Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Lykos

"There is only one Rule in this farce we call Reality, nothing is true. Illusion is prevalent in Life, it is unavoidable. What we Perceive and what is True are two entirely different entities and, in the end, it is those that acknowledge this Rule, accept it into their Soul, that will succeed. Unseen, Unnoticed and Unheard by all, for they are above all others, they rule from the Shadows, even if they stand before the Blind, bending Reality to their whims."
- Opening speech in the Holocron of Darth Lykos.
|| Basic Information ||

NAME: Xavka Duquo-Rakama
  • MEANING: Storm Winds (Xavka) Trackers (Duquo) Extreme Strength of Soul (Rakama)
ALIASES: 1) Blaidd. 2) Praz Ip. 3) Virak Ip.
  • PRONUNCIATION: 1) Bly-th. 2) Praz Ip. 3) Veer-ak Ip
  • MEANING: 1) Wolf (Blaidd). 2) Strong-Willed/Eager To Live (Praz) Hunter (Ip). 3) Storm Born (Veer-ak) Ip (Hunter).
  • Darth Lykos.
  • Ul'Jath het Ru Rakama. (Translation: High Ghost-Wiser/Speaker of the Ancients of Clan Rakama.)
  • Patriarch of Ru Rakama.
  • Aspect of Conquest / White Assassin. [x] [x] [x]
  • Unseen Shadow.
  • The Wolf That Guards.
  • Lord of Oblivion. [x]
  • Representative of Sev Tok (As Eeth Koth.)




  • Sith Assassins
  • The Sith Empire
  • Commenor System Alliance
SPECIES: Zabrak (Iridonian).
HOMEPLANET: Iiridonia.
BIRTHPLACE: I'Slayemith Tolke (Translation: Slayemith's Table.)

|| Biological Information ||

VOICE: Steve Hartley as Eredin
AGE: Unknown. Assumed 27-32.

HEIGHT: 6' 4" (1.955m)
WEIGHT: 116.9kg (257.72lbs)

EYE COLOUR: ​Was Golden, now Amber due to Dark Side Corruption.
HAIR COLOUR: Ashen Grey, pulled back into dreadlocks.

SKIN: Heavily Tanned and Weathered.
BUILD: Lean but heavily muscled.

  • One eye (Left).
  • Cybernetic arm (Left).
  • Jat'o. (Translation: Clan Tattoos. Found on the face and neck.)
  • Jat'i. (Translation: Personal Tattoos. Representing achievements and found on the body.)
  • Heavily scarred and burnt along the right right side of his body (including face).
  • Deformed face, skull partially caved in around right eye socket.
DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous, but prefers right hand.

|| Social Information ||

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.
  • Basic.
  • Ul'Zabrak.
  • Zabrak.
  • Smuggler's Cant.
  • Huttesse.
  • High/Old Sith (Written Only).
  • Varying Ruins on Iridonia.
  • Ship (Nomad).
  • [member="Krest"] (Darth Ferox) - Mentor, Friend-ish, Fellow Leader of the Sith Assassins.
  • [member="Darth Ophidia"] - Master, Fellow Leader of the Sith Assassins.
  • [member="Darth Abyss"] - Friend-ish, Fellow Leader of the Sith Assassins.
  • [member="Jairdain"] - Unwillingly Force-Bound, Antagonistic.
  • Tiae'khta Bhenjwa (Darth Gvibr) - Sith Apprentice, Loyal Right Hand.

|| Strengths & Weaknesses ||

+ A Zabrak's skeleton is very dense, rigid and sturdy than a human. This increases a Zabrak's durability and weight.
+ A Zabrak's nails are made of bone, meaning that they can be used as claws enabling a Zabrak to use them to slash, rip an climb.
+ A Zabrak's teeth are strong, short and pointed, allowing them to be possibly used in a fight.
+ A Zabrak's hearing is heightened and very sensitive, but requires some degree of focus to use to its full extent. A small sound can catch a Zabrak's attention but they must focus to hone in and piece to together trajectory, source and correlation.
+ A Zabrak's Orat (Horns) are highly durable and, if sharpened, can be used in combat. They also serve to protect the skull as they can take large amounts of force and pressure before cracking.
+ Zabrak eyes are extremely photosensitive, because of this they have slitted that are capable of dilating and contracting to extremes. In a bright, sunny area, where light is proficient, their pupils constrict and nearly disappear to block the light and spare damage to their retinas. As a result, this makes them more tolerant. In dim lit, or near pitch black areas where light is limited or nearly gone, their pupils dilate wide, nearly blocking out all colour from their Iris to pool the light and allow them to see.
+ The sense of smell in a Zabrak is very sensitive, meaning that even a tiny drop of blood can be sniffed out. It is also sensitive enough to smell the unique scent of beings produced by pheromones.
+ Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System. This increases blood flow around the body, keeping them in peak physical condition, but the largest amounts of blood are directed to the brain, lungs and digestive system. This heightens reaction time, enables Zabrak's to function in situation resulting in low oxygen and increases the efficiency of digestion.
- Zabrak's have a Binary Vascular System and if one heart fails or 'stutters' this can lead to a major heart attack and, in worst case situations, death, best case situation, a decline in health.
- Zabrak are extremely light sensitive and can be quickly caught off guard by the sudden flash of a flash bang or plunge into darkness. Also, due to their sensitivity to light, extremely bright conditions are very painful and could be blinding.
- Due to a Zabrak's high metabolism they are more susceptible to starvation than humans as it takes less time for the effects to kick in as their bodies burn through reserves faster.
- Zabrak noses are highly sensitive which means that foul smells can cause a Zabrak to be violently ill and a numerous amount of smells can easily disorientate them.

