NAME: Darth Apparatus
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: At least five decades (Rumored to be far older)
HEIGHT: 1.9 m
BUILD: Muscular with cybernetics
EYES: Dark side corrupted bright red
With tremendous physical strength, Darth Apparatus posed a danger to those even in simple hand to hand combat. Cybernetic limbs as well as the Force further augmented this strength beyond normal human levels. He also was decievingly fast and agile - able to propel himself at tremendous speed. This made him a formidable opponent in close range.
On the flip side to that, Darth Apparatus had little ranged combat ability. Even with the Force, Darth Apparatus needed to close the gap between his opponents in order to do the most damage. Those that could keep the distance had the best chance of survival, and by extension, possibly defeating the Sith Lord.
However, Darth Apparatus had extreme durability when it came to taking damage and prolonging fights. Through the Force, he was able to take a great number of wounds and broken bones before subcoming. In fact, the pain he would recieve from the fight would further fuel his connection to the dark side. This allowed him to fight at full strength for a long time.
Yet, as a result of being able to take so much damage in a single fight, Darth Apparatus would eventually crash. His fighting prowess would take a sharp drop and he would have been unable to do anything - leaving him at his most vulnerable.
To make him even more dangerous, though, Darth Apparatus had a tremendous and focused grasp on the dark side of the Force. Instead of having flashy abilities, though, Darth Apparatus focused on telekinesis. He was able to create a powerful Force push with minimal effort and motion. He also extensively used the Force to augment his physical abilities.
Due to the reliance on the Force, though, Darth Apparatus was just as susceptable to hard Force user counters as any other. Ysalamari could cripple the Darth's fighting ability and make him useless in battle. Distractions while focused on channeling the Force could lessen the effect of his abilities. Also, mental distractions could prove useful in combat.
But, Darth Apparatus had the intelligence and experience to be able to watch out for those exploiting his weaknesses and also to maximize the effectiveness of his strengths. The man relied heavily on creative tricks during and outside of combat to get the upper hand. This lead to unorthodox lightsaber fighting styles and incredible plans that seemed to go off well.
In the end, though, the greatest weakness of Darth Apparatus was that many villiains fell prey to. Due to his vast intelligence and successful past, he was extremely prone to being blinded by his pride. Granted, he was smart enough not to allow standard mistakes such as giving a handicap to his opponents, yet he could underestimate the abilities of his opponents while overestimating his own for the situation. Those that could catch him at such an error could reap the rewards of his defeat.
Much about the life of Darth Apparatus before his ascendance as a Sith Master was unknown. It was rumored that a corrupted holocron contained all knowledge regarding his life, existing even while he was alive. However, such a thing had not been found nor was there any concrete proof of its existance.
Being a very independent Sith, Darth Apparatus did not participate on the grand stage of galactic events often before 835 ABY. He also trained very few Sith Apprentices, and none are known to have survived to the end.
The first publically noted appearance of Darth Apparatus was cited during 804 ABY on the planet of Ruusan. At that time, he had been recognized as a Sith Master by other Sith. While on Ruusan, Darth Apparatus attempted to desecrate a Jedi temple that had been there. Alone, Darth Apparatus wreaked havoc on the planet and the Jedi inhabitants. Several Jedi managed to survive, though, and informed the rest of the Order about the unknown crimson-masked Sith.
The next incident revolving around Darth Apparatus occured on Ossus at 811 ABY. Ossus had mostly recovered from the Gulag Plague by then due to its small, isolated population. However, such a population still remained divided between those that dwelt within the walls of Iziz and the Beast Riders. Darth Apparatus attempted to seize control of Iziz behind the scenes, and became a terror to both the Beast Riders and the innocent citizens within the walls. This time, several Sith of little note accompanied Darth Apparatus to Ossus in order to subjugate the city. However, a team of Jedi Masters arrived on Ossus within several months upon hearing news of what had happened. During the ensuing battle, the Jedi learned both the Sith's Darth name as well as how dangerous he could be. Of the strike team, only two survived. However, they eventually managed to push Darth Apparatus off of Ossus and liberate its people.
