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Darth Apparatus

[Darth Apparatus]
"I will not be contained. I cannot be redeemed. Death is all that remains, and you will not kill me. I will not be your trophy. If I must die, I choose how—and everything dies with me."
- Darth Apparatus
NAME: Darth Apparatus
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Master
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: At least five decades (Rumored to be far older)
HEIGHT: 6'0"
BUILD: Muscular with many cybernetics



The modern galaxy recognized Darth Apparatus as a threat, both physically and with the Force. His return after a mysterious disappearance marked some changes in his health. He noticeably had a heavy breath and seemed sluggish. Something apparently happened to cause the decline in health. Yet, the Darth's mind remained strong. He seemed resilient against mental assailants due to his fortitude and purity of will and held power with telekinesis just as before. In the end though, it seemed as if his recovery from whatever event in deep space required him to avoid many confrontations. His reputable endurance seemed absent, and so the Darth sought means for victory through strategy as Palpatine and the Sith Emperor had done beforehand.


No biological features of Darth Apparatus could be discerned besides his height and build. He had once again donned a crimson mask, thus hiding his face. He still wore bulky black armor and an obsidian colored cloak and hood.


Donanyd had been the last place the modern galaxy saw Darth Apparatus. He disappeared shortly after destroying the planet. Where he went remained unknown to the galaxy at large. One could assume he met trouble in deep space, which resulted in his physical body being wounded.

Alternative theories suggest that Omni's nanomachines had kept his body alive unnaturally longer than it should have. This mostly came from those that believed the rumors that the Darth was centuries years old. Supporters of this theory say that once the Darth removed the nanomachines, his body had been slowly dying. His irrational behavior in destroying Donanyd then disappearing could have been tied to that. Such people say that Darth Apparatus was unable to act after Donanyd as his body began to rapidly decay.

Eventually though, Darth Apparatus returned to the galactic scene. He appeared in the outskirts of the Empire's sphere of influence at first. Reports seemed to mirror those of ghost stories, though. He disappeared complete during the events of the Dark Harvest - possibly using the chaos for whatever machinations he desired.

Leaving more questions than ever in his mysterious and dubious appearances, Darth Apparatus and his deadly machines that destroyed Donanyd never reappeared. The reason for why Darth Apparatus did not commit to his promise of galactic destruction remained unknown. Even those that believed he was wounded or dying could not adequately explain the disappearance of the Darkwings.

Little of the galaxy welcomed the Darkwings to return, though. Darth Apparatus's disappearance had been treated as a mysterious blessing. Even the Sith Empire, at least the Force-insensitives, could quietly celebrate his disappearance - as he had been seen as a rogue ever since he was revealed to be an agent of Omni.

After the Dark Harvest and Dranok Lussk's rise to power, Darth Apparatus eventually returned in full. He appeared on Dromund Kaas, and whether he would be welcomed by the new regime was unknown or not...

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