orbalisks that fed off his body. It empowered him with immense dark side energy, but the insects gained from trials on Dxun half led to the organic armor nearly consuming him. They felt the dark pull of the nexus that had covered the planet. Upon landing the Night Vulture, he felt a tremor in the Force. The parasites reacting to it as swiftly as he did.

What started early as a pilgrimage took an unexpected detour. The winds howled fiercely, deadly Force Storms would rage across the distances, the dark side had corrupted the former Jedi Homeworld. Something was at work here, Detritus would narrow his eyes beneath the protection of his helmet. He looked down clasping his hands into prayer. “O World Eater, guide on along the deadly path of your rebirth. Grant me the strength to ride the howling winds, so that hunger consumes all in your name, O Devourer.” He said putting his idea in faith to guide him, a flame flickered in the darkness, a black flame that the son of Kyrel didn’t hope to expect.

He would proceed along the path before him, the dark and cracked wasteland, the echoes of life that seemed unsettling to most. A land that brimmed brightly with the Force now only reflected Chaos. Tython reflected a galaxy lost in conflict. The struggle between Dark and Light consuming all, where the World Eater sought to end both. Life must be destroyed first, before experiencing the joy of rebirth. That was how the Shadow worked. Until such a day came, the cycle would repeat again and again, the dark side and light, a never ending wheel.

His orange and black robes, covered most of the parasites, billowing with the howling winds. Detritus couldn’t tell who, or what it was. His fingers trailing along the Lightsaber that he called, “The Ren.” He would continue to walk through the ruins, the fissures that formed cracks across the surface, the lightning that would occasionally strike down, small fires burning from the aftermath. He kept walking, the faint signature growing more apparent. He stopped, and before his eyes he saw what looked to be… By the Devourer. It was a girl, writhing in pain. Detritus felt compelled to step forward.

The way blood spewed from her mouth, she muttered words that Detritus could barely understand. “Shhhh. Fear not my child. The World Eater welcomes you into his void.” He said, his words distorted as they were, would bring a comfort to her. His gloved hands moved her body to lay on her back. “You’re not going to die today, no death will not consume you. This I cannot allow.” He said as he pressed his palms along her wounds. He felt that if nothing was done, she would die here and now. He refused.

He looked to his belt, pulling a small vile of Dathomiri Ichor. The green liquid through the Force turning into green smoke as he applied it to her wounds. He looked up and started to recite in another dark prayer.
"Though I walk through the darkest void, I fear no annihilation, for the World Eater is with me; its hunger and its power, they comfort me.

Its maw prepares a feast before me in the presence of my enemies; it anoints my spirit with darkness; my destiny overflows.

Surely destruction and renewal shall follow me all the days of my existence, and I shall dwell in the abyss of the World Eater forever."

Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig


Tag: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

How long had she been out for this time Adi thought as her mind went in and out of unconsciousness... until, she awoke, screaming once again in pain as a something, only knowing the sound of a voice, and hands that rolled her onto her back -- the cry of visceral agony tearing from her lips. Her hand came up weakly as she grasped anywhere she could, brushing against something hard, a body adorned in clothing and armor, her eyes now visibly shown to the man, the flesh around her eyes marred -- long before the current injuries had taken place. "I... can't-- who... are..." Her weak words coming forth, barely forming sentences or making any sort of sense.

As the unknown being began to speak again, Adi felt an odd sensation overtaking her -- as something began to enter her body. As she focused her mind trying to figure out what was going on, she felt a dark energy coursing through her veins, beginning to reform and heal her body. The experience was something unlike anything Adi had ever undergone before -- to say it was agonizing, was not even a word for it, no, it was rebirth. Raw, unfiltered crying, burning consumed her -- the sound of sinew and bone popping back into place, flesh knitting and closing back together, her color coming back... but deep down, Adilya welcomed the pain, and shuddered in sick pleasure that was her suffering. It was a reminder of her dedication, her unwavering commitment to the dark father -- for the darkness had heard her plea... and answered, she was not done yet... and the world would know her wrath. No longer was she the young girl that started off long ago in the cave, cast out from her city -- she'd laid waste to them and showed them the abyss, reunited them with the unending void... now, she would be given a new purpose... a new path, a new calling.

As she lay on the ground still, the feeling of a thousand needles piercing and burning her body coursing through her nerve endings, she spoke -- her voice soft, yet absolute -- her mind reeling. "If this is a dream -- I dare not awaken... dark father, though my vision has failed -- I feel your presence is near... speak for I will listen... are you the dark father incarnate? Did you hear my prayers... have you saved me that I might do your dark bidding?" She spoke as one intimately familiar with the darkness -- as one whom devoutly followed -- as a child who spoke of a dark father... yet who was this daughter of the darkness? This child left for dead? This cistern waiting to be filled yet again? Mystery shrouded this young lady... but one thing was clear -- she was no stranger to the dark.


