Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Incitrix

Darth Incitrix

SpeciesSith Pureblood
Weight125 lbs
Force SensitiveYes


The sith pureblood has a lean body given into smooth muscle definition. Her red skin looks mostly unblemished besides for the trademark sith facial appendages that emerge from her face. Bright red eyes convey her suppressed rage and deeply rooted cunningness. She typically wears black breathable robes adorned by a utility built holding her gear.


Lightsaber x2


Darth Incitrix is a cold individual that doesn’t mind telling you what she thinks. She is one to connect emotionally with strangers prior to taking joy in crushing them emotionally. They don’t mind joining with others if it weren’t for the constant paranoia of being betrayed by friends. Underneath the callous heart, she is caring for those that she finds friendship with or who she considers mutual acquaintances. She is quite easy going, but perceptive. Battle and combat get her blood flowing especially if she gives into her inner chaotic thoughts.


  • Unarmed Martial Prowess: Training from an early age initially as a bodyguard, she developed a high level of proficiency without a weapon.
  • Swordsmanship: She has developed unique skills bladed combat and integrating those skills to a high level while utilizing lightsabers.


  • Envious: Not getting what she desires causes her to have a wanting for something of equal or greater value. A drive that is capable of taking over her standard thinking pattern.
  • Restlessness: She likes to be constantly in motion while not staying in a single place for far too long.


Born Amari Kuh’lam in the outer atmosphere of Korriban space, Dark Incitrix was born a bastard of a sith pureblood soldier mother and a sith lord father. Two of which names she never got to know. Her parents teamed up on an excavation mission to then be ambushed by a rival sith’s forces. Leaving the young girl orphaned at the age of 6. The then Amari would be adopted by the rival sith to become a future bodyguard.

Years of training went into swordsmanship and unarmed combat. Tormented by her retainer that she needed to become stronger than her unknown parents that were too weak to defend themselves against him. Putting the thought that she would never stand to be anywhere on his level. It wasn’t until she was the age of 11, in which she showed any aptitude for force abilities. Only finding that she had any abilities at all post becoming enraged. Her retainer sith dubbing her an acolyte and learning under his tutelage.

Eventually, she would be taught the basis of force usage as well before moving on to more advanced teachings. She quickly took to any knowledge that she gained. Amari consumed all knowledge that she could from her master. Even pledging herself to his causes. Her over devotion awoke something within her. Envy gripped at her heart and she wanted everything that her master could provide and everything that he owned for herself. Leading her to ranking up to Sith Lord and even slaying him in a time of weakness and taking on the title of Darth for herself. This ultimately led to the fall of her master’s house causing all to rebel against her. What she knew was destroyed and with no backing, the now Darth Incitrix would choose to build herself in exile.


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