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Darren Brunswick

Darren Brunswick


NAME: Darren Ronald Brunswick
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Former Senator of Kuat / Ex-Senator
AGE: 35 yrs old
HEIGHT: 6' 4"
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
EYES: Light Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not even the slightest.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Overly Confident and Proud - Darren Brunswick is a very confident and a proud politician. He always believes that he is doing good and the best for the galaxy. He will rarely admit that he is wrong, and thinks that his political idea is the best.
Judges Others - As mentioned above, Brunswick has the tendency to always that he is the one with the right idea. He tends to judge others on how well they follow his political agenda, and favors those that will always loyally back him up. He is also fond of those that cooperate well with him, and those that share similar political views as him.
Independent - Although not always a bad thing, his independent personality got him into trouble lots of times. If there is one man in the senate that will make sure no laws pass with an unanimous vote, it is Darren Brunswick


Senator Brunswick owns a medium sized spaceship, which he had Kuat Drive Yards exclusively designed and created for him. It is a luxurious spacecraft, and has the ability to feed and house up to twelve people onboard for about a week or so, perfect for the senator's use. Primarily used only for peaceful diplomatic missions and operations, Brunswick's ship is not equipped with any weapons. It has a few layers of shield, which has proven to come in handy everytime Brunswick encountered an occasional hostile ship.


(Above: Senator Brunswick stands before the KDY Council.)

Wealth and Fame. It was one of those things that the people of Kuat just like Darren Brunswick desired so much. But the thing was, Brunswick did have wealth already from the time he was given birth. He was born into an elite rich family in Kuat, his father, Micheal Brunswick, being a council member of the famous Kuat Drive Yards. Darren had quite a lot of siblings, including two sisters and two brothers. The Brunswick family lived in a wealthy mansion in Kuat. From a very young age, Darren Brunswick was very interested politics. He was determined to make his political ideas known in the Galaxy. When he was about 14 year of age, his father took him along to the Galactic capital planet of Courascant on one of his almost monthly visit, in which Darren got a special opportunity to take a look inside the Galactic Senate in session. Ever since his visit to Courascant, Brunswick was determined to one day set foot inside that Galactic Senate as a senator himself. He went to Kuat University, in which he studied business management and government politics for about 5 years. After his father suddenly got assasinated, Darren took over as a council member in the Kuat Drive Yards Council. He made a good reputation as the new councilor, and became the Governor of Kuat within a few years as councilor at the young age of 28. He got married, had three kids, and decided that it was time for him to move onto the next stage of his life. Within a few years, Darren got himself a seat in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of Kuat. Brunswick introduced several new legislations to the Republic, some which lowered his reputation. When Darren's proposed anti-slavery legislation passed by a slim majority, the KDY Council decided to fire Brunswick. He is currently no longer the Senator of Kuat.
Weaknesses? Arrogance is usually a good one for a politician, or a sense of judging others according to their political/material worth, so tends to look down on people of lesser standing. Alternatively, he might be very brusque/abrupt, might have little issue with voicing his thoughts aloud, even if they're negative ones...

And, yes, he can be a Senator from a normal SW planet, provided it's not taken yet.
Greedy/Corrupt are the first that come to mind. Skeletons in the Closet is another great weakness. Maybe he is fond of fondling ewoks, or watches Hutt adult entertainment.

War Hero is a good positive. It allows you knowledge of military weapons and contacts. Charismatic is another although that is more of a rp intensive one.

I would suggest checking the planets in the Republic. Only Naboo's chancellor is controlled by a player if I am not mistaken.
Your planet should reflect your character's make-up. You'd be unlikely to be Kuati, since their society is Matriarchal, but you could easily be Chandrillan, Corellian, Fondorian...the choice you make will really determine the cultural background of your character, and this will be reflected in how you write. A Corellian Senator might be more independent and feisty, determined to do what is best for Corellia. A Chandrillan Senator might be more reflective and consider the good of everyone first. A Senator from Balmorra might be more industry-focused, while a Senator representing a Core World like Empress Teta/Koros Major would be more interested in the trappings of civilisation, and would likely be unsympathetic to less civilised worlds. Just food for thought :)
Great info, and I think it really is a good idea to make sure that my senator's personality reflects the planet that he would represent. I'm thinking of having him as the senator from Kuat...
Corellia's a good choice as far as being a Senator goes. There's that sense of independence that all Corellians have, added to the fact that you obviously don't want too much government inteference from the Republic itself, plus the whole economic growth as a competitor to KDY, the Fondorian Yards, Mon Calamari...

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Weight is supposed to be proportional to height, yes. I'm about 6'4 180 and I'm deathly skinny, so 200-220 is a safe bet for an average guy, 210-230 is a good bet for a lean muscle type guy, and 230-245 is a good range for a very muscular guy. And as a Senator of Corellia, you should definitely be a Corellia Rouges fan. We should have dinner sometime.


Well it doesnt really match. Maybe if you did some badass cyborg that was in the Project Freelacer faction then it would really match. (another character?)

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