Tags: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Detritus would be knelt over her post. The magicks of the Ichor doing its best to heal her shattered body. Detritus was skilled in Sith Sorcery, but never drew upon the magicks of his home. To say that this girl was the first subject was interesting to say the least, even as the green liquid turned to smoke, enveloping her body as he recited the Devourer’s prayer. Hoping that the dark guide of the World Eater would baptize her, reborn as a follower according to his will. That was if she didn’t die that is.

The way that the Ichor would heal her body, remaking her body in a way as it had to others. Breaking down her own body, rebuilding her back up again as it did more than just heal her wounds. “Arise girl, arise as a reborn daughter of the World Eater.” He said, his voice boomed. A deep echo followed by his words, as if he was being a vessel for the World Eater himself, channeling dark energies as he watched her body rebuild itself. Sometimes the foundation has to be knocked down, before it was raised again as a beautiful work of art. This girl was no different, she would be something special in the eyes of the great Devourer. An addition the dark flock that followed in his steps, seeking the death and renewal of the entire galaxy.

When the illuminating Ichor had started to fade, her body slowly stabilizing. The wounds she suffered before was gone. Instead, new life would fill her. Detritus would sigh in relief, his hands were still clasped in prayer as if he would plead his Father to spare this child before him. He listened closely, her vision was not there, but her voice was a mixture of curiosity and fear. She asked who it was, if he was the Dark Father. A laugh came from him, he started to speak a gloved hand pressing against her forehead. “No, my child. I am not him, I am the Dark Father’s Son. I alone work to spread about his way, myself and my Knights. The galaxy is lost in chaos and destruction. The wheel of Jedi and Sith never ending. I wish to finally bring the cycle to an end. The death of all things in order to be made anew. Just as I’ve remade you in our Dark Father’s will. I’ve come to answer all that you’ve waited for in your short life. Despair not for the maw of the Devourer welcomes you, comforts you in his eternal hunger. Only through him will you know true purpose.” Deteitus say, his voice filled with religious fervor unlike any other. His hands checked her wounds, noticing that they closed. A smile appeared behind his helm, his yellow eyes watched her. “Do you accept this dark passenger you sought all your life, are you ready to follow in death and rebirth?” He asked carefully, her response would inform his next move. To take her away from the barren landscape, or to leave her to die as nature intended. His words clung to the air, silence was still. The thunder echoed in the distance.


Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

His words sent an icy chill down Adilya's very spine....
"I am the Son of the Dark Father, of the World Eater." -- they echoed as a holy reverent fear and admiration overtook her very being. Ignoring the pain that was fresh on her body, pushing past what her body screamed out at and refused to do-- she blindly scrambled in the dirt as she bowed in nothing but sacred worship, her whole body shivering in perverse joy. "O dark one -- forgive me. Never once have I faltered in my faith... never once have I doubted in the absolution that is the darkness." How was this even possible? Every day -- without fail -- since she'd been cast out from her family -- she'd prayed and made her supplications known in her dark secret places to the Dark Father. For years she'd not heard anything back, but felt gentle tugs and pulls within the current of the force, but she'd been faithful to follow... and now standing knelt before her, in the flesh he'd sent his son. A perverse smile overtook her face as he spoke on unholy rebirth and baptism, the power he'd just poured out and over her still coursing and working in her veins... continually restoring her strength back and she could feel it at work in her -- it was all she could do to contain herself.

Humbled by the Son -- Adi had no words, her mind was reeling and then, the most unexpected happened. Pain, stabbing, biting pain over took her eyes as she grabbed both, letting a whimper out -- the Ichor the Dark Son had let out in his prayers to heal her body had begun to heal and restore her vision and as she cried out again, yelping in pain... sight began to seep into her dull, and scarred eyes once again. It was like looking at a figure with blinds just barely open behind them... but as it progressed she looked up and in front of her knelt a robed and masked man -- the light and details hard for her to process but the holy awe was evident on her face. A cry escaped broke free from her lips, a soft "thank you" heard spoken, like a prayer -- as tears of blood streamed forth from her ducts and down her face. The injustice done to her as a child which had taken her sight, the Father and Son had chosen to restore, she was beside herself, in her mind, in her very being -- it was a miracle, divinely appointed. "I am nothing but a vessel, willing and ready to be of service to the Father and the Son -- I accept you and gladly give my life in not only death but your glorious rebirth -- it is all I have sought and nothing else. Please Master --- what must I do?."


