Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Hashira

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NAME: Iko Fukahara
  • Darth Hashira

  • Lord Hashira

  • The Interloper

  • The Enlightened One

Alignment Testing Results: Chaotic Evil

TSE Status: Master

RANK: Sith Lord


SPECIES: Mutated Massassi


SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 7'2''

WEIGHT: 188 pounds


EYES: White


SKIN: Black



General, Combat, Social overview

General Overview

(+) Wraith-Like: Subject's lanky frame and slime contributes to his wraith-like figure making him naturally stealthy, having quiet footsteps.

(+) Strong Work Ethic: Subject was reported as being a good student by his teachers and masters, having good study habits and retaining knowledge well.

(+) Naturally Intelligent: Subject scored within the 97th percentile on standardized IQ test.

(+) Master of Alchemy: Subject has studied alchemy and it's various sub-arts for [REDACTED] years and is considered a master of the dark arts.

(=) Cold and Calculating/Psychopath: Hidden within the standardized IQ test was a psychopathy test. The subjected scored [REDACTED] out of [RESTRICTED] points. Subject usually views situations independent from personal emotions.

(=) Quiet: Subject has been noted as quiet by peers and other members.

(-) Physically Weak: Subject scored within the 33rd percentile on strength tests.

(-) Irrational Fear of [REDACTED] and more generally [REDACTED]. This fear perhaps come from his past of [REDACTED] during [REDACTED].

(-) Irregular Figure: Subject requires custom made clothes and ships

Combat Overview

(+) Stealth: Subject averaged the 96th percentile on several stealth tests.

(+) Phasing: Subject has shown mastery of force phasing, able to pass through most materials and, when pressed, even lightsabers and blaster bolts.

(+) Mastery of Several Offensive Force Powers

(-) Bad Shot: Subject has failed all [REDACTED] marksmanship tests.

Social Overview

(+) Excellent Tactician: Subject has shown aptitude for troop deployment and military maneuvers.

(-) Liar: Subject has [REDACTED] confirmed reports and lying and [REDACTED] unconfirmed reports.

(-) Lack of Empathy/Impersonal: Subject has been reported as difficult to approach and ''hard to get to know'' by both outsiders and fellow members.

(-) Zealot: subject has distaste, even anger, of viewpoints not held by himself.



Force Abilities Assessment:

-only abbilities bssessed within the 90th-100th percentile are shown, see archives for full assessment-

Art of Movement: 92nd percentile

Force Jump: 96th percentile

Force Speed: 92nd percentile

Force Lightning: 93rd percentile

Tutaminis: 91st percentile

Force Confusion: 93rd percentile

Force Phase: 100th percentile

Force Teleport: 90th percentile

Lightsaber Forms Overview


Form I, Shii-Cho: Advanced

Form II, Makashi: Advanced

Form III, Soresu: Basic

Form IV, Ataru: Basic

Form V, Shien/Djem So: Advanced

Form VI, Niman: Basic

Form VII, Juyo/Vaapad: Master


Additional Notes: Subject has request an reference to [REDACTED], his fear of [REDACTED] or [REDACTED] or his age be redacted. The measure was brought to a vote among the archivists and passed 9-1. Please see the archivists for an unredacted and unrestricted file.

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