Xevek Nekonis
From The Shadows

Source: https://satanaelart.deviantart.com/art/The-Four-Horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse-Death-Rusted-542212880. Full credit goes to https://satanaelart.deviantart.com/
"The beginnings and ends of Shadow lie between the Light and the Darkness and maybe infinitely diminished and infinitely increased. Shadow is the means by which we display our true selves. Within Shadows, the Darkness can reach out to begin to smother the Light. Within Shadow, Truth can be found and Power discovered."
|| General Information ||
Full Name: Darth Dyskios
Nicknames: N/A.
Alias(es): N/A.
- Assassin
- Sith Lord
- Race: Iridonian.
Homeworld: Nomadic.
- Date of Birth: Unknown.
- Place of Residence: Nomadic.
- Place of Birth: I’Slayemith Tolke (Translation: Slayemith’s Table).
|| Biological Information ||
Age: Unknown - Assumed to be around 25 Galactic Standard Years.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6’ 4” (1.955m).
Weight: 96.3kgkg (212.3lbs).
Eye Colour: Slightly glowing and hazy amber.
Hair Colour: Ashen grey.
- Hair Style: Pulled into thick dreadlocks that have raven feathers and beads woven in.
Build: Ectomorph-Mesomorph mix; lean but heavily muscled.
Distinguishing Features: Although often hidden behind his mask or clothing, there are a few distinctive features.
- Only one eye, on the left.
- His left arm is cybernetic.
- Jat’o (Clan Tattoos, found on the face and neck).
- Jat’i (Tattoos on the body that tell tales of victories and failures).
Force Sensitive?: Yes.
|| Basic Appearance Information ||
Consistent Aspects of Dress: A worn, wooden mask depicting a skull, though on missions he is willing to do away with it.
- General Form of Dress: A tattered, dark colour robe, often with the hood pulled up covering the top of the mask and his hair, over top of a simple tunic and pair of trousers.
- Formal Style of Dress: A crisp white shirt underneath a waistcoat, a pair of dress trousers as well as dress shoes.
- Casual Style of Dress: A set of loose trousers and, sometimes, a loose shirt. If alone, this will be the only time he puts aside the mask.
Mannerisms: When comfortable, he adopts two mannerism depending on whether or not he’s sitting or standing. When standing still he has the habit of clasping his hands behind his back and while sitting he tends to lean back, while always keeping one free and near his waist. At nearly all times, he avoids standing somewhere where someone could be stood behind him, preferring a wall to open space.
|| Social Information ||
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Languages: Polyglot.
- Basic: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
- Ul'Zabrak: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
- Zabraki: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
- High Sith: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native (Written Only)
Major Relationships: [member="Darth Excidium"] - Master
|| Strengths & Weaknesses ||
Species Specific:
- Strengths:
A Zabrak's skeleton is very dense, rigid and sturdy than a human. This increases a Zabrak's durability and weight. - A Zabrak's nails are made of bone, meaning that they can be used as claws enabling a Zabrak to use them to slash, rip and climb.
- A Zabrak's teeth are strong, short and pointed, allowing them to be possibly used in a fight.
- A Zabrak's hearing is heightened and very sensitive, but requires some degree of focus to use to its full extent. A small sound can catch a Zabrak's attention but they must focus to hone in and piece to together trajectory, source and correlation.
- A Zabrak's Orat (Horns) are highly durable and, if sharpened, can be used in combat. They also serve to protect the skull as they can take large amounts of force and pressure before cracking.
- Zabrak eyes are extremely photosensitive, because of this they have slitted pupils that are capable of dilating and contracting to extremes. In a bright, sunny area, where light is proficient, their pupils constrict and nearly disappear to block the light and spare damage to their retinas. As a result, this makes them more tolerant. In dim lit, or near pitch black areas where light is limited or nearly gone, their pupils dilate wide, nearly blocking out all colour from their Iris to pool the light and allow them to see.
- The sense of smell in a Zabrak is very sensitive, meaning that even a tiny drop of blood can be sniffed out. It is also sensitive enough to smell the unique scent of beings produced by pheromones.
- Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System. This increases blood flow around the body, keeping them in peak physical condition, but the largest amounts of blood are directed to the brain, lungs and digestive system. This heightens reaction time, enables Zabrak's to function in a situation resulting in low oxygen and increases the efficiency of digestion.
- Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System and if one heart fails or 'stutters' this can lead to a major heart attack and, in worst case situations, death, best case situation, a decline in health.
- Zabrak are extremely light sensitive and can be quickly caught off guard by the sudden flash of a flashbang or plunge into darkness. Also, due to their sensitivity to light, extremely bright conditions are very painful and could be blinding.
- Due to a Zabrak's high metabolism, they are more susceptible to starvation than humans as it takes less time for the effects to kick in as their bodies burn through reserves faster.
- Zabrak noses are highly sensitive which means that foul smells can cause a Zabrak to be violently ill and a numerous amount of smells can easily disorientate them.
Character Specific:
- Strengths:
His very code of conduct forces him to surround himself in layer after layer of false facades and personas, each one being perfectly crafted to play a specific role. As such, not very much can be learnt about his true intentions, actions or goals and while a few have seen through him at times their numbers are few, leaving him unpredictable. - Despite coming across as nothing more than a brute at times, he considers himself as a well-read, quick thinker and is, indeed, highly intelligent.
- Despite the calm and controlled attitude, he will commonly exhibit, he can very easily fall into a state of battle-induced bloodlust if pushed too far in his anger while fighting. It is hard for him to remove himself from such a state, meaning that he can act as nothing more than a beast at times. Further, emotions are, largely, an unknown to him; he feels them but often doesn’t understand what he is feeling, the exemptions being pure, feral rage and calmness.
- Being Keraunophobia, he possesses an irrational fear of thunder and lightning.
- He has a highly sensitive digestive tract, even among other Zabrak, and, as such, something as simple as sweet foods and mushrooms is enough to leave him violently ill.