+ His very code of conduct forces him to surround himself in layer after layer of false facades and personas, each one being perfectly crafted to play a specific role. As such, not very much can be learnt about his true intentions, actions or goals and while a few have seen through him at times there numbers are few, leaving him unpredictable.
+ Years of experience in combat, both on his homeworld and off, both as Sith and not, has lead to him being a veteran at combat, leaving him capable of reading his opponents and predicting their next moves. Over time, he has adapted this ability to use it even outside of combat.
+ Despite coming across as nothing more than a brute at times, he considers himself as a well read, quick thinker and is, indeed, highly intelligent. Over the years he has put this to use in his studies of the Force.
- Despite the calm and controlled attitude he will commonly exhibit, he can very easily fall into a state of battle-induced blood lust if pushed too far in his anger while fighting. It is hard for him to remove himself from such a state, meaning that he can act as nothing more than a beast at times. Due to delving deep into the Dark Side, this can sometimes manifest itself as an almost second personality, called The Beast.
- Being Ceraunophobic, he possesses an irrational fear of thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, a sudden, extremely strong burst of Force Lightning can sometimes be enough to trigger this phobia.
- He has a highly sensitive digestive track, even among other Zabrak, and, as such, something as simple as sweet foods and mushrooms are enough to leave him violently ill.
|| Appearance ||

Xavka is a tall and lean Iridoniana Zabrak with heavily tanned and weather-worn (from the sandstorms and winds of his Homeplanet) skin. His body is built out of toned, compact muscle that gives him strength while not sacrificing speed. Numerous scars line his body, however, the majority of them can be found along the right hand side of his body, the remnants of his time as a slave whereas the majority of the scars that cover the center and left hand side of his body are from the time since and the time before. There are a few burn marks covered the reast of his body, however, again, the majority of the ones that cover the right hand side of his body and back are from his time in slavery. Some burn marks can be found on his left shoulder, marks left over from the explosion he lost his left arm in; he now wears a pitch black cybernetic replacement.

Solid black tattoos known as Jat'i cover his body. A line of ink runs around the base of his neck. A thick tattoo runs along his collar bone from his shoulders before meeting in the center of his chest and dropping down to reach to the base of his rib cage. The pattern is mirrored on his back. Rings of tattoos continue along his torso, covering his stomach, until they reach his hips. Reaching down from his hips to his feet are an array of complicated designs. The entirety of the Jat'i represent Xavka's trials and accomplishes.

A mess of scars run across the entirety of the face, making it seems as if a blind man had attempted to carve a face out of wood but had instead created a mockery of one covered in the slips of the knife, however the majority of them are gathered around the right side of his face, particularly the empty right eye socket. His remaining eye is coloured a dull, burnt orange as he lost the other one when it was pierced by the shattered bone of his right occular socket. The effects of this injury can still be seen as the right side of his face, particularly the edge of the socket, are still caved in slightly and the skin had regrown over poorly set bone leaving the side of his face covered in 'bumps'.

The tattoos that cover his face, his Jat'o tattoos that represent his Clan and Family, are a solid black and cover the entirety of his face. Two black tattoos wound their way up from underneath the chin, following the arc of the cheekbones. Six tattoos crawled their way from the bridge of the nose, three on either side, one stopped bellow the eye sockets while the other two wove their way toward the temple. The top tattoo had a branch reach from it across the forehead, following the hair line. In the middle of the forehead, two tattoos formed an inverted triangle. His grey hair is pulled into dreadlocks that weave their way around his orat horns before reaching down to the center of his back.

