Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Dyskios


Source: Full credit goes to

"The beginnings and ends of Shadow lie between the Light and the Darkness and maybe infinitely diminished and infinitely increased. Shadow is the means by which we display our true selves. Within Shadows, the Darkness can reach out to begin to smother the Light. Within Shadow, Truth can be found and Power discovered."

|| General Information ||

Full Name: Darth Dyskios
Nicknames: N/A.
Alias(es): N/A.
  • Assassin
  • Sith Lord
Species: Zabrak.
  • Race: Iridonian.
Birthworld: Iridonia.
Homeworld: Nomadic.
  • Date of Birth: Unknown.
  • Place of Residence: Nomadic.
  • Place of Birth: I’Slayemith Tolke (Translation: Slayemith’s Table).

|| Biological Information ||

Age: Unknown - Assumed to be around 25 Galactic Standard Years.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6’ 4” (1.955m).
Weight: 96.3kgkg (212.3lbs).
Eye Colour: Slightly glowing and hazy amber.
Hair Colour: Ashen grey.
  • Hair Style: Pulled into thick dreadlocks that have raven feathers and beads woven in.
Skin: A dark, golden-bronze skin tone, weather-worn with the odd blackened vein showing through.
Build: Ectomorph-Mesomorph mix; lean but heavily muscled.
Distinguishing Features: Although often hidden behind his mask or clothing, there are a few distinctive features.
  • Only one eye, on the left.
  • His left arm is cybernetic.
  • Jat’o (Clan Tattoos, found on the face and neck).
  • Jat’i (Tattoos on the body that tell tales of victories and failures).
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, preferring the right hand.
Force Sensitive?: Yes.

|| Basic Appearance Information ||

Consistent Aspects of Dress: A worn, wooden mask depicting a skull, though on missions he is willing to do away with it.
  • General Form of Dress: A tattered, dark colour robe, often with the hood pulled up covering the top of the mask and his hair, over top of a simple tunic and pair of trousers.
  • Formal Style of Dress: A crisp white shirt underneath a waistcoat, a pair of dress trousers as well as dress shoes.
  • Casual Style of Dress: A set of loose trousers and, sometimes, a loose shirt. If alone, this will be the only time he puts aside the mask.
Personal Upkeep: Despite the weather-worn look of his skin, he maintains a high level of grooming, unwilling to ever let himself fall into squalor, always maintaining a high quality for his hair if nothing else. As a result of his disliking being unclean, he always seems to possess a faint scent of sandalwood whenever he is not on a mission. However, perhaps oxymoronically, he doesn’t mind being unclean in regards to sand, not seeing that as filth.
Mannerisms: When comfortable, he adopts two mannerism depending on whether or not he’s sitting or standing. When standing still he has the habit of clasping his hands behind his back and while sitting he tends to lean back, while always keeping one free and near his waist. At nearly all times, he avoids standing somewhere where someone could be stood behind him, preferring a wall to open space.

|| Social Information ||

Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Languages: Polyglot.
  • Basic: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
  • Ul'Zabrak: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
  • Zabraki: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native
  • High Sith: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native (Written Only)
Voice: Peter Marinker as Straid of Olaphis from Dark Souls II
Major Relationships: [member="Darth Excidium"] - Master

|| Strengths & Weaknesses ||

Species Specific:
  • Strengths:
    A Zabrak's skeleton is very dense, rigid and sturdy than a human. This increases a Zabrak's durability and weight.
  • A Zabrak's nails are made of bone, meaning that they can be used as claws enabling a Zabrak to use them to slash, rip and climb.
  • A Zabrak's teeth are strong, short and pointed, allowing them to be possibly used in a fight.
  • A Zabrak's hearing is heightened and very sensitive, but requires some degree of focus to use to its full extent. A small sound can catch a Zabrak's attention but they must focus to hone in and piece to together trajectory, source and correlation.
  • A Zabrak's Orat (Horns) are highly durable and, if sharpened, can be used in combat. They also serve to protect the skull as they can take large amounts of force and pressure before cracking.
  • Zabrak eyes are extremely photosensitive, because of this they have slitted pupils that are capable of dilating and contracting to extremes. In a bright, sunny area, where light is proficient, their pupils constrict and nearly disappear to block the light and spare damage to their retinas. As a result, this makes them more tolerant. In dim lit, or near pitch black areas where light is limited or nearly gone, their pupils dilate wide, nearly blocking out all colour from their Iris to pool the light and allow them to see.
  • The sense of smell in a Zabrak is very sensitive, meaning that even a tiny drop of blood can be sniffed out. It is also sensitive enough to smell the unique scent of beings produced by pheromones.
  • Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System. This increases blood flow around the body, keeping them in peak physical condition, but the largest amounts of blood are directed to the brain, lungs and digestive system. This heightens reaction time, enables Zabrak's to function in a situation resulting in low oxygen and increases the efficiency of digestion.

  • Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System and if one heart fails or 'stutters' this can lead to a major heart attack and, in worst case situations, death, best case situation, a decline in health.
  • Zabrak are extremely light sensitive and can be quickly caught off guard by the sudden flash of a flashbang or plunge into darkness. Also, due to their sensitivity to light, extremely bright conditions are very painful and could be blinding.
  • Due to a Zabrak's high metabolism, they are more susceptible to starvation than humans as it takes less time for the effects to kick in as their bodies burn through reserves faster.
  • Zabrak noses are highly sensitive which means that foul smells can cause a Zabrak to be violently ill and a numerous amount of smells can easily disorientate them.

Character Specific:
  • Strengths:
    His very code of conduct forces him to surround himself in layer after layer of false facades and personas, each one being perfectly crafted to play a specific role. As such, not very much can be learnt about his true intentions, actions or goals and while a few have seen through him at times their numbers are few, leaving him unpredictable.
  • Despite coming across as nothing more than a brute at times, he considers himself as a well-read, quick thinker and is, indeed, highly intelligent.

  • Despite the calm and controlled attitude, he will commonly exhibit, he can very easily fall into a state of battle-induced bloodlust if pushed too far in his anger while fighting. It is hard for him to remove himself from such a state, meaning that he can act as nothing more than a beast at times. Further, emotions are, largely, an unknown to him; he feels them but often doesn’t understand what he is feeling, the exemptions being pure, feral rage and calmness.
  • Being Keraunophobia, he possesses an irrational fear of thunder and lightning.
  • He has a highly sensitive digestive tract, even among other Zabrak, and, as such, something as simple as sweet foods and mushrooms is enough to leave him violently ill.
|| Personality ||

Cold and somewhat sarcastic - although he is more likely to stay silent than he is to speak, Xevek does not understand the emotions he feels apart from a select few (pure, unadulterated rage and calmness, for example) and this often manifests as him not displaying anything at all. This facet, though, is one of the only aspects of who he truly is that he allows to shine through. Every other action he takes is driven by his true self but is acted upon by a mask or false personality that he had erected to hide himself and his vulnerabilities from the galaxy - an act of, in his eyes, self-preservation and the path to being the predator and not the prey of the galaxy.

Beneath the facades, though, is a man that prides himself on moving forwards each day, who embraces chaos in all forms for the evolution that it brings upon his personality, a man that thrives in thought and discussion even if such a proficiency is rarely displayed. Indeed, such an aspect to his personality is often lost beneath the rather brutish exterior that he presents, hiding his loves of dancing, tea, the violin and philosophy. Pride and purpose also serve a key role in his actions, pride in himself, his achievements and his failures and a steady purpose that guides his hands, to him, to act without purpose is to forfeit himself, to lose who he is and, as such, he will rarely act for no reason, even if the reason that does make him act is not clear and only defined within the privacy of his mind.

At his core, though, is someone who is driven by a never-to-be-satiated desire of perfectionism that he demands of himself, a pain and flaw that pushes him to delve into chaos, change and learning in the manner he does.

|| Appearance ||

Tall and lithe would, perhaps, be the first description that many would pin upon Xevek. Mainly because, nearly constantly, no other defining features can be identified of him due to his ever-present mask and the cloak that he wears wrapped around him. Indeed, the only other details that can be consistently identified are the fact that he had long, ashen grey hair that he tied into locks and that he has a single, burning amber hued eye that pierces through the shadows of the grinning, skull-shaped mask. And, if one is particularly observant, they might notice that he tends to walk barefooted most of the time.

