[float right]
| Social Information |
| Name | Karak Kozen
| Aliases |
| Former Titles |
| Faction |
| Living Situations |
| Marital Status | Unmarried
| Languages Known |
| Physical Information |
| Species | Zabrak (Dathomirian)
| Age | 34
| Gender | Male
| Height | 178cm / 1.78m (5"10)
| Weight | 102kg (16 st.)
| Eye Colour |
| Skin | Scarlet
| Marks & Scars |
| Force Sensitive | Yes
| Force Rank | Master
| Force Alignment | Dark Side
| Personality and Traits |
A proud Sith, Darth Atrox prides himself
| Powers and Abilities |
Lightsaber Combat
The Sith Lord typically has a total of two lightsabers on his person; one primary blade which he uses for most combat situations and one secondary blade which can work to either bolster his attack with two blades, be used as a back-up should his first weapon be destroyed or be combined with his preferred lightsaber to create a double-bladed lightsaber which he can use to utterly devastating effect.
He is also skilled in a number of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat is not difficult to the Sith Lord. In short, he has been sculpted into a perfect weapon, and uses his abilities with efficiency and skill.
Teräs Käsi
The Sith Lord is well practised in the martial art of Teräs Käsi, having studied the method and utilised his skills in a number of confrontations across the known Galaxy. The Master of the Dark Side takes advantage of his enhanced reflexes and muscular condition to become a terrifying foe to those who choose to face him in non-melee combat. Karak often uses a 'Force Strike', in which he augments his physical strength allowing him to smack weaker opponents with much more force and power.
Basic Force Abilities
He is much weaker in mental attacks than offensive Force abilities and struggles to infiltrate his subject's mind, or influence their actions without quite a hefty strain on his stamina.
Advanced Force Abilities [order of proficiency]
As an Acolyte, Karak demonstrates his albeit weak Sith Lightning to a tutor.| Brief Biography |
Mystery shrouds the Zabrak like an impenetrable fog, and the Sith Lord's name has slowly fell into disuse following the fall of the One Sith. This is his story.
Karak Kozen's life had been predetermined before his birth. He was to be a Nightbrother, a slave to the Nightsister overlords upon Dathomir and fade away just as trillions of other beings have over the course of history. However, one small turn of events altered Karak's future.
The Zabrak possessed a rare gift and unbeknown to his tribe, held a strong affinity with the Force, something which did not go unnoticed to a young, reckless Sith Knight by the name of Risol who was snooping around the dark planet for a lost Sith artefact.
Instead of the artefact, Risol discovered a five year old child, and under the cover of darkness, whisked him away to his ship and fled the planet.
That man would be the Pureblood Sith Knight, Darth Acarus who himself was a fresh-faced young man with whom the sixteen year old would often lock horns with in fiery disagreements. Together, they partook in several missions and quests until Karak's knighthood, after which they seemed to never clamp eyes on one another again.
Knighthood came and the Sith greeted the moniker of Darth Iskios and partook in many a mission on behalf of the One Sith, achieving the rank of Lord just before the fracture of the great Empire and his subsequent exile to Dathomir.
Shattered with grief, anger and confusion following the dissipation of the One Sith into the fringes of the Galaxy, Darth Iskios shed his mantle of Darth in shame, as he felt at least somewhat responsible for the fall of the faction - it was his job to preserve the values and uphold the mantras of the Sith, and since he failed he did not dare bear the title of Darth.
Upon Dathomir, Karak, as he began to start referring to himself again, took control of the Wildlands and ruled over them as a sort of monarch, uniting several Nightbrother clans, including the one from which he hailed as a rightful heir, and murdered all who did not answer his call, or bow to the warrior as their rightful leader.
Though amidst the spoils of victory, Karak still felt weaker than he should have been, he felt as if his goals had never been fulfilled and that the life he was living was the one placed out before him all before he had been carried away to the ranks of the Sith, destined to be a nobody. But alas, here he was. A nobody on some backwater planet where nobody out the Dathomir system knew his name.
This was not the life of the Sith. This was the life of a Zabrak who had laid on his back and accepted his fate. Not the life of Kozen. And so, he vowed once more to make a change. Karak sought reclaim his title as Darth and began to expand his skills where he left off all those years ago.
And then one brisk evening he left, leaving his clan on Dathomir rolling in chaos and fear as their valiant leader abandoned them, never to be seen again. He would soon emerge from the shadows, free of the disgrace the fall of the One Sith had branded upon him with a new moniker. Darth Atrox.
| Appearance |
Perhaps considered handsome for a Zabrak, the Sith Lord known as Darth Atrox is compact, heavily muscular and very easy to spot in a crowd. His skin is pigmented red, and adorned with heavy tattooage which marks his heritage and status as a Lord of the Sith and master of the Dark Side of the Force. Upon his head is a crown of horns, yet another indicator of his species.
He often wears a simple ebon tunic, fitted personally to gift him the perfect combination of breathability, flexibility and the option for anonymity either on the battlefield or whilst walking the streets. Large, terentatek leather boots which are supple yet supportive cover his feet and he can often be seen in gloves of the same make.
In warmer climates, this tunic will be swapped for a lighter, short-sleeved version.

