RIP Carlyle Rausgeber
"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Name: Dartells Taipan
Designation: Non-Sentient.
Homeworld:]Terra Damnatia
Language: None.
Average Lifespan: 25 years.
Estimated Population: 120 million.
Average height of adults: 0.01 meters.
Average length of adults: 4 meters.
Skin color: Copper, Brown and Black.
Hair color: None.
Distinctions: The Dartells Taipan is Terra Damnatias most venomous creature. The snake has thick, sharp fangs inside its mouth, hollow and ready to inject its potent venom into anyone who gets close enough. The taipan has brown scales, with occasional splotches of black among older specimens.
Breathes: One.
+Helluva Bite: Within ten minutes, a human is dead from the bite. For a Jindaburra, Dewback or Eopie, they face an agonising hours wait for death, during which their nervous systems are attacked causing spasms, fits, and involuntary excretions of fecal matter.
+Durable: The Taipan can survive with up to ninety broken ribs, and still slither around. There have been stories of frontiersmen throwing the Dartells into campfires, and then seeing them half an hour seemingly reawaken and slither out of the ashes.
+Snakey Sense, Activate: The Dartells Taipans tongue is able to receive data on animal locations for about a six kilometer radius through wind. This creates a sort of internalized radar of sorts, and when it draws close to its prey, becomes an infa-red image.
+Good Vibrations: The Taipan can feel vibrations, and through their strength can decide either to escape, or pursue. The snakes so sensetive to these vibrations, it can sense them from about one and a half kilometres away.
-No Lady of the Night: The cold nights of the desert mean that there have been times Dartells have passed away through having vital arteries frozen. Ergo, it cannot be nearly as active during the night as it is at day, and often slithers into rock crevices.
-Blind as a Bat: Despite incredible sense of smell, the Taipan can't see too well at all, and has been known to strike inaccurately at its target.
-I can't hear you: The Taipan can't hear anything, ergo the vibrations being so important.
-Hydrophobic: The Dartells Taipan cannot stand water unlike its serpentine cousins. It avoids water like the plague. Because of that, one of the most effective ways of dispersing it, is pouring water over it.
Races: None.
Diet: Rylers Scorpions and Womp Rats.
Communication: The only way one communicates with the snake, is the rearing of its body and dangerous hisses it gives its future victim.
Culture: No culture exists among the Taipans. They only meet, when not trying to eat each other to mate. This is done when a female in heat excretes pheromones which attract a males to mate. The female lays eggs two to three weeks later. After another four weeks her babies hatch, and slither off into the wastes.
Technology level: None.
General behavior: The Taipan is an animal always on the defensive, and will always warn before attacking. However, it is unafraid to attack, and when it does, say your prayers.
History: None.
Notable Player-Characters: None.
Intent: Space Australia needs snakes.