Should one catch him at a time where he is not wearing his mask nor cloak, then more features of his appearance can be observed. His skin, a dark bronze, is rough and weather-worn, decorated with scars, burns, the odd blackened vein showing through and numerous tattoos that dance across the entirety of his body. Those tattoos creep up towards his neck where they stop, twisting into a different, darker set that is much more uniform and less chaotic.

The tattoos, along with the jagged horns that pierce through his hair and the lack of red skin, help to identify Xevek as an Iridonian-born Zabrak. As such, should someone be familiar with the culture of his people, they would be able to recognise that the tattoos on his face identify his Clan while the tattoos of his body are much more individualised and that they were applied to Xevek’s details - telling a story of success and failure, pain and pleasure that only he can read.

His face tells a story of pain similarly to how the innumerous scars and old wounds do. The right-hand side of his skull is deformed and crooked, bone jagged and uneven to the point that the right ocular socket is an empty void pierced only by skin-covered spikes that once formed the side of the socket; an old injury that robbed him of his eye after a crushing impact was delivered against the side of his head. Accompanying the deformed structure of bone in this tale of pain are the deep, cavern-like scars that carve up the right side of his face. Older than the majority of the wounds on his body, these scars are easily deep enough that the blade that made them would have carved into the bone beneath the flesh. One particularly vicious scar cuts, vertically, across the empty eye socket.

Similarly to the fact he only has one eye, Xevek also only has one arm; his right. His left shoulder is a mess of blackened flesh, severe burns that could be compared to charred flesh, leading up to the matte black metal that comprises the cybernetic arm that replaces the lost one. The cybernetic arm is tipped with wicked looking claws that measure around 1.5cm in length, equal to the length of the claws that tip the fingers of his right hand and his toes.

Just as the claws that adorn his hands and feet speak of the predator-based history of Iridonians, so too do his teeth and eye. Sharp and pointed, his teeth would belong on any predator that feasts upon meat, designed as they are for piercing and tearing above grinding. His eye would be fitted for any predator cat as well, the pupil slitted when in bright light and fully expanded to consume the iris when in the dark; allowing him to see in near pitch black darkness.

|| Brief History ||

Early memories are hazy for Xevek, poorly defined and fleeting at the best of times. However, some episodic and semantic memories bubble up to the surface of his mind every now and then, granting to him a basic recollection of his life before he began to wear the mask that covers his features and knowledge on where the skills that are so instinctive to him came from. Scenes of blood and pain that are punctuated by joy and the thrill of the hunt are what he assumes to be his most early memories, those of his childhood among the Clan. Sometimes a face and name will accompany those memories, all of them Iridonian. He remembers kneeling before who he knew to be his father, learning how to wield a blade and how to track prey by scent and markings alike. He remembers learning at the side of the High Priests of the Clan, being imparted with the teachings that would denote him as Ul’Jath. He remembered the burning pain of poison-laced ink as it was used to carve the Jat’i and Jat’o that adorn his skin. And he remembers the sweeping, towering structures of the Cities of Iridonia and the time he had spent there, learning and devouring all knowledge he came across.

Those are the most common memories that he can delve into, examine and re-live. However, every now and then, he remembers more, he remembers memories that he might’ve preferred to stay hidden from his gaze had he not been so desperate to learn more, know more, of his past. These memories spin tales of blood and death, both dealt by his hands and witnessed by his eye. Most prominent, looming above him like a specter of horror, is the memory of finding his Clan slaughtered, their bones bleaching under Iridonia’s sun after being stripped clean by carrion and the sandstorms that prowl the deserts, the memory of his vengeance and the sweet sensation of rage as he feasted upon blood that moon-lit night by tearing through those that had dared to spill the blood of his kin and the memory of inheriting the Clan’s name, Rakama, so as to ensure its continuation.

