Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Cryptis


Height2 meters
Weight75 kilograms
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive (Dark Side)


Identical twin of Arla Susni/Rodarch, but constantly conceals her face behind a Sith mask, or other facial covering. Will often wear concealing clothing or armour of different groups or factions. Her eyes will glow when she is infused with the Dark Side of the Force. Always has with her the saberstaff, passing it off as a trophy or concealing it when not traveling openly as a Sith.


Robes, Armour, Saberstaff, Haulcraft


Stealth, Manipulation
Languages: Galactic Basic, Ancient Sith
Force Abilities: Art of the Small, Force Phantoms, Drain, Mind Trick, Mechu-Deru
Cold, calculation, insidious, manipulative. Though she presents a veneer of trusted ally, she is absolutely ruthless in her use of others to gain her own ends. Her force talents and training lie in the arts of stealth and obfuscation. She is fluent in ancient Sith, and has some formidable powers in the manipulative arts, able to manipulate the mechanical and organic with equal mastery.


Lightsaber combat
Trained in the Sith ways of manipulation and deception


Untrained in direct attack methods of the Force
Weak to the powers of the Light Side, and vulnerable to love and kindness


Talari is Arla's identical twin sister. Born 867 ABY to fleet captain father and sith lord mother. Raised by father on exile Echani colony on Alula. Joined House military as a cadet at 12. Present on scout vessel during the Recontact at age 13. Accelerated training, supervised deployments while demonstrating effective tactics.

Kidnapped while on deployment by mother and trained as a Sith apprentice. Learned and practiced combat. Schooled in galactic history, became expert on galactic technologies. Came to know and understand, and finally submit herself to the Sith.

It was here as a teen that Talari agreed to fake her own death and abandon all family ties.

She accepted apprenticeship to mother and was taken to an asteroid base in deep space to begin her apprenticeship under her Sith name of Darth Cryptis. She was thought dead by her twin sister and the rest of her family. After many years of what amounted to obedient servitude, she showed promise. Promoted to Knight age 21, and began to serve her mother on independent missions.

Further trained and inducted into the mysteries of the Dark Side of the Force and the teachings of the Sith both ancient and modern. Began to specialize in the arts of shadow and miasma, to hide and to hide in plain sight. Continued to expand knowledge and proficiency with the Force.

Challenged Mother for mastery, and was successful, though she spared the senior Sith's life, taken by a premonition that she would need her again at some moment in the future. Followed her heritage as the long dead daughter of House Susni, and returned to Alula anonymously.

Through intrigue and manipulation of the noble houses, including her own House Susni, ensured that her father would die, leading to her brother's ascension, and therefore Arla's exile. This was part of her plan to gain control over the New Star League by stripping it of a large amount of its military forces and manpower and brainpower, and removing several capable obstacles from her path.

With Alula under the control of her puppet Council, Talari left in pursuit of her twin sister, taking the identity of a Mandalorian mercenary; Tal Woves. Her saberstaff is explained away as a war trophy, her face hidden by a helmet's mask. A cover story about a lost clan and a wish to use her martial talents to protect others has served her well.

Though her twin sister Arla is force sensitive and her sister's guardian Aria Talen most resourceful and endlessly suspicious, "Tal Woves" has maintained her cover as a mercenary within Relief Force. She successfully kept watch over Arla for years, until her sister dropped off the face of the galaxy.

By the time Arla had resurfaced in of all places Mandalore, Cryptis had begun to take her place in the Sith Order. It amused her to see what had become of her sister. Though she knew the patience of the Sith, one day she was sure there would be a reckoning between them. For now, she would remain dead to Arla, free to choose the time and place of their final confrontation.


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