Darth Ansirrian

NAME: Darth Ansirrian (Rakhan Vekh)
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Darth
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: 47 physically. Several thousand years old chronologically.
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 220lb
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Dark Crimson
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Darth Ansirrian was always an intelligent individual. Even in his youth, while his brothers and sisters preferred sparring with one another for entertainment, he kept himself locked up in the library, nose deep in any ancient Sith texts and other tomes available to further his own intellect.
Master Tactician:
Ansirrian is also quite a knowledgeable man when it comes to strategy, both military and in other forms. He puts his keen intellect to work outsmarting and out manoeuvring his opponents constantly, ensuring his influence and political might are maintained at all costs.
His vast intellect has afforded him many advantages. One being his mastery of the dark side and the ancient sith sorcery of old. He is privy to rituals and secrets known only to a few, a fact he has put to great use in assuring his dominance.
Ansirrian has always been a stubborn individual, however. When pursuing an objective of his own, he is unlikely to deviate from his meticulously designed plans. His pride and ego demand it, after all.
Adherent to Tradition:
Another weakness of Darth Ansirrian is his total adherence to the sith traditions of old. He follows said ways religiously, and utterly despises those who do not at least adhere the basic sith principles.
A towering pure-blooded sith male, Ansirrian rarely removes his armoured robes and helmet save for very special occasions. He'd possess a slim, charismatic face, adorned with the spiked tendrils common in male purebloods. An elegantly crafted double-bladed lightsaber hilt would commonly be affixed to his belt, the purple focusing crystals within visible through a crystalline cylinder at the centre of the handle.
The life of Darth Ansirrian has been a long and interesting one. His rise to power from the Sith Academy on Dromund Kaas was swift and merciless. Within a few years, he'd quietly overthrown his master once learning all he could and took control of a vast power base, one he put to good work in increasing his influence amongst the Sith Empire. When the war against Valkorion and the Eternal Empire of Zakuul came to a violent start, Ansirrian enacted a plan to ensure the survival of himself and a sizeable cadre of pureblooded sith loyal to his cause. He and two hundred Sith were frozen in specially prepared carbonite freezing chambers, and interred within a newly constructed and well hidden Sith tomb, programmed to emit a homing beacon after several thousand years had passed, and all of Darth Ansirrian's enemies were long dead. Finally, that beacon has activated...