| Social Information |
| Name | Karak Kozen
| Aliases |
- Darth Atrox (Sith Moniker)
- Lord of the Sith
Darth Atrox
| Former Titles |
- Darth Iskios (Abandoned Moniker)
| Faction |
- The One Sith (formerly)
- Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Sith Lord
| Living Situations |
- Confederacy space
| Marital Status | Unmarried
| Languages Known |
- Galactic Basic - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
- Zabraki - Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
- Sith- Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
| Physical Information |
| Species | Zabrak (Dathomirian)
| Age | 34
| Gender | Male
| Height | 178cm / 1.78m (5"10)
| Weight | 102kg (16 st.)
| Eye Colour |
- Placid Grey(NATURAL)
| Skin | Scarlet
| Marks & Scars |
- Sith and Dathomirian tattoos across entire physique
| Force Sensitive | Yes
| Force Rank | Master
| Force Alignment | Dark Side
| Personality and Traits |
A proud Sith, Darth Atrox prides himself
| Powers and Abilities |
Lightsaber Combat
- Ataru - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Djem So - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Juyo - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Niman - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Shii-Cho - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Soresu - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Makashi - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
The Sith Lord typically has a total of two lightsabers on his person; one primary blade which he uses for most combat situations and one secondary blade which can work to either bolster his attack with two blades, be used as a back-up should his first weapon be destroyed or be combined with his preferred lightsaber to create a double-bladed lightsaber which he can use to utterly devastating effect.
He is also skilled in a number of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat is not difficult to the Sith Lord. In short, he has been sculpted into a perfect weapon, and uses his abilities with efficiency and skill.
Teräs Käsi
The Sith Lord is well practised in the martial art of Teräs Käsi, having studied the method and utilised his skills in a number of confrontations across the known Galaxy. The Master of the Dark Side takes advantage of his enhanced reflexes and muscular condition to become a terrifying foe to those who choose to face him in non-melee combat. Karak often uses a 'Force Strike', in which he augments his physical strength allowing him to smack weaker opponents with much more force and power.
Basic Force Abilities
- Telekinesis - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Sense - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Theory - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
He is much weaker in mental attacks than offensive Force abilities and struggles to infiltrate his subject's mind, or influence their actions without quite a hefty strain on his stamina.
Advanced Force Abilities [order of proficiency]
- Choke / Grip- Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Lightning - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Crush - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Fear- Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Flight- Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Pyrokinesis - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Cryokinesis - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Mind Trick- Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Scream- Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Storm - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master
- Maelstrom - Unfamiliar - Practised - Expert - Master

Mystery shrouds the Zabrak like an impenetrable fog, and the Sith Lord's name has slowly fell into disuse following the fall of the One Sith. This is his story.
Karak Kozen's life had been predetermined before his birth. He was to be a Nightbrother, a slave to the Nightsister overlords upon Dathomir and fade away just as trillions of other beings have over the course of history. However, one small turn of events altered Karak's future.
The Zabrak possessed a rare gift and unbeknown to his tribe, held a strong affinity with the Force, something which did not go unnoticed to a young, reckless Sith Knight by the name of Risol who was snooping around the dark planet for a lost Sith artefact.
Instead of the artefact, Risol discovered a five year old child, and under the cover of darkness, whisked him away to his ship and fled the planet.
That man would be the Pureblood Sith Knight, Darth Acarus who himself was a fresh-faced young man with whom the sixteen year old would often lock horns with in fiery disagreements. Together, they partook in several missions and quests until Karak's knighthood, after which they seemed to never clamp eyes on one another again.
Knighthood came and the Sith greeted the moniker of Darth Iskios and partook in many a mission on behalf of the One Sith, achieving the rank of Lord just before the fracture of the great Empire and his subsequent exile to Dathomir.
Shattered with grief, anger and confusion following the dissipation of the One Sith into the fringes of the Galaxy, Darth Iskios shed his mantle of Darth in shame, as he felt at least somewhat responsible for the fall of the faction - it was his job to preserve the values and uphold the mantras of the Sith, and since he failed he did not dare bear the title of Darth.
Upon Dathomir, Karak, as he began to start referring to himself again, took control of the Wildlands and ruled over them as a sort of monarch, uniting several Nightbrother clans, including the one from which he hailed as a rightful heir, and murdered all who did not answer his call, or bow to the warrior as their rightful leader.
Though amidst the spoils of victory, Karak still felt weaker than he should have been, he felt as if his goals had never been fulfilled and that the life he was living was the one placed out before him all before he had been carried away to the ranks of the Sith, destined to be a nobody. But alas, here he was. A nobody on some backwater planet where nobody out the Dathomir system knew his name.
This was not the life of the Sith. This was the life of a Zabrak who had laid on his back and accepted his fate. Not the life of Kozen. And so, he vowed once more to make a change. Karak sought reclaim his title as Darth and began to expand his skills where he left off all those years ago.
And then one brisk evening he left, leaving his clan on Dathomir rolling in chaos and fear as their valiant leader abandoned them, never to be seen again. He would soon emerge from the shadows, free of the disgrace the fall of the One Sith had branded upon him with a new moniker. Darth Atrox.
| Appearance |
Perhaps considered handsome for a Zabrak, the Sith Lord known as Darth Atrox is compact, heavily muscular and very easy to spot in a crowd. His skin is pigmented red, and adorned with heavy tattooage which marks his heritage and status as a Lord of the Sith and master of the Dark Side of the Force. Upon his head is a crown of horns, yet another indicator of his species.
He often wears a simple ebon tunic, fitted personally to gift him the perfect combination of breathability, flexibility and the option for anonymity either on the battlefield or whilst walking the streets. Large, terentatek leather boots which are supple yet supportive cover his feet and he can often be seen in gloves of the same make.
In warmer climates, this tunic will be swapped for a lighter, short-sleeved version.