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/* BASIC INFORMATION */*// Name: Yaliz Ariv
*// Species: Unknown
*// Gender: Unknown
*// Age: Fifties
*// Height: 5'10"
*// Weight: 90kg
*// Knowledge; Darth Istorikas is known for their vast knowledge and detailed studies on the Force.
*// Vision; Force Illusions are one of Darth Istorikas' most powerful skills.
*// Calculated; Known to take their time, before engaging a situation.
*// Selfish; Himself before all else.
*// Unequipped; His physique is not built for strength, but for speed.
*// Pilot?; Can't fly for chit.
Born to a simple family- ...
Apprenticed to Darth Kaltas- ...
Knighted in year- ...
Granted the title Darth Istorikas
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