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Approved Tech Darth Arcanix's Sword

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Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows

  • Intent: A personal weapon for Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , Darth Arcanix
  • Image Source: Yi Wei, with mild edits by me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Masterforged phrik
  • Envenomed edge (very powerful paralysis toxin)
  • Durable leather grip
  • Nearly indestructible apart from the leather grip; you'd need to throw the sword into a star or hold a lightsaber against it for several minutes to destroy it.
  • Carries a powerful paralysis venom, suitable for tranquilizing anything from a massive Sithspawn to a Jedi Master with a single cut. (Actual effect is up to the targeted PC, etc. etc. etc.)
  • Superb balance for one- or two-handed use.
  • Comfortable grip for heavy or sustained use; will not get slippery if bloody.
  • Absolutely nothing about this sword is impeded or damaged by ysalamiri, void stone, or Force Light. It doesn't even give off a detectable dark side signature unless you touch it.
  • The thin ornamental bronzium plating on the phrik ornaments will melt in contact with a lightsaber, potentially scattering droplets of superheated metal.
  • No special cutting ability beyond being a very sharp sword - no energy fields, vibrogenerators, monomolecular edges, etc. Its hexagonal cross-section is meant for strength, not razor sharpness.
In 864 ABY, Taeli Raaf provided Ashin Varanin with an Arika Kitiuras body in return for a personal sword.

The master swordsmith Azel Moran took point on the project. The sword he created had special utility for a beastmaster alchemist: it uses the paralysis venom of one of Raaf's own Sithspawn, the quasi-felinoid Zasa Raura, to paralyze unruly specimens for transport. The blade is flat-ground with a hexagonal cross section. Its grip is fine-scaled, ultra-durable leather from an Irza Zarwa (another of Raaf's Sithspawn), capable of standing up to glancing lightsaber strikes.

Master Moran strongly recommends using a rare Svolten rhyolite whetstone to maintain the edge after each battle. He had the Aksifas leatherworkers include a small, snug pocket for such a whetstone on the scabbard, which is Irza Zarwa leather like the grip.
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