Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tʜᴇ Sᴄɪᴇɴᴛɪsᴛ


Age45 GSY
HomeworldOrd Mantell
Height2 Meters
Weight80 kg
Force SensitiveYes



  • A set of Sith armor, with an integrated translator collar
  • His red-bladed lightsaber, of the long-handle style
  • Various vibro-scalpels, serums, and other medical tools to carry out his work
  • A corrupted Sith holocron, filled with fragmented knowledge on alchemical experiments




Sith-Trained: Since he was a youngling, Locus was trained in the ways of the Sith by his mentor. He is adept at brandishing both the dark side and a lightsaber. He is easily equal to a seasoned Jedi Knight.

Alchemist: This Darth's true art is in Sith alchemy. He is almost artistic in the way he can infuse and enhance with the Force, creating artifacts and mutagenic beasts alike.


Amoral: Unlike his fellow Ithorians, he is not a peaceful creature. He will commit to horrors that others will find repulsive. He is not squeamish at experimenting on living creatures, regardless of their willingness to be his test subject. Sometimes, this might find him at odds with even his fellow Sith.

Brain Over Brawn: As far as being a physical threat, Locus is a being who does not rely on brute strength. This also make him come off as a bit frail, and non-dominant in the eyes of Sith who do not know better.


Robar Kocha, born to Ithorian tradesfolk on Ord Mantell, spent his early years traveling with his parents until they finally settled on Ventooine. Life was idyllic until the Sith Empire invaded, and a Sith agent sensed Robar's latent Force potential. Separated from his family and subjected to intense torment, Robar's spirit eventually broke, leading him to embrace the dark side and adopt the moniker Darth Locus under the guidance of a Sith master.

Darth Locus's fascination with Sith alchemy drove him to study the works of ancient Sith such as Darths Plagueis and Momin. His dedication to merging the mystical and scientific aspects of the dark side enabled him to create enchanting artifacts and monstrous creatures. His innovative approach and profound understanding of the dark arts quickly set him apart from his peers, making him a minor, if notable, figure within the Sith Order.

Even after the Sith Empire's collapse, Darth Locus remained loyal to the Sith Order. He took on the role of a mentor, teaching Sith novices the intricacies of Sith alchemy. Through his mentorship, he ensured that the knowledge and traditions of the dark side endures, passing on his extensive expertise to the next generation of Sith, thereby perpetuating the dark side's legacy within the Galaxy.

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