Darron Wraith
Honor | Duty | Courage
Darth Kryptus--Jacen Cavill
NAME: Jacen Cavill
FACTION: Vagrant Fleet
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 23
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
The Sion
Journal of Jacen Cavill.
Entry number 1
Who am I? It's a question I have long asked myself, and I"ve not even been alive that long. I can tell you more about who I am now, then who I used to be, but that leaves out a lot. So I'll just gloss over some details..I was a former noble on Serreno. My father, a Count basically screwed me over for power and dropped me on Korriban to be eaten. It was my own weakness and ineptitude, and inaction mainly that led to it. I thought I was powerless when I wasn't, I never have been. On Korriban I met Tirdarius, and he trained me in things I could have only dreamed of. I grew to worship the code of the Sith. I read the histories of those who made the galaxy quake, and I believe in the power of the strongest ruling. It is the way it should be, weakness is attracted to strength.
Yet even in my new life, I still was a watcher. I was more content to sit by and let things happen, sure I helped the Empire. What good did I really do? I subjugated for the Empress, the strongest Force User in the galaxy. I was there on a dozen worlds, working on a passive skill set while avoiding my talents because they aren't the norm for force-users. I can't pick up things with my mind, shoot lightning from my hands, or even trick someone. No, but I can bend durasteel, I can run faster than anyone could dream of, and I can leap higher than anyone would ever need to. I don't believe in passive meditation, I believe in forging my body and in that pain....I find the darkside.
You would think with all this understanding I have obtained, that I would have been more proactive? You were wrong, I was there at Roche, In Voracitos' vessel as he ordered us to fire on the one woman capable of making the galaxy tremble. He said it was in the best interest of the Empire, I disagreed so much I left and forged my own path with one of their corvettes. The Sion, and I love her. Now I train with the Echani, I am their assasin. I have also joined the Vagrants and met my brother in arms, my equal Menoetius. Yes he's an Anzat, and I'm a meal to him. I've told him he tries it i'll burn his face off with my one power. My "deadly sight" as Ori'vod calls it.
Much like all my powers, its raw and uncontrollable, but I stand a Sith Knight. A TRUE Sith Knight, with Menoetius. We train with many Masters, and we spread discord. It is this slow and steady march that is leading us to our ultimate goals: Masterhood, galactic discord, and control over everything. Is it grandiose..why yes it is. I care not though, power is all that matters, and the Anzat sees that. We were both renamed by Ashin Varanin, the former Empress of 10,000 worlds, he's known as Darth Erebos now.
I"ve asked myself multiple times, and failed to answer. So the answer to the question of who am I?
I am Darth Kryptus.
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

NAME: Jacen Cavill
FACTION: Vagrant Fleet
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 23
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Jacen is incredibly arrogant.
- Jacen will do anything for more power, thus leading him to be incredibly reckless.
- Has no skill with telekinesis.
- Has no mental Force powers as well.
- Strong belief he is infallible, when in reality he is quite so.
- Quite weak against ranged assaults unless he can dodge or defend with his lightsaber.
- Relies a lot on Menoetius to make up for this shortcoming, has done little to try and expand his repetoire in this avenue of training.
- Has one ranged ability, Deadly Sight, but it is highly volatile and drains him of most of his reserves after one shot.
- In amazing shape, trains constantly.
- Multiple Masters has allowed him to build up quite the repetoire.
- Able to enhance his speed, strength, and leaping ability to amazing levels with the Force.
- Capable of deadly sight, even if it is uncontrollable.
- Has shown a knack for energy absorption.
- Echani training makes him a load to handle in hand to hand combat.
- The theft of Darron Wraith's holocron, as well as instruction from Ashin Varanin has made him a formidable Djem-So duelist.
- Works incredibly well with his Anzat Partner, Menoetius
The Sion
Journal of Jacen Cavill.
Entry number 1
Who am I? It's a question I have long asked myself, and I"ve not even been alive that long. I can tell you more about who I am now, then who I used to be, but that leaves out a lot. So I'll just gloss over some details..I was a former noble on Serreno. My father, a Count basically screwed me over for power and dropped me on Korriban to be eaten. It was my own weakness and ineptitude, and inaction mainly that led to it. I thought I was powerless when I wasn't, I never have been. On Korriban I met Tirdarius, and he trained me in things I could have only dreamed of. I grew to worship the code of the Sith. I read the histories of those who made the galaxy quake, and I believe in the power of the strongest ruling. It is the way it should be, weakness is attracted to strength.
Yet even in my new life, I still was a watcher. I was more content to sit by and let things happen, sure I helped the Empire. What good did I really do? I subjugated for the Empress, the strongest Force User in the galaxy. I was there on a dozen worlds, working on a passive skill set while avoiding my talents because they aren't the norm for force-users. I can't pick up things with my mind, shoot lightning from my hands, or even trick someone. No, but I can bend durasteel, I can run faster than anyone could dream of, and I can leap higher than anyone would ever need to. I don't believe in passive meditation, I believe in forging my body and in that pain....I find the darkside.
You would think with all this understanding I have obtained, that I would have been more proactive? You were wrong, I was there at Roche, In Voracitos' vessel as he ordered us to fire on the one woman capable of making the galaxy tremble. He said it was in the best interest of the Empire, I disagreed so much I left and forged my own path with one of their corvettes. The Sion, and I love her. Now I train with the Echani, I am their assasin. I have also joined the Vagrants and met my brother in arms, my equal Menoetius. Yes he's an Anzat, and I'm a meal to him. I've told him he tries it i'll burn his face off with my one power. My "deadly sight" as Ori'vod calls it.
Much like all my powers, its raw and uncontrollable, but I stand a Sith Knight. A TRUE Sith Knight, with Menoetius. We train with many Masters, and we spread discord. It is this slow and steady march that is leading us to our ultimate goals: Masterhood, galactic discord, and control over everything. Is it grandiose..why yes it is. I care not though, power is all that matters, and the Anzat sees that. We were both renamed by Ashin Varanin, the former Empress of 10,000 worlds, he's known as Darth Erebos now.
I"ve asked myself multiple times, and failed to answer. So the answer to the question of who am I?
I am Darth Kryptus.
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.