Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Ahriman 2.0



Ahriman: Ahriman is the evil spirit in Early Iranian Religion, Zoroastrianism, and Zorvanism, Lord of Darkness and Chaos, and the source of human confusion, disappointment, and strife.


The Sith Empire
The Kainate
The Sith Order

RANK: Sith Knight
SPECIES: Clone (Human)
AGE: 32 Standard Human Years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11ft
WEIGHT: 84 kilograms
EYES: Darkside Corruption
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian


  • Soul Harvest: The ability to gain Power through the siphoning of the lifeforce of an opponent upon their demise.
  • Matriarch's Blessing: Enhanced connection to the Force provided by the Nightsisters Matriarch Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé .

  • Risk Vs Reward: Will easily put himself at risk in order to attain greater power in the Darkside of the Force.
  • No Limits: Has a learned deviancy towards the manipulation of life and natural energies.

After being rescued by the Silver Jedi on Arcadia-N-30, the months that passed helped Valen put on some much-needed weight, as he had been previously malnourished and neglected by his captors. Today, however, the young man is of an average build, looking much healthier and vibrant now that he's been given a life that sees to his hierarchy of needs and sets him off into a routine of daily learning and physical training.

What will be most unusual and perhaps even uncomfortable is Valen's almost identical appearance to the late Veiere Arenais. To those who knew the former Jedi Master, the likeness will be difficult to miss and may cause some interesting future interactions between the blissfully ignorant youth and those who recognise a connection between the two.

To understand Valen's origins, we must venture further back to the origins of Veiere Arenais, his Master Andina Torsyn and her companion and fellow Master Juhnen Khosso - Who today goes by the alias of Darth Veneer. Through the invasion of the One Sith against the Jedi Enclave on Svivren, Veiere's Master was killed while he had ignored her instructions and left to aid the Galactic Republic. Her lover Juhnen Khosso had fought alongside her and, witnessing her demise, developed a deep-seated hatred towards Veiere for his disobeying Andina's instructions where his presence may have helped to combat the Sith and subsequently keep her alive.

With the Enclave's devastation and the majority of Jedi killed, Juhnen Khosso fell into a temporary exile until crossing paths with Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis (Who would prove to be a great and terrible influence on the future House Arenais). Juhnen's weakness and anger were exploited through the Lord of Lies, and while he gained knowledge in the ways of the Sith, eventually being given the mantle of Darth Veneer, his time serving Prazutis would eventually end following Veiere's death many years later on Bimmisaari. It is here, however, where the pivotal connection between the young Valen and the late Veiere Arenais is made, as the fallen Master's Skull was mounted upon the armour of Darth Prazutis while Darth Veneer sought Veiere's DNA for an entirely alternate purpose.

Enter Valen Arenais, the Clone with no knowledge of his past and who was meant to serve as a member of the Disciples of Typhojem, being manipulated by Darth Veneer himself. What the Sith Lord failed to foresee, however, was the intervention of Caedyn Arenais and Kyra Perl, the Jedi team who accidentally stumbled upon the Cult's lair on Arcadia-N-30 while following up on some disturbing local reports, resulting in a violent battle and rescuing a very shaken, malnourished and highly potent force-sensitive they would later learn to be known as Valen.

The Order of the Silver Jedi:

Under the watch of Grandmaster Amaly Naetre, Valen would spend daily sessions within managed isolation from the rest of the Order. At the same time, the Seer sought to discover as much information about the boy as possible. On several occasions, Caedyn Arenais would be brought to witness these sessions, and through Valen's bloodwork, a startling connection would be made between the boy and Caedyn's father.

Upon Caedyn's request, the decision was made to keep the truth from Valen until he was trained and better capable of handling what was perceived to be devastating news for the boy. Furthermore, Valen would be offered the chance to train under the Silver Jedi Order and have nothing else for him. The boy agreed, not realizing his true nature or previous connection to the Force. Period.

The Sith Empire:

Valen would spend a long and exhausting year with the Silver Jedi, Exhausted due to his desire to discover where he had come from, who his family was, and what his place was in the Galaxy and in life in general. While he had been accepted as a Jedi Hopeful, learning the basics of the Force and the ideologies behind the Silver Jedi Order, Valen kept feeling that there were some things they weren't telling him. Every time he spoke of his desire to visit Arcadia-N-30 where he had been found and rescued, the Silver Jedi would discourage and deflect the subject. This would inevitably lead to Valen's decision to leave them, taking his few belongings and seeking public transport off-world one night.

