Darth Amortarus
“The Immutable”

NAME: Jerdu
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Famous lightsaber collector/trader
AGE: 5,438 standard years, though this is not physically apparent even without his armor due to his bizarre and constantly regenerating physiology
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 8'5" ft.
WEIGHT: 332 lbs.
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Purplish-Red
Jerdu is an overall friendly individual who, despite his love for meaningless violence, holds no grudges and still clings to fragments of his former mindset. Though he is technically evil, due to being a Sith Lord, he doesn’t care for the term, thinking himself the guy you don’t mess with because of how cool he is. While he is certainly intimidating, the whole “impressive” factor that he seeks to portray is lacking, due to his constant errors concerning his thought processes.
One of the main issues Jerdu has, and what has kept him on the Dark Side for so long, is his psychosis. Because his brain doesn’t regenerate in the same way that his body does, his mind has broken down over time, like any other creature's brain would. Symptoms of his mental breakdowns include aggressive murder, major resistance to authority when unnecessary or nonsensical to resist it, and an unhealthy obsession with collecting as many lightsabers and components thereof as possible. Despite these and other clear signs that he is insane, Jerdu of course delusionally ignores them, believing himself to be an invincible master tactician. Perhaps his pride comes from the wealth he has amassed over the many years of his life.
Not that he’s always bad at developing tactics. Jerdu is a veritable master in combat because of his decades of muscle memory he has built up, and he is quite adept in terms of fighting plans and using the Force to aid him in any given scenario. The main problem is that he can only use his tactical knowledge unconsciously. If he has to think about a tactical decision beforehand, when there is no pressure to do so, his ideas and choices are very poor.
Overall, though unstable, Jerdu is just a guy who likes fun. He plays the game of life his way, though it is unfortunately riddled with insanity, destruction and too many lightsabers to count. Perhaps he would’ve turned back to the Light Side if he still had his mind intact; unfortunately, the pool of Dark Side energy at Acablas seems to have rendered him forever a chaotic Dark Lord of the Sith.
• Strength - Jerdu has a resilient physiology that makes him close to unkillable with conventional weaponry, being capable of regrowing is entire body from as little as a cubic millimeter of tissue if necessary. In addition, he lacks organs and other vitals, making the task of killing him all the more difficult with no heart, lungs, etc. to destroy.
• Strength - Since his entire body is nothing but a jumbled mess of corded muscles, blood vessels, and nerve bundles, Jerdu can use his regenerative abilities to displace his body matter and grow parts of his body at an exponential rate to create an elastic effect. This means that he can increase his physical attack range dramatically by more or less “hollowing himself out” a bit.
• Strength - Jerdu, being mostly comprised of muscular tissue, is immensely strong and can lift upwards of 4,000 pounds.
• Strength - Because his entire body has nerve bundles dispersed throughout it, Jerdu has near-instantaneous reflexes, and his sense of touch can detect minute vibrations, such as that of a human heart, from upwards of 600 feet away. The dispersion of these nerve clusters also causes Jerdu to feel very little pain.
• Strength - Having lived for millennia and experienced the evolution of the lightsaber, Jerdu is very knowledgeable about lightsaber variant designs, how a lightsaber appears and functions depending on its crystal, and even the strengths and weaknesses of certain aspects of the lightsaber. In addition, this knowledge extends to the use of lightsabers, and Jerdu is a master of every combat form other than Vapaad.
• Weakness - Jerdu will do anything he can to acquire rare and unique lightsabers or focus crystals. Because of this, he can be easily distracted, misled, or even bribed with the promise of a saber or crystal more easily obtained than by tiresome combat with what he deems “lesser strategists”.
• Weakness - Due to his regenerative abilities and aged mind, Jerdu delusionally thinks himself to be more or less invincible. He of course is not, but this method of thought leads him to do reckless things and often results in him dropping his guard.
• Weakness - Being a Gen'Dai, Jerdu's strange bodily structure has advantages and disadvantages. His body has no skeletal structure, meaning that without his armor to function as an exoskeleton, his tissues take on an amorphous state. Though he can still retain a vague semblance of his form, doing so requires the use of every single muscle in his body at once and is thus extremely exhausting.
• Weakness - If Jerdu sustains enough damage to his body, he will enter a state of hibernation that can last for decades in which his body does nothing but heal itself by absorbing nearby materials usable to create cells. In this state he is helpless.
