Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Genace


Darth Genace; Tsavo Awaud

Height6' 2" (182.88 cm)
Weight210 ILBS (90719g)
Force SensitiveYes


Muscular body. Scars across face. Bald head. (Usually kept shaven) Usually wearing his armor and helmet while on missions. When at home, he tends to wear more casual robes and attire.


  • Lightsaber
  • Refitted Mandalorian armor
  • Custom redesigned Mandalorian helmet; still has same functions as normal one
  • Jetpack
  • Flamethrower
  • Whipcord launcher
  • Beskar dagger
  • SS-54 assault ship, dubbed "the Shadowstar"


Genance believes that order is capable in the universe only through strength of will and force. Unless proven otherwise, those not blessed with the Force are seen as lesser to him; seeing the power as a divine gift of destiny for those fit to lead the galaxy into a stronger future.

A man of honor, who will allow is opponents whatever they need to be at their best for a fight. Does not strike down and unarmed foe unless they beg for it.


Highly skilled fighter, trained by both Mandalorians and Sith.

Helmet allows for seeing different visual spectrums, breathing underwater, and filtering out toxins.


Due to his honor, he will allow an opponent to be at their full strength; even if they are stronger than him.

Human with human vulnerabilities; especially without his helmet and armor in certain environments.

As a sith, he lets his emotions guide certain actions, which can sometimes cause him to lose conviction in a fight or under certain circumstances.


Originally born on Serenno, Tsavo was a bastard child between his father, a noble man, and his mother, a mere servant girl in his mansion. During a conflict between invaders and a band of Mandalorian mercenaries, hired as personal security for the noblemen, Tsavo's mother was slain in the crossfire. The tragedy made Tsavo flare with anger, revealing his Force sensitivity.

Seeing the power the child had, the Mandalorians took him as a foundling. Their leader, Jundo Awaud, saw the potential of a Force sensitive child trained in their ways, and personally saw to young Tsavo's training. Over the years, Tsavo learned to fight with or without weapons. Through Jundo and the Awaud Clan, he perfected his body into a weapon. But it was not enough. Tsavo's Force abilities proved time and again he was far too powerful for the Mandalorian code alone. As such, when he turned 18, Jundo offered the young man a chance to take his lessons to a higher power. Agreeing, Tsavo was taken away by a personal contact of Jundo's, a Sith.

While late in his years, the Sith master saw the raw potential in Tsavo and began to train him in the ways of the Dark Side. Proving more difficult than his combat training, Tsavo face many challenges over the years. Some that almost cost him his life. As part of a final test of skills and survival, Tsavo's master left him on the planet Chologanna for a week to see if he would live to the end. During his time hunting and foraging, Tsavo came face-to-face with a deadly Nexu, who managed to scratch him across the face. In the end, Tsavo killed the beast and proved himself the deadliest creature on the planet.

Upon his master's return, Tsavo knelt before them and received his new Sith title: Darth Genace.

With his new name and purpose, Darth Genace decide on his first action: claim his birthright. He returned to Serenno and confronted his "father", now an older man and on the verge of death. He demanded the proper inheritance of his home and lands, but his only son stood in Geance's way. The two agreed to a duel to the death, yet the son intended to cheat with a well-placed sniper.

Upon his arrival, and before the battle, Darth Genace had noticed the lord's son's personal maiden, Kahga Meruns. Her beauty had captivated him, and she sensed how much stronger he was compared to her intended. Upon learning of the son's deceitful plans, she sabotaged the subterfuge before the sniper could make his shot. Finally seeing the underhanded ways of both the lord and his son, Tsavo slayed both and claimed all titles for himself. Kahga was also his, agreeing to stand by his side and become his wife.

Now as a Sith and a lord of Serenno, Darth Genace continued the lessons taught by both Mandalorian and Sith. He remains loyal to an honorable code while seeing that power through might is the true path to order in the galaxy.

Kagha Meruns Awaud

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