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Character Darth Ayra the Afflicted

Darth Ayra the Afflicted


Biographical Information.

Homeworld: Chandrila.
Born: 822 ABY.
Died: 851 ABY, Kalist VI.

Descriptive Information.

Species: Human.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5ft, 3in.
Mass: 80 kilograms in armour.
Hair colour: Brown and Dark.
Eye colour: Grey, later yellow
(dark side).
Skin colour: Light, later pale.

Chronological and Political Information.


"...the Galactic Republic were decimated by the armies of the One Sith. In the wake of their destruction We had achieved Our revenge, and The Galaxy was ours for the taking. But instead of marching forth onto the Mandalorian Clans, or the Silver Jedi, we looked inwards to fight each other for power and glory. It was then that I knew that my former comrades were wrong about the ways of the Dark Side. I delved into the past, into a time before the Four Hundred Year Darkness, and there I discovered the truth..."
-- Darth Ayra
to Darth Mendacium via her Sith Holocron.

Darth Ayra, otherwise known as Alicia Drey, was a Force-sensitive human female who reigned as the Dark Lord of the Sith after reconstituting the Rule of Two following the destruction of the One Sith. Born onto the planet Chandrila in 822 ABY Darth Ayra was born into a wealthy family of farmers who specialised in the agricultural markets namely in the production and distribution of foodstuffs. Following a fatal accident Darth Ayra was made an orphan until she was discovered by a Sith Knight called Circe Savan. Taking the young Alicia Drey with her Savan begun instructing her in the ways of the Dark side of the Force and inducted her as her Sith Apprentice.

During the height of the First Sith Empire's reign across the Outer Rim Territories Drey begun working for Subach-Innes: a weapons and ship manufacturer owned by Savan. While receiving instruction on how to use the Force and learning different Force Powers Drey was also taught the art of negotiation and business as both master and apprentice worked in conjunction to support the Empire's war efforts against the Galactic Republic, Mandalorian Clans and later the Silver Jedi Enclave. After the Empire was dissolved following Darth Carnifex's defeat on Mon Calamari the pair were recruited into the ranks of the One Sith: a new Sith Order comprised of former Jedi Knights turned to the dark side; Sith Lords still left alive following the dissolution of the First Sith Empire; and led by a mysterious unknown Dark Lord of the Sith who followed the Rule of One.

As a members of the One Sith both Savan and her apprentice Drey underwent a complete transformation. Becoming Sith Lords Savan took upon the honorific of Darth and begun calling herself Pandeima while her apprentice took upon the name of Ayra. During their apprenticeship it was Pandeima who taught Ayra about Darth Bane: a legendary Sith Lord of ancient times who founded the philosophy of the Rule of Two. Seeking to create a 'perfect' version of the rule Pandeima wished to elevate Ayra to the status of an equal and constitute a pairing where the two would fall in love. Seeing this unification as a form of slavery Ayra begun to plot against her Sith Master so that she could be free.

Meanwhile, as Darth Ayra begun to search for Sith paraphernalia and knowledge about the Dark side of the Force-- in order to gain the strength and power necessary to kill Darth Pandeima-- the One Sith continued their invasion of the Core Worlds and into the Mid Rim in their bid to destroy the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. On the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk Darth Ayra led the invasion force alongside Taeli Raaf which saw the planet fall into the domain of the newly rising One Sith Empire. After this campaign Ayra returned to her plot and sought out the Sith Assassin Krest (later known as Darth Ferus) to be instructed in the ways of Lightsaber combat by a man who had achieved the rank of Sith Blademaster.

The relationship with Krest turned sour after an incident in which the Zabrak Sith Lord came to view Darth Ayra as a weakling. Challenging Ayra to the ancient Sith rite known as Kaggath the pair engaged in a Lightsaber duel where he humiliated his opponent. At the precipice of losing the duel Ayra begged for her life and with her humiliation complete Ferus sparred Ayra's life while sending her into exile. Stripped of her position and titles within the One Sith Ayra returned to Chandrila and begun living a double life by using her former identity in public and her real one in secret. Here she founded an agricultural company called Chandrila Group and later opened a second technological developer known as Chandrila DataTech.