During 819 ABY, Darth Apparatus and a group of a dozen Sith struck at Naboo. Much like his attack on the Ruusan temple, this was a very quick and sudden strike meant to strike terror in the citizens of the city. In the span of half a day, several square miles of Theed went dark with at least a thousand people dead. The police force of Theed were ill equip to fight against Force users at the time, and as a result, were ineffective in stopping the Sith. However, a Jedi Master and his Padawan had been on Naboo at the moment. They were several hundred miles away when Darth Apparatus started the attack, yet they were able to reach the city eventually. After a lengthy battle, the Sith followers of Darth Apparatus had been slain. Yet, at the same time, the Jedi Master had been crippled to the point of no longer being able to fight. Darth Apparatus subsequently broke the Padawan's will and cause him to fall to the dark side. At that moment, though, Darth Apparatus killed the Padawan in front of his Master then promptly left without doing the same to the Jedi Master.
At 825 ABY, Darth Apparatus was spotted on a planet of dark side cultists. Due to the isolated nature of the planet, it was not ravaged by the Gulag Plague like the rest of the galaxy. He came along with one other Sith at the time. They managed to terrorize the cultists - killing their leaders and taking their knowledge. Darth Apparatus quickly departed from the world with his Apprentice. His partner disappeared shortly after that. The Sith would have knowledge of this event.
Rumors of minor attacks by him continued to circulate throughout the galaxy. He did not achieve the notoriety of a galactic villain before 835 ABY among the masses due to his sporadic attacts and activities. Yet, those that had ever became involved with him knew of the danger he could pose.
By 835 ABY, select circles had grown familiar with Darth Apparatus. He remained independent of other Sith's politics. Jedi would have certainly viewed him as an insidious threat. Other Sith either attempted to follow him thinking him as an ideal or were wary of his unknown end goals. Many of the growing Sith Empire saw him attempting to contact and become involved in the activities of the faction, possibly suggesting that his plans ultimately rested upon the growth of the Empire.
((Writer Note: If you wish to incorporate the backstory of Darth Apparatus into your own character's, feel free the contact me. I am open to having other characters have previous relations with Darth Apparatus, provided they are not in conflict with what other characters have incorporated. I am also amendable to creating original backstory content to get around such conflicts.))
In 835 ABY, word begun to spread due to Darth Apparatus's association with the verified ancient Darth Moridin as well as Darth Apparatus's own boasts. The rumor was that he was at least four hundred years old - alive during the time before the Gulag Plague. In that year, it was still neither confirmed nor denied. Then, he dropped off of the galaxy's radar for quite some time. His absence paved the way for Darth Moridin's ascension as Sith Emperor. Yet, Darth Apparatus eventually returned to continue wreaking havoc.
Also in the year 835 ABY, Darth Apparatus and Darth Moridin both attacked the Republic's Senate Building after an important speech declaring the Republic's intent to revive its former glory. This was before Moridin's ascension. Both Sith Lords managed to cause massive destruction of the building and devastated many of the Republic's forces that arrived to stop them. Eventually, both Sith managed to escape Coruscant with impunity.
In time, Ashin Varanin began to formulate plans for a coup against Darth Moridin. She eventually contacted Darth Apparatus in order to discover the Sith Lord's intentions should she attempt to overthrow the Emperor. In their meeting on Rhen Vhar, Darth Apparatus told Ashin to attempt the coup yet did not pledge support. Upon Ashin's request, he then dubbed her Darth Desmius and departed.
During Darth Desmius's grab for the throne, Darth Voracitos challenged her to a duel in order to test her strength. During the duel, Darth Apparatus secretly shared some of his power with Darth Voracitos in taxing Force technique similar to Battle Meditation. With such a connection, Darth Apparatus was able to gauge Darth Desmius's power. Shortly before Darth Voracitos lost control of his powers, Darth Apparatus severed the connection between them.
