Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Aldrain

Standard Profile Template


NAME: Darth Aldrain Vajar
FACTION: The one sith
RANK: Sith master, general in sith military
AGE: 40
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: dark eyes with cracks of sun fire orange
HAIR:Thin tubular dreads
SKIN: pale white with flakes of dead skin
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Aldrain is well versed in dual single bladed light saber combat. He is light and swift like a snake. In combat he is an aggressor that is constantly moving forward and putting pressure on his opponents. He is lucrative and effective with counter strikes.He constantly moving his feet and hardly ever stays in one spot. Very intelligent in the art of military tactics and prides himself on being a strategist. His weakness are force abilities and diplomacy. He is not much of a talker he is often short and straight to the point. The force abilities he does use are force choke, force lighting and force scream.

Adlrain is very battle torn and scared. His skin resembles rotting flesh as it seems to decompose in front of your eyes. It is pale and lifeless and flakes off periodically.

Aldrain is a jedi outcast that has lost his family and in enacting revenge on the ones who stood idly by he has fallen to the dark side and revels in the immense power it feed him.

it has four wings with a central pod. It has two cannon blasters w/ two missile boxes. In the rear are two ion booster engines.

Kyla Foy


You should start as a Sith Acolyte not sith master

[member="Darth Venefica"] I think it is his first character.

then if that' the case, you will have to make him an Acolyte...join the One Sith or a sith branch ...and work your way to master. Also, he can't be a general in the military until he has proven his worth in battle threads. Also, you would have to speak to the Sith Military about obtaining the rank.

As for his age, you might want to change that to reflect him being younger since he will have to start out as an Acolyte...but you do not have can keep him at age 40.

One more thing, he can't have the Darth title in his name....that is only granted to Sith Knights and Lords.

As being a Jedi might want to describe in the bio why he was outcasted. Did he kill a fellow Jedi? Did he allow the Dark Side to corrupt him? Etc.
Standard Profile Template

NAME:Aldrain Vajar
FACTION: The one sith
RANK: Sith acolyte
AGE: 25
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: dark eyes with cracks of sun fire orange
HAIR:Thin tubular dreads
SKIN: pale white with flakes of dead skin
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Aldrain is well versed in dual single bladed light saber combat. He is light and swift like a snake. In combat he is an aggressor that is constantly moving forward and putting pressure on his opponents. He is lucrative and effective with counter strikes.He constantly moving his feet and hardly ever stays in one spot. Very intelligent in the art of military tactics and prides himself on being a strategist. His weakness are force abilities and diplomacy. He is not much of a talker he is often short and straight to the point. The force abilities he does use are force choke, force lighting and force scream.

Adlrain is very battle torn and scared. His skin resembles rotting flesh as it seems to decompose in front of your eyes. It is pale and lifeless and flakes off periodically.

Was out cast by the jedi after refusing to follow orders and going on a killing rampage against a organized crime syndicate that murdered his family

it has four wings with a central pod. It has two cannon blasters w/ two missile boxes. In the rear are two ion booster engines.

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