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Character Darth Haryx

Darth Haryx

SITH NAME: Darth Haryx

GIVEN NAME: Nyras Naberrie (formerly Saryn Fitz-Kierke)

TITLE: Prince of Pain

FACTION: The Sith Order


RANK: Darth, Co-Owner of the Enarc Trade League

SPECIES: Woyunoks Strand-Cast, Formerly Near-Human

AGE: 22

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 6"

WEIGHT: 132 lbs.


HAIR: White

SKIN: Pale



Increased Intellectual Capacity - Woyunoks Strand-Casts possess minds with incredibly heightened intellectual capacity. While not active while unpossessed, when possessed they enable the consciousness within a greater deal of intellect than what would naturally occur in their prior body.
Enhanced Cellular Regeneration - Using certain Talortai genome sequences, Woyunoks strand-casts possess rapid cellular generation, and a near-complete lack of cellular degeneration through the process of aging.
Amplified Reflexes - The reflexes of these bodies have been genetically enhanced, enabling them to react quickly to external stimuli. This makes them incredibly agile and aware of their surroundings.
Seductive Pheromones - Using genetic sequences taken from Zeltron and Falleen DNA, these bodies possess extremely potent pheromones that greatly enhance their attractiveness and likeability.

Nyras' Trained Skills:
Lightsaber Mastery - Nyras has Saryn's memories, including how he spent a great deal of time training under both his master Darth Carnifex and his wife, Gunnr. As such, he is well versed in all seven forms of lightsaber combat, as well as the unorthodox reverse Shien grip form, one he and his brother use frequently to catch their enemies off guard.
Scientific Geniuses - Nyras and Saryn are extremely ingenious scientists, engineers and geneticists, taking great pride in studying the scientific arts to create ever more advanced and impressive technologies and other innovations.

Lack of Strength - Immense physical strength was not a priority during the creation of Saryn's new bodies. As such, their strength levels remain largely the same as before, and as such, these bodies must rely on their heightened agility and reflexes in combat rather than sheer brute strength.
Force Connection - Woyunok Strandcasts have been heavily tailored to possess a strong connection to the force. This has, however, given them one major flaw. In the presence of a wound in the force or any other void, they will suffer immense physical pain until they can be taken away from the source of such.
Infertility - Due to the cloned nature of these bodies, they are naturally infertile, and as such cannot naturally produce progeny.

Darth Haryx looks exactly like his brother, Darth Xyrah. The only differences being he has white hair and red eyes. Not exactly short or tall, but he is very lithe and quite agile. Almost always seen dressed in all black attire of exquisite style and taste.
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Darth Haryx

Darth Haryx was a backup strand cast body for Darth Xyrah that was accidentally given life after a mistake in the Essence Transfer ritual caused the literal Dark Side of Darth Xyrah's spirit to transfer into the spare body beside him. "Nyras", as Saryn affectionately named him since he is like a reflection of himself, he thought it would be fitting if his name was Saryn's own spelled backwards in reference to this. Nyras wondered then what his Sith name should be and ended up deciding to use Xyrah's of reversing his and so he became Darth Haryx, gaining two names at the same time.

The two share all the same memories and knowledge that Darth Xyrah possessed prior to the moment his soul was ripped from it's original vessel and clumsily spilled into two separate vessels.

Darth Haryx earned the title "Prince of Pain" with his first act as a living being, where he murdered around half of the attending Sith Acolytes for both crowding and touching him upon his awakening, when was already confused and disoriented, which turned him into an incredibly dangerous threat. Don't corner him. He will kill you if he feels threatened physically. All this happened before he was given the names "Nyras" and "Darth Haryx".
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