Shortly after Darth Desmius's ascendance, a powerful AI known as Omni began the Clockwork Rebellion. Droids poured from the chasm near the Citadel on Dromund Kaas and attacked the city. Darth Apparatus had been on the planet when the attack began and fought against the droids. Eventually, he came across Darth Desmius. By giving her advice, Darth Apparatus demonstrated that he had knowledge of Omni. When they secured a ride offworld, Darth Apparatus explained that he received the knowledge from an ancient holocron made by Lord Derriphan. He also suggested that other forces in the galaxy would move to create some sort of summit and that he would wish to be the representative of the Sith. Darth Desmius allowed Darth Apparatus to do this.
In no time, the Sith got word that the Republic had called for a summit on Kuat. Darth Apparatus journeyed to Kuat in secret except for a few commanding Republic citizens. For most of the meeting, Darth Apparatus did not speak. When prompted to do so, Darth Apparatus quickly revealed that he was a sleeper agent of Omni. Just after he spoke, starships under Omni's command poured forth from Hyperspace and attacked the Republic forces. The Republic fleets quickly retreated from the planet and the summit was called off.
One of the pieces of advice Darth Apparatus gave to Darth Desmius before his betrayal was that Belsavis would hold some answers. Darth Desmius took a team comprising of Anaya Fen, Sanctuary, and Jedi Grandmaster Darron Wraith. They eventually reached the underground tunnels beneath the Tomb and found Darth Apparatus. After a quick confrontation, Darth Apparatus revealed that they would get no answers on Belsavis and all he wanted was to waste their time. He then evaded their attempts to fight him and escaped offworld with a primordial droid army found on Belsavis.
Darth Apparatus showed absolutely no compassion for others. He held little regard to those unable to stop him through force or outplaying him - viewing authority as only legitimate when wielded by someone with the strength to enforce it. Using that justification, the Darth frequently acted on his own accord and hardly ever gave justifications for his actions. Despite his cooperation with other Sith, his disregard for their hierarchy made him a being to be wary of.
Hiding his face with a mask, much about the true nature of the Darth remained unknown. The Darth hardly appeared to have any civility or humanity within him. His presence in the Force alone was a clear demonstration of the vast darkness residing in him. It could have been a threatening aura to those susceptible to the temptation of the dark side. Couple that with his odd, distorted, and loud voice through his mask and the Darth could seem to be a terrifying and intimidating presence.
Frequently lying and obfuscating the truth, Darth Apparatus used deception to its fullest. It worked well with his quick thinking mind. While he seemed to have been anger and wrath incarnate, the Darth apparently had enough control of himself to effectively execute dangerous, savvy plans on the fly with unorthodox uses of lightsaber and Force combat.
Like all great Sith warriors, Darth Apparatus developed his own fighting style, unique to himself. Most of his attacks were precise. He frequently aimed for weak points, such as a blind side or the neck when fighting armored foes. His physical strength allowed him to fight with two lightsabers without being overpowered easily. He also frequently gave ground when being pushed, so he could both save energy and stamina as well as prevent his own blades from being pushed into his body.
A strong advantage in the Darth's fighting style was its diversity. He could go from a fast, controlled technique to a strong, powerful technique in a split second. Twin strikes usually shocked opponents not expecting a powerful strike from a dual wielding enemy. Darth Apparatus's fighting style also allowed him to either go on an all-out offensive, constantly attacking foes from different angles, or an aggressive defense, by defending an opponent's attack with one blade then simultaneously attacking with the free blade.