Tags: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Detritus watched the girl carefully, watched how the green smoke of the Ichor would transform and heal her body, an art he had rarely used was precisely the time to help her. He hoped the magick would be boosted from the dark prayer he had let out, his yellow gaze studying the effects the magick had to her body. The life threatening wounds were all but healed, but what had surprised him was how she spoke, her words reflecting that of regret, she expressed how she had lost her faith, as if the injuries themselves were her fault. “Shhhh.” He soothed, the gloved hand still pressed against her forehead. “You have faltered from the path, child but you’re not above penitence. You have fallen so the Devourer himself can raise you again.” He said his words didn’t reflect of disappointment, but that of a father guiding a lost child home.

He watched her, studying how the Magicks would improve her body. He heard of Sith Legends such as Darth Maul or his brother, how the Ichor had the power to enhance the Force, change the body completely, heal what had been taken and even restore minds, create monsters. He watched closely to see how his Magick would work, her eyes opening, bloody tears trailing along her cheeks. The glint in her eye reflected that she could see him, her eyes blinked as if trying to process it all. An arm held the back of her head, and her neck as if to provide what comfort he could. The healing process was something not many had experienced before. She cried out her thanks, as if the unholy man had performed a miracle no one could achieve, he had restored her vision, for the first time could she see him. All of him. He said nothing, his eyes narrowing against her gaze.

A gloved finger moved to wipe away the bloody tears, as if there had been some care in the small gesture. Perhaps she reminded him of himself when he was younger, when he was a child all alone. He spoke his tone displaying how he was pleased. “Good… Very good. This is truly a day to rejoice. You must understand that you must swear yourself to him, to the Devourer that would consume the Galaxy. But make no mistake, your life and your soul belongs to him, as we all do. We all live to carry out his tremendous vision. You must forsake everything of your old life. Who you were before is dead. In this new life you will only live for the Shadow. Tell me girl, what does your Shadow tell you? Does it yearn for the World Eater’s Hunger. Do you wish to swear yourself to him, to his name?” He said his zealotry shining through his words. Would she take this new life? Would she answer the call that had haunted her dreams, yearned for her very wishes? Only she could make such a choice.


Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

She soaked in his presence -- like a dying man to a spring in the desert, she lapped at the dark energy that flowed around him. This Shepherd, this Messiah -- her eyes never once breaking contact with him as he spoke. He spoke of not being above repentance and she would do whatever his bidding was to earn such an honor -- for she had been weak in her mind facing the valley of death, she had assumed it to be the will of the Father of Darkness, when in reality, her faith had just begun... and now that she was drawing neigh to him, she knew, he would never leave her... she would be one with the darkness for all eternity.

As his hand came to her face to wipe away the tears, she now saw as blood, she closed her eyes at his touch -- like a child basking in the love of a parent she listened to him once more. Prior to this encounter, prior to this awakening -- she thought she knew her dark father, thought she'd had a relationship with him, but now, her eyes were open, the blinders removed and she was ready to sink into the dark waters, be baptized and rise again in new life and bring punishment onto those that the World Eater had deemed worthy. The names she had learned over the years, Bogan, Typhojem... and now, on the edge of truth, ready to fall freely she spoke. "World Eater, death bringer, endless void -- I lay my life down, thinking I had done so before but now know I hadn't truly had my eyes open. I give all that I am, my life -- my very soul and commit it to that void, to be used as he would use me, to follow his lead -- to beckon to his call." The thunder boomed in the sky above as lightning danced across the sky. Sitting up gently onto her knees, she held her hands out at her sides. "I have prayed, I have called and I have sought him with all my being for as long as I can remember-- I surrender to you, to him. Please -- lead me on the right path, show me his truth." This daughter of the dark, this child of the World Eater -- had been tried and found wanting, tested and come up short... but, like a moth drawn to the flame, the truth resonated in her very core, and her body stood ready to sing and herald the World Eaters praises.


Tags: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Why did Detritus come here? What compelled him to save the life of a girl, on the edge of death itself. Part of him had wanted to pass through, go to the site of the World Eater's transformation into a Wound in the Force, a creature of dark destruction that transcended death to unleash the true nature of the Force upon all the Galaxy. He was so close, if it wasn't for the Sword of the Jedi that had ended his life. Instead, he had come to the girl's aid. He had healed her with what Magicks he knew of his homeworld, and the Dathomiri Ichor had healed her wounds, and even went as far as to restore her sight. Such was the creative uses of such Magicks to restore what was lost. Now she opened her eyes, and looked upon the world anew. Detritus had traveled the galaxy, found few that were able to join the Knights of Ren, much less willing. He had never found someone in such a vulnerable state, but sensed that her desire to convert was true. She had seen the way of the World Eater and his teachings for galactic destruction. He remained looming over her, this dark savior of hers that had offered salvation to her when she desired it most. When all had abandoned her, he would be the one to show her the way. Guide her into what she felt had been missing.