Using businesses as a means to earn influence with other prominent powerful figures across The Galaxy Darth Ayra begun using her wealth to enter the underworld. Here she joined the Black Tie Syndicate: a criminal organisation founded on the moon Nar Shaddaa by the crime lord Miss Blonde who possessed an uncanny ability for discovering rare forms of Sith paraphernalia. Aware that there was a large market for artefacts that once belonged to ancient Sith Lords Blonde sought to collect and then sell these items on the black market. Using the Black Ties to her advantage Darth Ayra joined them in several raids across a multitude of planets where various Sith holocrons, manuscripts and tomes were discovered.

It was during one of these adventures that Darth Ayra came into brief possession of a holocron constructed by Belia Darzu: a Dark Lord of the Sith who reigned during the New Sith Wars some two centuries before the rise of Darth Bane. An accomplished Sith alchemist Darzu studied an obscure Force technique known as Mechu-duru which granted her the ability to control mechanical systems through the Force. It also possessed the knowledge of the construction of Sith holocrons where Darth Ayra would later use the instructions imparted to her by Darzu's Gatekeeper to construct her own holocron.

As Darth Ayra obtained ownership of the Holocron of Heresies and Darth Revan's Sith Holocron her former comrades in the One Sith achieved their revenge over the Galactic Republic. With the Republic destroyed and it's
star systems absorbed into the domain of their Empire the One Sith ruled most of the known Galaxy. As she continued her plot to murder Pandeima Darth Ayra went onto invent the Creatura Reactor: a device that allowed the user to bond together two or more Lightsaber crystals together through Sith alchemy. Seeking to create a new Lightsaber and obtain a weapon capable of destroying her Sith Master Ayra made contact with Pandeima during her exile and the two reunited in secret.

Deceiving Pandeima into believing that the pair were lovers Ayra joined her as the co-owner of Emeritus Industries (formerly known as Subach-Innes). Together the pair funded the Bryn'adul invasion of the Outer Rim Territories with new weapons and vehicles. As Ayra continued to develop her network of spies, informants and associates news reached the exiled Sith Lord that a former comrade in the form of Taeli Raaf was also in the business of acquiring Sith paraphernalia for herself. As a new rivalry formed with Raaf the remnants of the Republic and surviving Jedi banded together to form the First Galactic Alliance. With a new war looming Ayra continued to bide her time in the Outer Rim until the perfect opportunity came to destroy her Master.

On Coruscant the One Sith were summoned by their mysterious Master: the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith who had gathered all of the known and most powerful Sith Lords across The Galaxy into his Rule of One. Before the ceremony could begin the One Sith discovered that the Dark Lord had been slain by his Sith Apprentice. At the site of his betrayal, as all the gathered Sith Lords vied to become the new and all powerful leader of their Empire, Darth Ayra infiltrated the meeting with the assistance of Darth Pandeima and as her Master made her bid to become the new Dark Lord she was betrayed by her apprentice as Ayra stabbed her in the back. After kicking Pandeima through a transparisteel window into the depths of Coruscant's undercity Ayra claimed that her exile from the One Sith was over and that her position back among them had been cemented through the completion of her Sith apprenticeship under Darth Pandeima.

With Darth Ayra welcomed back into the fold she turned her attention to her new rival. Using her own resources and contacts in the criminal underworld Ayra begun to track Taeli Raaf's movements in a bid to learn what forms of paraphernalia she had either acquired; gained access too; or was in search of. As war was declared between the new Galactic Alliance and the One Sith infighting begun to break out between the Sith Lords who were no longer under the control of the late Dark Lord. With the One Sith beginning to collapse Darth Ayra begun to see that the ways of her former comrades and associates were wrong.