It was during the battle of Generis between the New Imperial Order and the Sith Empire that Valen had succeeded in his new quest to find the Sith, those who the Disciples of Typhojem had originated from and could indeed offer the young man some answers as to why the cult had enslaved him, as well as why his memories from anything before were lost to him. The public transport that Valen had boarded in the hope of reaching Dromund Kaas had been drawn into the battle by an Interdictor Class Star Destroyer, forcing the vessel to make an emergency landing upon Generis. Once on the world's surface, learning what was happening, Valen took it upon himself to risk his life and leave the other survivors to find the Sith and gain entrance into their Order. It was A rash decision, yet in his mind, it was the most direct route to achieving the answers he sought. Valen was successful in his desire to find the Sith, and upon realizing the young man was Force Sensitive and unaffiliated with their enemy, the Sith agreed to take him to Dromund Kaas so that their superiors within the Sith Empire could decide upon his fate.

Zeptepi Zambrano was a fierce and unpredictable woman, a Sith Knight, a daughter to the Sith Emperor Darth Carnifex, and the Witch Leader of the Nightsisters of Dathomir, Pom Stych Tivé. Zeptepi, near Valen's age, commanded a strength in the Force that Valen had not believed possible for one so young, gifted in her upbringing and those around her, trained to be an exceptional Force User. On his first day on Dromund Kaas, he would be placed into Zeptepi's care, where she would pit him against five other prospective Apprentices to choose from that which survived her test: a hand-to-hand fight to the death.

The Sith Apprentice:

Proving himself worthy of Zeptepi Zambrano's tutelage, Valen surprised himself by overcoming the other five acolytes. He had never taken the life of another before, yet when threatened and backed into a metaphorical corner, he found the strength and desperation to ensure he would be the last standing over them.

The weeks that followed would see the pair, Valen and Zeptepi, following a strict training routine day in and day out, the young man's every waking moment dedicated to the pursuit of strength and knowledge in the Darkside of the Force and the way of the Sith Order. When not training alongside Zeptepi Zambrano, he would be seeking answers via the Sith Archives, information about the Disciples of Typhojem, the religion behind the ancient Sith Lord Typhojem and why this cult of zealots would leave the Sith Empire to make a home for themselves hidden away in Silver Jedi territory.

However, this was a time of war, and Valen's answers would need to wait. His time would instead be primarily dedicated to fighting on the battlefields against the New Imperial Order, which he had seen on Generis sometime before, as well as the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order, who were devoted to the annihilation of the Sith Empire. Their hostility and consistent invasions would cement Valen's faith in the Sith Empire, and he fully devoted himself to seeking out Force Users on the battlefield, eliminating them. Whether Jedi or Imperial Knight, Valen would accompany the Sith Fleet and make a small name for himself as an Inquisitor among the Sith Armies. He would also learn to siphon strength through the departing lifeforce of his fallen opposition, growing stronger with every life he would take.

Unfortunately, the Sith Empire's enemies would prove themselves greater in number. The Sith Empire would eventually fall, and led by his Master, Zeptepi Zambrano, Valen would be allowed to follow the Kainate into seclusion while others would be hunted down and killed.

The Clone of Veiere Arenais:

Years after his entrance into the Sith Empire, now set upon the world of Malsheen, Valen and Zeptepi Zambrano would set their sights upon the path of Valen's vengeance against the Disciples of Typhojem and the discovery of his identity and perceived family origin. Utilizing the spies of the Kainate, the pair would venture to the world of Arcadia-N-30 together to track down the cult that had enslaved the Apprentice so long ago.

While en route to Arcadia, much to Valen's surprise, Zeptepi Zambrano would inform him that she was relinquishing her authority over him as Master and Apprentice, subsequently ending his Apprenticeship under her yet explaining that they would continue to work together as agents of the Sith Order. Uncertain of what this meant, Valen was forced to accept Zeptepi's decision and instead focus on the mission before them...



Ambitions Prepared [Sith]


The Newcomer [The Silver Rest]
To Cookies! [Zambrano Girls+Valen]
A Night to Remember [Open to TSE and CIS]
Convergence [Asha Hex]
Beginnings-[HS-Ask to Join]
Dominion of Knowledge [Darth Maliphant]


Life Day | Open to SJC and Friends
Show Your Worth [TSE]


Heat Lightning | The Silver Jedi Concord Dominion of Tol Amn Hex


Crumbling Castle | NIO Invasion of TSE Held Gravlex Med and Ibanjii (Generis)
Hope Never Dies | GA Invasion of TSE held Ziost and Tiss'Sharl
Operation Shadowdance: TSE Invasion of NIO-held Muunilinst, Orinackra and Ord Thoden
Traitors Gate | NIO invasion of TSE held Vjun, Yavin and Vaal
Return to Stygian | GA Rebellion of TSE's Krayiss and Jelucan


Your Past Doesn't Define You [Solo/Caedyn]
Silver Wine [Truth Escapes The Silver Rest]
Empowerment [Zeptepi Zambrano]
Life According to a Zambrano Kid [Zeptepi Zambrano]
The search for answers [Zeptepi Zambrano]
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