|| Personality ||

It is rare for Xavka to display his true personality, preferring instead to utilise personas so as to disguise his true intentions and feelings from everyone around him. Whether that means acting as a stereotypical Sith Lord, full of anger and quick to express it or posing as nothing more than a mindless Zabrak brute with little to no intelligence, Xavka will adopt a facade that would yield him the best results in a given situation. Beneath all of the misdirection and lies, however, lays a man that strives to always move forwards, to always be seeking the next challenge or piece of knowledge in the pursuit of perfection. Learned and scholarly in a way that his brutish and battle worn appearance would not suggest, Xavka holds a love of philosophy, the violin and even dancing (although he prefers the ritualistic dances of his people over any other dance) that matches his enjoyment of a good fight and never-sated perfectionism. The best way to describe Xavka's true self would be to label him as a highly intelligent, if also feral, beast that attempts to always maintain composure and control over his action. A flaw, however, that will sometimes lead to unfortunate situations is his sense of dramatics. While usually restricted to nothing more than intimidation, Xavka can lose himself in the fantasy of his mind and take it too far.

A sense of pride also plays a big role for Xakva. Adopting the motto of his former Ru, his former Clan, Uigin, Xavka has made it one of his two Codes and it is that which influences his life the most. "Shuree Amire Coila I'Hakke Prevag Raelo." When translated directly from Ul'Zabrak (High Zabrak, a language thought lost but kept alive by the Blod'Ru,, the Nomad Clans), the phrase reads: "I/Me Pray For Knife-Possessive Before Dishonour", which can be translated to: "I Pray For My Knife Before Disgrace". What this means is quite simple: Xavka, and Ru Uigin, would much rather take their own lives before dishonoring themselves. His second Code, is less well defined, lacking a specific phrase, but is used by Xavka to guide himself so as to prevent him from losing control of himself. In the end, it boils down to the fact that he will feel no remorse killing someone who wields a weapon in any form ("All who take up arms, accept Nath and their mortality"), those that attack him and his or harm others ("Strike at those that strike also") or those that he kills in pursuit of a goal ("To strike with a hand with no purpose is to stain your soul"). This undefined Code also dictates that he try to avoid innocents as much as possible and that he must never kill needlessly nor for pleasure - outside of hunting beasts that is - for to do so is to lose control of the self to baser and lesser thoughts. Or so Xavka believes.

  • || Philosophy ||

|| History ||
|| Force Abilities and Skills ||

WIP - Basic List of Force Abilities at the moment.

-Force Sense
-Force Weapon
-Force Heal
-Art Of The Small
-Force Lightning
-Battle Premonition
-Force Slow
-Abyss Walking (Onis Fahde Meni - Abyss Walk Present-Paticiple) |
-Tapas | Control
-Force Illusion
-Quey'tek Meditation
-Force Barrier
-Force Rage
-Force Body
-Fold Space (Note: This will often be used out of battle where Lykos has time to safely construct the pathway. However, it can be used with a short amount of time - seconds - to prepare but he'll be worse for wear. If he uses it in the midst of battle with no time to prepare, then he'll begin to suffer heart palpations and could suffer from a heart attack if he doesn't address the issue.)
-Force Cloak
-Force Stealth
-Dampen Force
-Force Bellow
-Force Fear
-Force Reflex
-Force Fear
-Force Sight
-Far Sight




People (NPCs, Contacts, Apprentices etc)
|| Aliases ||
Xavka Rakama, Patriarch of Clan Rakama

Darth Lykos, Lord of the Sith

Darth Lykos, The White Assassin and Aspect of Conquest, The Shadow and Lord of Oblivion

Blaidd, Face of the Shadow

Praz Ip, Mercenary Gladiator

Virak Ip, Voice of Sev Tok (To Be Expanded Upon)

Virak Ip was born to two Zabrak who had immigrated to Sev Tok from Iridia. During his childhood, nothing spectacular happened to him nor his family until his 9th year of living. A groundquake destroyed the city he lived, he and his parents were declared dead. However, years later, Virak was revealed to have survived, lost within the chaos that still existed after the fall of the OS as well as the chaos of the groundquake. The ambition and typical Zabrak ideals that had been ingrained within him since birth had driven him towards a career in politics. At first, he severed a skilled lobbyist, but, over the years he moved from lobbyist to a seat of power within Sev Tok's government to, eventually, becoming the representative of Sev Tok within the Senate of the CSA.

Taking advantage of the chaos within the government of Sev Tok, for one does not easily recover from having their tyrant rulers and managers of planet side power suddenly be gone, Lykos found it easy to create a safehouse as well as persona on Sev Tok, taking advantage of a groundquake that had destroyed a city just over a decade before he chose to arrive on Sev Tok. His usage of Mind Tricks allowed him to quickly find a position of power on the planet, ready to used should it ever be needed (and wielded through holocalls more often than not). With him seeking a seat on the senate of the CSA, it was easy for him to use the already existing position to his advantage to do just that.