He would stand up, moving himself away from her so that she could have space. Look around the desolate wasteland that was Tython, what she once saw in the Force, she could now see with her real eyes. His own gaze stared back with curiosity. What would this saved girl do with her new vision on life? Where would she go, he said nothing, waiting patiently for her next words. With her hands to her sides, she spoke mirroring Detritus's own religious tones. How she had spoke with the same fire in her voice as he had. In a way Detritus thought he had found a worthy prodigy, perhaps an equal should the time come. For now she had expressed her undying devotion the to God that was close to fulfilling his ultimate purpose, now the Knights follow in his name. He looked to her, and was about to speak before looking to the sky and heard the sound of thunder, as if the World Eater had heard her. As if he had sought for her carry out and fulfill her purpose, fulfill the only vision there was. A Galaxy remade, the cycle broken through destruction and rebirth. "What you have wondered for so long, search for is here upon you, young one. The World Eater will find you a worthy disciple the one who consumes, one who devours all. He has blessed you with vision, vision so that you may look upon his works of mighty, and tremble before him. Await the Apocalypse he promises with open arms, for death is not the end. No, it is but another path that offers great power. Power none of us hope to comprehend, but you must lose yourself to achieve this. There is much for you to do, you aren't ready yet, but you will be."

He spoke as if he was a proud Father, he had looked upon this girl, and found that he could mold her into a worthy Knight. His equal to carry on his legacy when he could not, there were many who sought to follow the ways of Ren, claim his teachings. This devotion she showed was something else entirely. He approached her, his black and orange robes billowed with the howling winds. A gloved finger moved to touch her head. He had reached out with the Force, his eyes closing. He reached out and heard what could be found for her name, just as he had found his name through his own madness. He listened, and the Shadow whispered. "Hence forth, you are reborn in his name. You will be known as Vorathia... Ren.." He said, a thunderous boom sounding across the heavens, the winds roared as if to welcome the dark child into his flock, her new name showing her potential. The name symbolized a rebirth, a new chance at life.


Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Blessed with vision -- this had been said to her more than once over the years to the young lady... yet somehow hearing it said through the World Eaters Dark Son somehow gave it substance -- made it an obtainable thing. Her sight had been taken as a young girl, which led her right into the arms and soft whispers of the dark. She had learned how to see through the force, which only increased her sight... and now, once again, her sight, a gift from the World Eater, had been returned... it was almost as if a third eye had been opened within her and now she sat viewing everything all at once. He'd been there, for everything worked to his glorious purpose -- and she, a rejuvenated daughter, now reborn knew her true identity.

Vorathia Ren...

The name rung out in the air, echoing on the plains, the thunder once again streaking across the sky as her fists gripped, the flow and ebb of the force surging in her body. She'd been divinely touched -- his shadow mark pressed and branded on her very soul now. Her grey sickly iris's started directly at Detritus, the unholy prophet, the heralder of the way, a voice in the wilderness. Turning around, the rain picking up once again she held her hands out and up towards the sky as a chilling laughter began to arise and claw from her throat, like a wolf tearing at the throat of a lamb -- for it was not a humorous, joyful laughter, it was one of freedom, of a prisoner who's chains had been broken... for now, she was truly free.

Like a dark angel, baptized in blood and fire.... she stood renewed.

Turning around, bowing humbly at Detritus, she spoke. "What is your bidding my Master..." She spoke it with unholy fervent jealousy -- she desired his favor, she desired the favor of the World Eater... and whatever their bidding was, she would execute it with a meticulous, and bloody precision. If it was death the great Darkness required, she would slaughter... if it was lambs to be led and shown the way, she would herald... and if it was punishment that was needed to be exacted, she would be like a blight upon the world which none had seen in millennia. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned -- and a deep, and fanatical desire twisted forth and bloomed from the young lady... she had found her Savior, she had found her peace, and now that her yoke had been lifted -- a strength had been awakened that no one else could have done, but him and so, her life would be forfeit for his purpose and his only.