Though his body cannot easily hold its form outside of his armor, while Jerdu is inside of it he is an intimidating figure. Having enough mass to show significant muscle even at 8 feet 5 inches tall, Jerdu wears a suit of full-body armor painted with the lightsaber-resistant dye of the norris root. His helmet has a special respirator to filter out toxins, acids, and various other contaminants, and his voice is filtered through a synthesizer to disguise it, giving it a warped and split tone over its natural gravelly growl. Jerdu's belt is always adorned with at least six lightsabers of various makes and colors, all with different focusing crystals for the sake of gaining their unique benefits. He normally wields a vented lightclub with an orange etaan focus crystal, the hilt of which is also painted with lightsaber-resistant norris root dye.
For millennia, Darth Amortarus has roamed the galaxy, all but unheard of. A legend whispered but never told, he was not spoken of because his story was unbelievable. A Sith that could live forever? Even the Emperor Vitiate took to his grave eventually. But no, this one lived even longer, it was said; there had been stories about him for thousands of years now, over four millennia to be precise. The Sith Emperor Vitiate, on the other hand, had lived for less than three. Could a Sith be truly immortal? Nobody knew, but one thing all storytellers agreed on was that if Darth Amortarus was alive, or even existed, he was discreet.
For the first few years of his life, Jerdu the Gen'Dai grew up interested in lightsabers. He enjoyed them for many reasons: their elegance, the multitude of designs their hilts displayed to fit their creator, their mysterious and powerful crystals. Jerdu spent the first leg of his life learning as much as he could about lightsabers, even going so far as to study the combat and disciplines that went with them. With this, he began to encounter the Force.
Having already constructed several lightsabers, the young Gen'Dai contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant, telling them with excitement how much he had learned about their noble Force and its favored weapon. He asked to be trained in their ways... and was crushed when they denied him. He was much too old, they said, even at seventeen to be trained. Worse still, he had trained himself with lightsabers, which was determined by the council to be an inhibition to properly mastering the forms.
Disgusted and empty, Jerdu turned away from the concept of being a Jedi, returning to work at his home. He didn’t stay there much longer, though, as he packed up all of his belongings and sold several of his homemade lightfoils to obtain passage on a ship out of the system. Once he was out of his home system, the Gen'Dai asked the captain if he knew the location of any Sith temples. Innocently, Jerdu stated that he wanted to examine the ancient historical landmarks. Not wanting to be associated with the youngster's likely corruption but also not willing to turn down Jerdu's hefty bribe, the captain dropped him off at the Sith temple on Auratera.
Determined to be trained in the Force, Jerdu marched across the unwelcoming structures of Acablas until he located the Sith pyramid. Once there, he was welcomed into the order and was trained in the ways of the Dark Side by Darth Mistral, a Voss Mystic who had discovered a pathway to greater power through the ways of the Sith. Mistral, though cruel, was a reasonably respectful mentor to Jerdu considering her own Sith training, and because of this Jerdu prospered in his development of his Force skills.
For seven hundred years Jerdu, now called Darth Amortarus, trained at Acablas, the concentrated Dark Side energy pooling in what later became Aca's Funnel slowly driving him mad. He watched the temples rise and fall with the ages, Jedi and Sith alike warring over the ley lines of the Force that crossed at Acablas. He eventually left the temple, searching across the galaxy for Jedi to steal from. He had continued to collect and create lightsabers, and his obsession only grew as his mind deteriorated with his age.
Eventually, after three thousand years of odd jobs for the Sith Order, collecting many Jedi's lightsabers, breeding his own private crop of norris roots to change their dye colors, and the development of severe psychosis, Jerdu had become a legend for his resilience in battle. He was named “the Immutable” and was spoken about in such a way that his very existence became questionable. This was fine with him; Darth Amortarus and Jerdu were two different people. One, a ruthless lord of the Dark Side; the other, a rich, aristocratic enthusiast of Jedi relics. And both of these he remains, even now.
A collection of around 436,000 different lightsabers; 32,000,000 various crystals; a crop of specially bred norris root plants; heavy durasteel armor and replacement plating; a luxurious home on one of Rannon's mountaintops, containing expensive food, hired workers, and rare art; about 45 droids of various models; personal sealed vault of credit ingots totaling 85,000,000 credits
The Force Phantom, a Vanguard-class heavy assault gunship
Port Call Geonosis