Searching for a new understanding of the Dark side of the Force Darth Ayra was ironically guided by her former master's mention of the legendary Sith'ari: Darth Bane. This proved to be difficult, however, as the Four Hundred Year Darkness had resulted in much of the past being lost in a era which saw the Gulag Virus destroy many civilizations. However, Darth Ayra was persistent and made several links between the present and past by researching the Order of the Sith Lords: an ancient Sith organization of Force-sensitives founded by Bane several millennia ago who followed the tenets of his Rule of Two.

It was through this research that Darth Ayra managed to make a connection to the moon Sojourn: a place where one of her predecessors had once held ceremonies and rituals with the galactic elite in a bid to shape and change politics across The Galaxy. Seeking to emulate Darth Plagueis Ayra begun to use her public persona Alicia Drey to invite and meet with entrepreneurs, politicians and criminals of the day. No longer a believer in the Rule of One Darth Ayra secretly changed her allegiance to the Rule of Two and begun conspiring against the modern day Sith in a bid to destroy the Sith Order and reorganize into it's 'true' paradigm. During her time on Sojourn Darth Ayra even went as far as recruiting Sun Guards into guarding the Fort: a fortress where Ayra would hold an event colloquially known to some as The Gathering.

After tracking Taeli Raaf's movements for quite sometime Darth Ayra was able to learn that her former comrade had discovered the existence of an ancient Sith holocron that had been constructed by Freedon Nadd. Together the two raced to Dxun in order to find his tomb and upon discovering the mausoleum Darth Ayra ventured inside to claim Nadd's Sith holocron. As she made her way into the crypt where the Dark Lord had been buried Darth Ayra discovered that Raaf had beaten her too it. Enraged Ayra unleashed a storm of malevolent dark side energy which attracted the Orbalisks inside the tomb. Swarmed by the parasites Darth Ayra barely escaped with her life but not before becoming infected by the ancient infestation.

With the infection spreading as the parasites fed on her dark side powers Darth Ayra turned her attention into finding a cure. When the Galactic Alliance invaded Coruscant Darth Ayra arrived planetside to confront Taeli Raaf in a Lightsaber duel. There Raaf used her new mastery over Sith magic to hold at bay the berserk Darth Ayra and escaped while the One Sith were defeated. Meanwhile, as the two Sith Lords fought, the Sun Guards of Sojourn attacked the Black Pyramid: a prison installation constructed by Darth Carnifex. Under the orders of their mistress the Sun Guards liberated a Knight of the Old Republic called Ella Nova who had been captured by Carnifex at the end of the last war.

Unable to force Raaf into presenting a cure for the Orbalisk infection Darth Ayra turned to Nova back on Sojourn and persuaded her to help. Nova told Ayra about Childhood: an anomaly near Nespis 8 that the Jedi Order had kept hidden from the likes of the One Sith during their war with the Galactic Republic. Explaining that the location was constructed by an extinct advance race of Humanoids who were believed to have built Childhood to lay their dead to rest Nova taught Darth Ayra that during the Four Hundred Year Darkness the sick would often enter a pilgrimage to this location in order to get better from the Gulag Plague.

Together the pair entered into their own pilgrimage to Childhood in the hopes of discovering a cure for the Orbalisks. After searching The Necropolis and it's temple the search was unsuccessful. Knowing that death was close Darth Ayra turned her attentions into turning Nova over to the dark side and inducted her as her Sith Apprentice. The presence of the vergence in Childhood helped Ayra ward off death for a standard year as the Orbalisk infection was affected by the presence of the Light side of the Force. It was during this apprenticeship that Ayra completed her Sith holocron by infusing her essence into the capstone therefore creating a gatekeeper in her image.

Darth Ayra also managed to transcribe some of the epithets and glyphs that were inscribed into The Necropolis on Childhood. Here Ayra made the discovery that the race that had constructed this place held origins to a planet in the Deep Core. After translating the astral charts left behind in the temple Darth Ayra discovered that the planet was Kalist VI. With the idea that this place could potentially hold her final hope for a cure Darth Ayra traveled to Kalist with her help of Nova and discovered A City Lost to Time. Abandoned several millennia ago by the ancient race who had once built both Childhood and the ancient metropolis Darth Ayra's final attempt to save her life ended in failure and she was consequentially killed by the Orbalisks who had infected her on Dxun.