KTR-531 "Widows Lament" Rifle/ - Technology
Qormuo Sishuas/ - Technology


Aasani Iroga - Codex - NPC



The Wandering Era
-Blood, Fantasy Violence And Suggestive Themes (Other)
-Trip from Hutta to the Mid Rim (Other)
-Obra-Skai, Oh My (Duel)
-Kakasosûtsi Wtsia (Other)
-Start Of The Blood Trail (Other)

The Assassin Acolyte Era
-Teaching The New Guy (Training)
-The Pirate With A Mark (Faction)
-Study Of The Force (Other)
-Grasp It With Your Mind (Training)
-Mindfulness and Lighting (Training)
-The Theory Of The Small (Training)
-Traditions (Duel)
-A New Enemy (Faction)
-Shaken Up (Other)
-Break In, Break Out, Break Up, Break Down (Other)
-A Chance Meeting Of Strangers (Other)
-The Best Snake Strikes First (Other)
-Visions Of A Boreas (Training)
-Wanted: A Few Good Rumours (Other)
-Sink Into The Crusts (Other)
-Wanted: A Few Good Surprises (Other)
-The Lines Which Divide Us (Other)
-Sin Your Way To Hell (Faction)
-Two Sins (Duel)
-Reshaping The Assassins (Faction)
-Yemasla Meni Ne'Ru (Other)
-Biting The Hand That Feeds (Faction)
-How To Survive In The Shadows (Training)
-Altering Reality (Training)
-Regaining That Which Was Lost (Other)
-Regaining That Which Was Lost Pt.2 (Other)
-Regaining That Which Was Lost Pt.3 (Other)
-Steel Within The Shadows (Teaching)
-Shadows Within The Sand (Teaching)
-The Sacking Of Coruscant (Skirmish)
-Scientia Ex Mutotio (Training)
-I Think That's Mine (Duel)
-Where It All Began (Duel)
-A Darkness To Uncover (Dev.)
-The Pit Of Neimoidia (Dom., Inv. and Skirm.)
-Assault On Heaven (Duel)
-Baby Battling (Dom., Inv, and Skirm.)
-Ancient Acquisitions and Antagonistic Annihilation (Dom., Inv. and Skirm.)
-Cloudy With A Chance Of Sith (Dom., Inv, and Skirm.)
-Candle In The Dark: Objective 3 (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)

A Wiser Shadow Era - Knight Era
-Barriers To Conquer (Training)
-Dark Thoughts
-Whispered Lodgings (Faction)
-Learning The Ways Of the Force Pt2, Ghosts From The Past (Teaching)
-Here's Your Homewarming Gift, Jerk (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
-Teras My Kasi (Training)
-What's In The Box (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
-One Sith Invasion Of Togoria (Dom., Inv., Skirm.) / Hunter and Hunter (Duel) (*)

A New Wolf Era - Lord Era
-The Lykos (Duel)
-An Important Meeting (Dev)
-"There Once Lived A Man Named Bane" (Faction)
-Jumpstarting Your Awakening (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
-Blood For Blood, Life For Life (Dev)
-The Full Reach Of The Law (Dom.,Inv., Skirm.)
-Too Many Masks (Duel)
-In The Shadow Of Conflict (Faction)
-When Shadows Collide (Duel)
-What Are You Made Of - Path To Transcendence 2 (Dev)
-Start Shopping For Doormats (Faction)
-A Clash of the Mind and Blade (Duel)
-What Darkness Remembers (Other)

A Shadow of Cold Ash and Ice - Lord Era
-A Whole New World (Faction)
-You Call That A Sith (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
-A Murder of Crows (Faction)
-An Assassin's Test (Other)
-In Search Of The Devil Touched By An Angel (Other)
-Trust In Your Vision (Other)
-Laid To Rest (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
-A New Weapon To Wield (Teaching)
-The Perfect Art (Dev)
-A Deadly Gift (Dev)
-Un-Common Opportunity Among Friends (Other)

Era of Onis
  • To Hold A Fleeting Shadow (Other)
  • Operation Dominion's Fall (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
  • Shadow Out Of Time (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)
  • From Beneath You (Dom., Inv., Skirm.)

Era of the Fall of Lykos and Rise of Dyskios
  • Angry Raptor Noises (Dom)
  • Starline Express (Event - Incursion)
  • The King, The Queen and The Shadow (Event - Incursion)
  • Welcome To The Machine (Event - The Incursion)

Potential Romance Threads


Training Threads
Total: 10 | Completed: 7

Teaching Threads
Total: 3 | Completing: 2
Duel Threads
Total: 11 | Completed: 6
Faction Threads
Total: 9 | Completed: 4

Development Threads
Total: 8 | Completed: 1

Other Threads
Total: 21 | Completed: 10

Dominion, Invasion and Skirmish Threads
Total: 13 | Completed: 9


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