He had made those memories his home, to a fashion. Prowling lands and dunes that features in the more vivid memories, reliving ghosts and echoes of his partially recalled memories of his past. However, the time will eventually come when he will act upon the first concrete memory he has, the one that heralds his new life. He had awoken, naked and covered in blood, within the cave he recognised as being one of his Clan’s Holy Sites. By his side had been the mask he now wears, a set of robes, equipment for his survival in the Desert along with a single datapad. And, carved into the wall in Ul’Zabrak there had been a message, addressed directly to him: “Soon the longing to know will drive you from the embrace of the deserts and into the cold fields of the Galaxy. Follow the longing and reawaken who you are.”
Skill Ranking:
  • Non-Force or Fighting Based Skills:
    Neophyte (1) Initiate (2-3) Adept (4-5) Skilled (6-7) Master (8-9) Legend (10)
  • Force or Fighting Based Skills:
    Low Apprentice (1) High Apprentice (2-3) Low Knight (4-5) High Knight (6-7) Low Master (8-9) High Master (10

|| Non-Combat Based Skills ||

Personal Skills:
  • Acrobatics: oooooooooo (5/10)
  • Athletics: oooooooooo (7/10)
  • Endurace: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Lying/Bluff: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Rhetorics: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Stealth: oooooooooo (8/10)
  • Tracking: oooooooooo (5/10)
  • Perception: oooooooooo (7/10)
  • Sleight of Hand: oooooooooo (6/10)

Technological Skills:
  • Medicine (Herbal): oooooooooo (4/10)
  • Medicine (Standard): oooooooooo (2/10)
  • Starship Piloting: oooooooooo (1/10)
  • Hyperspace Navigating: oooooooooo (2/10)
  • Engineering: oooooooooo (2/10)

|| Combat Based Skills ||

Weapon Skills:
  • Blaster (Pistol): oooooooooo (2/10)
  • Blaster (Rifle): oooooooooo (2/10)
  • Slugthrower (Pistol): oooooooooo (3/10)
  • Slugthrower (Rifle): oooooooooo (5/10)
  • Stave: oooooooooo (4/10)
  • Zahboka: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Pike: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Swords: oooooooooo (6/10)
  • Daggers: oooooooooo (2/10)

Force Abilities:
  • Telekinesis.
  • Force Sense.
  • Force Stealth.*
  • Force Sight.*
  • Breath Control.
  • Force Imbue. (Through Forging of Blades Only.)
  • Force Healing. (Self-directed Only.)
  • Art of the Small. *
  • Force Weapon.
  • Force Lightning.
  • Force Slow.
  • Precognition.
    Battle Premonition.

[*]Force Illusion.
[*]Force Barrier.
  • Tutaminis.

[*]​​Force Cloak. *
[*]Fold Space.

Lighstaber Forms:
  • Form I - Shii-Cho: N/A
  • Form II - Makashi: oooooooooo (2/10)
  • Form II - Soresu: N/A
  • Form IV - Ataru: N/A
  • Form V - Shien / Djem So: N/A
  • Form VI - Niman: ooooooooo (3/10)
  • Form VII - Juyo: N/A

Force Forms:
  • Force Mastery: oooooooooo (5/10) **

* Anything marked with an asterisk is a skill that Xevek shows instinctive and natural skill with.
** Anything marked with a double asterisk is a skill where ability ranking is unique and shows for how long a technique can be used for, rather than ranking.
|| Notable Possessions ||

Tomes and Holocrons
|| The Story of Xevek Rakama ||


|| The Timeline of Xevek Rakama ||

-Blood In The Snow (Dominion)
-The Ground, The Pack, The Quarry (Other)
-Something Wicked This Way Comes (Faction - Dark Magus)
-Rise From Shadows (Development)
-Sith Imperial Tournament (Faction - The Sith Empire)
-Venous Returns (Other)
-An Assassin's Challenge (Development)
-Pretty Stuff.... Can I Has It? (Skirmish)
-Operation Rebirth (Rebellion)
-Cruisin' Kruskan (Dominion)
-Endgame: Shadow's Fall (Campaign)


PC Kills:

Bounties Collected:



Training Threads:
Total: 0 | Complete: 0

  • N/A
Teaching Threads:
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
  • N/A
Duel Threads:
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
  • N/A
Faction Threads:
Total: 2 | Complete: 1
Development Threads:
Total: 2 | Complete: 0
Dominion, Rebellion, Invasion or Skirmish:
Total: 4 | Complete: 3
Total: 2 | Complete: 0
[member="Xevek Rakama"] Looks promising mate. If you need a master for him, feel free to hit me up lol. If not Xevek and Abyss still can start a wooden mask gang or something.

Edit: After taking a closer look I have realised that this looks like Lykos little twin brother or something lol.

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