The Monster

- Intent: To resubmit an old factory sub to comply within Factory Template standards, with minor improvements
- Image Source(s): Gallery
- Canon Link: None
- Permissions: None
- Primary Source: Original Sub
- Manufacturer(s): Freebirds Industries
- Affiliation: Freebirds Industries
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: AR-19
- Modularity: Variety of underbarrel attachments, attachments for side rails such as (lights, lasers, shields, sensors/radar), top mounted attachments for weapon system (optics, alternate optics, lights, lasers), Under barrel Grenade launcher (20mm/35mm/40mm), Underbarrel Shotgun
- Production: Minor
- Material(s): Phrik-A upper and lower receivers, Duranium short stroke gas system and bolt carrier group, FM-003 coating along internals to include trigger system and gas system, Phrik-A recoil spring system and buffer tube attachment, Duraplast-E on outside of upper/lower receivers, pistol grip, butt stock and magazines, FM-002 coat or Carbonite Coating for anti-corrosion across the entirety of the weapon system.
- Classification: 6.8mm / 10mm / 14mm
- Size: Average
- Weight: Light / Heavy / Average
- Ammunition Type: 6.8mm x 43mm / 10mm x 95mm / 14mm x 55mm Cased Ammunition
- Ammunition Capacity: Very Small / Average / Very Small
- Effective Range: Long Range / Long Range / Battlefield
- Rate of Fire: Average / Average / Low
- Damage Output: High / Very High / Extreme
- Recoil: Average / High / High
- Universal Mag-Well and advanced receiver construction make rechambering of this weapon between the three rounds above much, much easier. The only parts that need replaced are, the Bolt Carrier Group, Barrel, and adjustment of the gas system and you're able to use entirely different rounds.
- Complete analog construction and function of major components ensures whether you're in a highly irradiated, contaminated, or just straight up ionized environment, this weapon will function. It will shoot no matter the circumstances and while it's small electronic conveniences might not work, it will still put 'steel on target.
- Construction utilizes latest and greatest in Freebirds Industries material technologies, including Phrik-A, FM-002, FM-001 for electronic components protection, Duraplast-E, and others providing the most durable, while light and dependable package on the market.
- 10mm Magazines come in 40 round standard or 70 round drum magazines, 6.8mm comes in 30 round magazines, and 14mm comes in 15-20 round magazines.
- Ability to mount multiple types of optics, under-barrel attachments, lasers, flashlights and other types of weapon mods with the picatinny rail system. And so long as they don't detach the attachments from the rails, various attachments will hold zero even after weapon disassembly.
- Six position gas system (short stroke piston) has settings for each round type listed and an alternate position for operation with suppressors. This allows for flawless operations despite changing rounds, or even adding/taking off suppressors so your pews aren't so loud.
- Standard optic is a digitally enhanced scope with 2x, 4x and 6x magnification. Integrates with the rifle's round detection system to project proper aiming reticules for engaging accurately at range.
- Weapon has the ability to integrate with advanced optics and suits. This allows for optics and suits to receive information such as round count, round type and ballistic profiles of specific rounds. Requires capabilities to be present in suits and optics for operation to be successful.
- FM-002 protective coats across the outside of the weapon protect it from most/all hostile environments except for extreme types (i.e. directly hit with a torch, lava etc.).
- Weapon doesn't require minimal electronics to function properly and as such lack thereof would only be considered a minor inconvenience.
- Weapon is able to be reconfigured for right/left handed personnel by simply swapping the ejection port and charging handle extension to whichever side the shooter requires.
- Short stroke gas system makes weapon's operation extremely reliable due to keeping the major components of operation relatively cool and free of fouling. This allows for higher rates of sustained fire due to operators being able to squeeze and hold the trigger more often to gain fire superiority.
- Adaptable - Easily the most adaptable weapon system to come from Freebirds Industries to date. This weapon offers the soldier in the field a premium when it comes to customization options, including ease of maintenance and even swapping to different rounds for each mission type. And on top of it all, each configuration has been rigorously tested to ensure flawless operation in any environment regardless of what you're using and how much abuse you're putting that weapon under.
