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Approved Armor Darth Fury's Armor

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Manufacturer: Darth Fury
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy

The suit of armor was crafted and designed to specifically be worn on the battlefield or within other forms of combat. The gauntlets, greaves, pauldrons, and helmet are all made of Phrik. The leggings and torso are made of Cortosis while the belt is Turadium itself. The helmet was also lined with cortosis to better withstand telepathy and other mind altering attacks. A simple armorweave underlay served as extra resistance from beneath the armor itself. The colors and design were very much Sith influenced with a personal touch from Darth Fury.

  • Anti-flash visor
  • Control HUD within helmet (Rangefinder, magnification, night vision, thermal, comms etc.)
  • Environmentally sealed
  • Rebreather
  • Bacta Injectors
  • Force Imbued
  • Blasters & Lightsabers: Due to the materials used the armor suit is very capable of deflecting and defending against these type of attacks
  • Imbued: The armor was enhanced with dark side energies via Sith alchemy to better channel the force powers of its user
  • Cortosis: The armor is able to short out forms of attack such as lightsabers
  • Gas!: While the armor and suit itself are sealed and has a small storage of air, it does not last long and isn't able to withstand specifically toxic environments or attacks
  • Weight: Due to the heavy nature of the design and build, the armor is very heavy and very noisy. It's wearer would find it all but impossible to try and be stealthy
  • Null: In areas of force nullification the armor would lose it's imbued advantage

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal armor for Darth Fury
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Darth Fury
Modular: Yes
Material: Turadium-Phrik-Cortosis
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Extreme
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Low
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsaber: Extreme

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Darth Fury Darth Fury
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