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Codex Denied Darkwire Government Structure - Corporate Authorities of Denon

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  • Intent: To detail and clarify the primary governmental structure within Darkwire.
  • Image Credit: __
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: Daiya Daiya for use of their original logo created for CAD.
  • Links: Darkwire.
    • Organization Name: The Corporate Authorities of Denon
    • Classification: Corporatocracy
    • Affiliation: Itself
    • Organization Symbol:
    • Description: __
    • Headquarters: Denon
    • Domain: The Corporate Authorities of Denon operate on all worlds within the Darkwire influence cloud.
    • Notable Assets: __
    • Hierarchy: A corporatocracy is a type of plutocracy, or rule by the wealthy, where the wealthiest of the corporate entities control the political and economic systems of the territory. In the case of the Corporate Authorities, there is a board of Executive Directors known as the Direx Board controlled primarily by 5 powerful Executive Directors, or DireX, all titans of their respective industriesand the majority shareholders of the organization. The Direx Board is coordinated by the ExO, whose powers are the equivalent of a Head of State; the ExO serves as an intermediary for the board of directors, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Corporate Security Force (a.k.a. CorpSec, who serve as the law enforcement for the territory), and as the leader of the ambassadorial corps of foreign affairs. Beneath the Executive Directors are 50 other business owners who are the minority shareholders in the Corporate Authorities. The Direx Board members each have their own spheres of influence with their own internal policies, their own armed forces, their own judiciary practices, as well as their own ambassadorial corps. All other power structure trickles down through the DireX on a corporate level.
    • Membership: All denizens born within the Darkwire influence cloud are inherently CAD citizens. Anyone residing in territory taken over by the CAD are given probationary citizenship dependent upon a formal approval process involving but not limited to the payment of membership fees, taxes, and levies. Anyone moving to the influence cloud has the same probationary period after a strenuous acceptance procedure. Becoming an employee of the Corporate Authorities is a rather simple procedure, on the other hand, involving the signing over of any intellectual property while employed and forfeiting any right to company ownership, moonlighting for other potential employers, among other concessions.
    • Climate: Corruption is endemic within the infrastructure of CAD. Because the accumulation of credits and assets are directly equivalent to the influence that an individual carries, bribery and blackmail are frequent. While the highest level members of the Authorities have the influence to deal with or avoid any potential annoyances that lower level corporate members or outside parties might bring to bear, the backstabbing below that upper echelon is frequent. And yet, the CAD has no desire no resolve this internal conflict. Rather than seeing the climate as unrest, they see it as necessary competition to separate the most talented of individuals from the rest of the chaff, and as the strong rise, so to does the power of the CAD.
    • Reputation: The business-like nature of the government is often looked upon as a little confusing by other governments. Rather than dealing with diplomatic leadership, instead, foreign elements deal with corporate bureaucrats. On top of that, each corporate entity frequently operates independently of other entities and the policies that one entity advocates might be different than another.
    • Curios: [ Do the members of your group have any special item, marking or trinket that designates their membership? Something that only those part of this group would have access to or possession of? Examples are tattoos, amulets, rings, books of faith, etc. ]
    • Rules: [ Most organizations follow some set of rules. Maybe the Resol’nare, the Jedi Code, etc. Does this group have any religious beliefs? Philosophies? ]
    • Goals: [ What are the goals of this organization? Future plans for expansion? Collection of information? Providing education to those who seek it in certain skills? Supporting charitable works? For all intents and purposes, this is your in-character intent with this organization. ]
    The DireX:
    [ Include a description of the organization's history. Who started it, how and why it was formed, modus operandi, any events tied into its creation and existence, etc. ]
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