"There is no doubt that Darth Ayra was more wise than she was strong. A true Sith would have broken free of the affliction which plagued her. Nevertheless there were truths in her teachings and her work led to the resurrection of Bane's Rule of Two. For that we will remember her seminal efforts and contribution to the Grand Plan..."
-- Darth Mendacium to his
Sith Apprentice.


Sometime after Ayra's death her Sith holocron was discovered by a nomad on the planet Kalist VI within A City Lost to Time. After unlocking the holocron and making contact with it's gatekeeper they were turned to the Dark side of the Force where they would later become the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Mendacium. Mendacium would go on to train his own Sith Apprentice in the form of Her and continued the new lineage of Sith Lords that followed the Rule of Two which first begun with the pairing of Pandeima and Ayra.

In 900 ABY-- forty-nine years after succumbing to the Orbalisk infection-- the name Darth Ayra came to the attention of the Dark Empire, Empire of the Lost and the Sith Order after a woman claiming to be Ayra was discovered during Operation: Absolution. This woman was no other than Ella Nova: the same Knight of the Old Republic who Ayra had liberated from the Black Pyramid five decades previously in the hope of finding a cure to remove the parasites. Nova (now impersonating Ayra) took upon her old name Alicia Drey and went onto infiltrate the ranks of the New Sith Order under the rule of Darth Solipsis; the New Imperial Security Bureau under the reign of Emperor of All Imperal Kind Velran Kilran; and later the Tsis'Kaar under the command of Darth Malum.

During her time in the ranks of the New Sith Order this impersonator went onto conquer the planet Tython as the Dark Empire went on to initiate Operation: Shadow Hand against the Galactic Alliance beginning the
C o r e W a r s. Later Nova begun colluding with Darth Malum against the Empire of the Lost under the same alias and the pair founded the Fifth Wing: a clandestine organisation of Imperials made up entirely of Humans who wish to see the Sith Order conquer the Tion Cluster and return Sith hegemony to the region in the image of the Tenth Sith Empire. Their work together culminated in the Siege of Tion which saw the destruction of the planet Tion which sent the Empire of the Lost into a crisis.

Nova was later killed by Malum in front of Darth Empyrean in order to solidify and protect Malum's position on the Dark Council after she had put him under suspicion following a betrayal aboard the Mors Mon. Her body was later discovered on Lianna.

Despite Darth Ayra dying before she could complete her training Ella Nova went on to continue following the Rule of Two taught to her by Darth Ayra. This was in spite of violating the tenets of Bane's philosophy that there could only by two: one master and one apprentice. Despite the clear contradiction in following the rule Nova went on to work for Mendacium's Sith Apprentice. In a confrontation with her own apprentice on the planet Voss Her explained to Darth Trigonus that Nova had been her spy the entire time and that the Fifth Wing was in fact her creation in a cunning plan to use Darth Malum against the Sith Order.

The creature known as Onrai-- known to some cultures as a Goddess-- was once upon a time a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Pandeima: the same woman once known as Circe Savan who discovered Alicia Drey on the planet Chandrila in 835 ABY and turned her into the woman that would eventually become Darth Ayra. Having survived the betrayal on Coruscant Pandeima retreated to a region known as Otherspace and later discovered Ooradryl where she fed upon his life essence and reforged herself into the entity that would now be known as Onrai.

Physical Information.

Darth Ayra was 5ft, 3in tall around the time of her death. She was considered to be beautiful: an attribute closely consolidated by those who take it upon themselves to indoctrinate others into the ways of the dark side. Physically she was considered weak, and a poor Lightsaber duellist.

Personality and Beliefs.