- Laughs in Analog - Remember those pesky EMP/Ion weapons that most of the time people will use to disable those blasters of yours? Next time when you're carrying one of these, be prepared to laugh at your opponent when they expect your weapons to not work, and you're suddenly hosing them down with bullets that laugh in armor piercing rounds. So now all you have to worry about is your armor, shields, and any other tech on your person. My suggestion? Shoot first, and a lot, and then ask questions. You'll live longer.
- Easily maintained and operated - The short stroke gas piston is one of the most reliable and proven methods of slug thrower operation in the galaxy. It's relatively simple, it's robust and by the gods it works. And by getting rid of all of that nasty gas and such at the front of the weapon rather than funneling it into the chamber this keeps the receiver cool, clean, and most importantly, operating. So don't be afraid to squeeze off that 10-15 round burst as this weapon will stay cleaner, longer, and allow you to more easily put rounds down range without worrying about a weapon malfunction because of receiver failure.
- Options Options Options - So when looking at this weapon system, unlike with most others, buyers should take the same approach as when purchasing a BD-4000 F. It's all about accessories, accessories, accessories. And with the ability to swap out scopes, lasers, flashlights, grips, bipods, under barrel weapons, its a soldier's version of a civilian luxury droid. So eat your heart out baby, live a little, and make this particular rifle, yours.
- Uses bullets - So unlike blasters which have packs with thousands of rounds, you have to carry every, single, round for this weapon system. And while sure the kinetic based nature of this weapon hits much harder than your standard blaster, bringing an absolute metric ton of ammo is a little bit of a chore. So I would suggest you use the superior ballistics of this weapon to your advantage, and get good at aiming to make every shot count.
- Requires proper work bench and tools to reconfigure - So while reconfiguring this weapon system to accept different calibers and sizes of rounds is much easier than standard fire arms, you still require a work bench to make the adjustment. This is because you still need some basic tools to swap out the barrel and bolt carrier group, and while the gas block is accessible for adjustments with and without suppressors easy enough, you still need to pay attention to what you're doing. Because even swapping this one way or the other too far can cause the weapon to operate improperly which will make it more prone to failure in the field.
- Requires shooters to understand ballistic weapons - It's a kinetic weapon with actual ballistics to worry about. This means that your average shooter who's grown up on blasters is going to need to forget what they think they know, and learn this rifle like a brand new shooter. That means they need to use proper shooting forms and techniques while using this weapon, and understanding what bullet drop is and how the environment will affect their bullets. At closer ranges this isn't much of an issue but outside of 100 meters, this issue will start rearing its ugly head especially if the electronics fail.
- Improper use leads to poor performance - Look back at weakness number two. Now understand a major side point of that weakness being, that improper use and extreme modifications will have serious impacts to weapon performance. Researchers at Freebirds Industries have already done everything they could to get the most of this weapon without raising the price tag on it substantially. That means if you go outside of the already tested and vetted modifications or additions to the weapon you're on your own, as FI cannot guarantee the operation or personal safety of the operator.
The combat rifle. A relatively new reemergence of this weapon, especially in the form of a primarily kinetic/ballistic version, has been something that has been chased by most militaries for years if not centuries. A weapon that allows for soldiers to take a weapon system, tailor it specifically to their job specialty and then make it personally their own. A weapon that in one moment, could be a CQC monster with high rates of fire and lesser penetration values to reduce chances of collateral damage, or could be used as a light automatic rifle, or even as the weapon of a marksman. This weapon system does it all. With this weapon system you have the ability to purchase a singular rifle, and then issue it to whatever soldier of your choosing regardless of their actual job. Then that soldier can look at the weapon, figure out what they need from it, and then modify it to suit their needs perfectly. Need an Automatic rifle with sustained rates of fire? Done. Need a close range weapon to be able to shoot fast and accurate up close and personal? Yep. Need a weapon for your grenadier that can mount a grenade launcher while also being able to use the weapon itself to shoot at targets as part of an infantry squad? Bet. Whatever your soldier needs, this weapon can be modified, and tailored specifically to it, allowing for soldiers to adapt to mission sets as they arrive. And best of all, when it comes to maintenance and upkeep of the weapon, so long as your men aren't total apes, it's extremely easy. This allows for operators to get more trigger time, better shots on target, and a much longer service life from each rifle. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the rifle of the future.
Posting Template credit goes to Darth Metus , picture edits to Oleander Webb .
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