Tags: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Detritus looked upon the newly anointed daughter of darkness with a proud smile, his smile showed that of a father who looked upon a wounded soul, a blind one that wandered searching for answers. Coming across an unexpected savior in disguise. Detritus wondered if the powers that be had something to do with it, if he should take the child not only as a disciple, but as a ward to further on the legacy of the World Eater? Even through such pondering, he felt the air electrify, the wind continued to howl with fury, lightning would occasionally scorch the very ground they stood upon, but it was clear through the chaos that both of them stood as an extension of the Storm.

His sulfuric gaze stared into her eyes, he studied her, letting her see this new world she inhabited in. Whoever she was in her old life, it didn’t matter. From this point forward she was Vorathia Ren, her name reflected that of devotion and mystery in her new God, she would follow the way she craved all her life, in a holy man that went about spreading his love, his will, his way unto the universe in which he fed upon. As the dark side heralded in a lost child back to her flock, did the Force itself swirled into a vortex around them, he could feel himself with a purpose unlike any other.

She asked what his bidding was, what he willed from her. Just as a proud father would, he placed a gloved hand gently upon her shoulder. His tone, once that of religious zeal had carried the same type of power. His words bolstered by his own convictions, he looked at her and she would feel a surge of darkness course through her veins with his words. “There is much work to be done. The Dark Empire brings in the promise of our Devourer’s will, yet his enemies, our enemies stand in the way. I fear the Galactic Alliance…” He paused his pensive tone turned into disgust, as if he couldn’t utter the name of the Alliance without a bad taste leaving his tongue. “I fear they will be emboldened to strike. The Bogan is divided, the Dark Empire, the Sith… We are mere food for the beast. I will take you in, teach all I can there is to teach, and together you and I will finish my father’s work. The legacy of Kyrel Ren will not die with him, for he lives in me.” He said pointing a gloved finger to himself, before he pointed to her. “Just as he lives in you, Vorathia. We are the Ren, we are the way.” He said, his zealous tone flaring once more with renewed intensity. It was to be a long road ahead, the darkness besieged but Detritus was ever the optimist finding opportunity in the harshest of circumstances.


Tag: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
He spoke of the work that needed done -- and the Dark Prophet was right. The Bogan -- was fractured, a shell of what it could be... the hidden and untapped potential that lie in the well spring of the World Eaters dark depths. The darkness had limitless depths to be tapped -- but, the biggest downfall of the Bogan was its immeasurable strife -- she must help the Son to unit all under the banner of the World Eater, she had to preach the way -- she had to remove the blinders... she had to convert for his sake, for the World Eater. "We must preach the truth -- and we must convert those and break through the ignorance of the rule of two -- and unit the Bogan under the powerful name of the World Eater."

Speaking up, a twinge of disgust in her voice, her soft, steady -- and vengeful voice broke the silence. "The Galactic Alliance will be forced down to bow on bloody knee's, and they will behold the World Eater." Listening to him further expound on what he intended to do, she simply bowed her head solemnly. "I will devote myself to the teachings of the World Eater, to you -- and I will learn them, I will not disappoint my Shephard, my Master. We are the Ren... and this, is the way." Her scarred, lifeless eyes peering only at him as she spoke these words with a zealous passion, bowing deeply once more as she rose, ready to follow, ready to learn, ready to begin.


Tags: Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig

Detritus would look to his newest, yet eager Disciple within his flock. Her words held firm convictions about what she saw. She agreed with what he saw on the galactic stage, the dark side, the shadow had been divided and scattered. The Light allowed to persist within the Galactic Alliance, he knew they have lingered in galactic history for too long. She possessed a bright vision, a new vision granted by the World Eater only so that she will spread his word, his way. Just as it had been designed since the coming of the Avatars. Since the destruction of Exegol. He turned to her, his head in a silent nod of agreement. “Easier said than done perhaps, the light are unified through the Alliance. Our goals and aims are stretched thin. The Imperial banner is struggling, but it possesses a powerful idea, a message to counter the corruption of the Alliance. The Bogan will prosper under such infectious ideals as the Imperial machine.” Detritus would say as he turned to her, the large shadow of a man loomed over her.

The girl had spoken swearing her allegiance. His aura radiated power, religious zeal unlike any other. A gloved hand rested above her head, hovering over her. He spoke his voice boomed. “Good… There is much work to be done. The Bogan will rally, the darkness gathers and only when the light approaches, we cast a deadly shroud until a single candle is alight.” He spoke the fire burning in his tone. “The Jedi will come to us, when they come we will strike. We will rally the people under the Bogan, under imperial beliefs. Then we shall see this galaxy burn, but we will be patient as shadow. The Jedi will come, when they do. They will be ready.” He said, he turned his head to look out towards the Sith Citadel overhead, a flash of lightning crackled.


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