"Instead of two there is now only one—the Sith Order itself. I have recreated the Sith, Lord Bane, as you once did. I have given it a purpose. For what use is power without one?"
-- Darth Krayt to Darth Bane's holocron.

In 841 ABY Darth Ayra was recruited into the ranks of the One Sith under the rule of a mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith who banded together all strongest and most powerful Sith Lords in The Galaxy under his Rule of One.

Invented by Darth Krayt after founding his new Sith Order the Rule of One dictated that there would be One being: the Sith Order itself. Under this doctrine the Sith Order would be made up of many minions, acolytes, adepts and lords with only one Dark Lord of the Sith. Unlike previous iterations of the Sith Order, which encouraged plotting, scheming and infighting between it's members, the One Sith were taught to have absolute loyalty and blind obedience to the Dark Lord and his schemes.

After the One Sith revealed themselves on the planet Coruscant and conquered the capital of the Galactic Republic in a surprise attack they went on to invade the rest of the Core Worlds and continued to conquer more star systems aligned to the Republic as they pursued their revenge after the collapse of the First Sith Empire. These series of great victories against the Republic and their Jedi defenders initially made Darth Ayra a believer in the Rule of One. However, after she was defeated in Kaggath and forced into exile her beliefs were shaken.

As she plotted to kill her Sith Master Darth Ayra came to learn about the Rule of Two from Darth Pandeima after she attempted to christen a 'perfect' version of it through love and it was through this that she later came to lose faith in the Rule of One.

"Power is its own purpose. To share it is to dilute it. You delude yourself, pretender -- Your order will yet turn on itself and you."
-- Darth Bane to Darth Krayt for disobeying the Rule of Two.

After the One Sith destroyed itself through a combination of infighting and a counter-attack by the First Galactic Alliance Darth Ayra turned to researching the Rule of Two and became a strict adherer to this philosophy in her later life.

The philosophy teaches that there should only be two Sith at one time, and that if there are more than the two then the power of the Dark side of the Force becomes diluted among the many therefore leading to it losing it's potency and becoming weak. Bane teaches that there should be a Sith Master: a Sith Lord brimming with the power of the dark side and a true manifestation of a being who adheres to the true tenants of the Sith Code.

Wise and cunning in the creation of such a philosophy Bane also taught that there should be a Sith Apprentice: another Sith Lord who serves the Master in a dichotomy where the latter serves the former in a relationship in which they are taught about not only the Rule of Two but also about the Dark side of the Force. In this way, should the Master be destroyed by their enemies, another is there to continue the Grand Plan to destroy the Jedi. Also, in the event that the Apprentice should surpass the Master in strength, and power, then they are encouraged to challenge their Master for their position.

In victory the Apprentice proves that the Master was no longer worthy of their position, or life, and in this way the position retains it's strength, power and potency. In failure the Apprentice proves that they were unworthy of the position, and their life, leading to such a dichotomy to be shared by a new pairing.

Following her new beliefs Darth Ayra plotted and subsequently murdered her Sith Master thus completing her apprenticeship and taking the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. As the master Darth Ayra went onto refine her beliefs and philosophy with the awareness that she could be killed or murdered by one of her enemies. Therefore, in accordance with tradition, she went onto construct a Sith holocron to hold all her knowledge and powers in the Dark side of the Force. Alongside this Darth Ayra also instilled her essence into the capstone so that the gatekeeper could continue to teach about the Rule of Two long after she died. In this way the rule and subsequent true tenets of the dark side could survive.

Before she succumbed to the Orbalisks Darth Ayra came to believe that there was once a race of beings of a long lost civilization that held the ability to cure all manner of illnesses and afflictions after liberating a former Jedi Knight. Led to locations such as Childhood, and later A City Lost to Time, Darth Ayra's beliefs were never confirmed but were also never proven wrong.

  • This character possesses no more strength as she has passed away.
  • Cannot Return From The Dead: Some Dark Lords have an uncanny ability to return from the Netherworld of the Force. Darth Ayra is not one of them. There is no way for her to become back alive.


  • TBA.


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