What was possibly the deadliest feature of Darth Apparatus's lightsaber combat was the use of deception and trickery. He frequently entered battle with both lightsaber hilts in hand, yet only one was ignited. It allowed him to have more control over the Force, yet it also allowed him to get in close to opponents and attack with the, most likely, forgotten deactivated lightsaber. He frequently used Tràkata, the exploitation of the lightsaber's ability to turn on and off, in order to break blocks and confuse opponents. The Darth also frequently feigned defeat in order for the opponent to even let their guard down for one moment. Darth Apparatus also kicked, punched, and elbowed opponents that were too close to strike with a lightsaber. If it was not for him wearing an iron mask, it would have been likely that he bit opponents. The Darth was also not above throwing sand and other objects into the face of opponents in order to gain an advantage during lightsaber combat.
Darth Apparatus had formidable powers in the Force. This was mostly due to the psychological elements he embraced on being a Sith. He enveloped himself in his limitless ambition and hatred. This gave him a powerful grasp on the dark side.
Rather than focusing on complicated, showy Force powers, Darth Apparatus saw the near limitless ability of just simple telekinesis. As a result, his tells for Force push and pull were usually very small. All that he required to focus his hate was a twitch of the muscle. His strikes in the Force were also very much like a punch, coming in hard and fast as if it was an extension of his own body.
This fine-tuning of his abilities in telekinesis also allowed the Darth to easily use it in the midst of lightsaber combat. He usually did not have to stop in order to pull off a powerful push. He would also frequently attempt to drag others with the Force into his own lightsaber blade.
Displaying other Force techniques, Darth Apparatus has been seen to use the Force to increase his physical attributes such as speed, strength, and endurance. This usually allowed him to perform exceptional feats well beyond the limits of humanoids - such as destroying buildings with his fists. The full extent of his Force abilities remained unknown, though.
- Gluttonous Pursuits (March 2013 - Established Voracitos relationship)
- Emergence Day (March 2013 - Darth Moridin is Asari, established Moridin relationship)
- An Apprentice Among Lords (March 2013 - Unfinished)
- Drums of War (March 2013 - Galactic Event vs. the Republic, established Republic knowledge of Apparatus)
- Fostering Leadership (March 2013 - Sith Triumvirate creation, established Sith knowledge of Apparatus)
- In Need (March 2013 - Established Frigus relationship, unfinished training thread)
- Cutting off Trade (March 2013 - Dominion of Eriadu, unfinished)
- Training: Daxton Bane (March 2013 - Unfinished training thread, established Daxton relationship, Daxton promoted)
- Ephemeral (March 2013 - Unfinished training thread, established Irina relationship)
- Return to the Galaxy (May 2013 - Established Reyven and Ashin relationship, reappearance of Apparatus to Sith)
- Peace is a Lie (May 2013 - Ongoing training thread, established Vandin relationship)
- Gand Adventure (May 2013 - Dominion)
- Waking the Bear (May 2013 - Invasion, established Mandalorian knowledge of Apparatus)
- The Final Problem (May 2013 - Ashin informing Apparatus of her coup, Ashin dubbed Darth Desmius by Apparatus)
- Lords of the Sith: Primacy (May 2013 - Apparatus "possesses" Voracitos during the latter's fight against Ashin)
- The Clockwork Rebellion: Dromund Kaas (June 2013 - Clockwork, Apparatus leads a retreat from Dromund Kaas after Omni's strike)
- A Clockwork Galactic Response: Kuat (June 2013 - Clockwork, Apparatus revealed to be Omni sleeper agent)
- Belsavis: Watch Your Back (June 2013 - Clockwork, Apparatus lured Ashin on a fool's errand)
- The Last Stand (June 2013 - Ongoing Clockwork Finale, Apparatus fights Onyx, Darren, and Kiyala, and fights Darron)
- In The Citadel (July 2013 - Ongoing thread, Apparatus searches for relics within the Citadel)
Clockwork Avatar is Raid by Riyahd Cassiem
Unmasked Avatar is Sith Juggernaut by Tony Vassallo