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Darth Malificete

  • Thread starter Lilith Mae Lancaster
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Lilith Mae Lancaster

Darth Malificete

Lilith Mae Lancaster-Imperieuse | Darth Malificete
The One Sith
Formerly Sith Lord
176 centimetres
60 kilograms
Formerly Force-Sensitive, Currently Non-Force Sensitive


(+) Studying - Studying is one of the few things Lilith has been able to do since she was just a little kid. It has become a normal thing for her, so she is always willing to learn about new things or train her current skills. She could be found in a library or any other place, reading something.
(+) Doodling skills - Lilith's childhood was a tragedy and she didn't have much she could do. She didn't have other hobbies besides doodling. This skill grew in her and now as an adult, she is able to create extreme doodles. This hobby has also boosted her art skills.
(+) Loyal - Lilith could be considered extremely loyal, no matter whether her Master is a Sith, a Jedi or someone else from any other faction.
(-) Past - Lilith doesn't remember anything about her past, except training under Sith Lady Kära Vi'dreya's guidance and being a member of the One Sith. She will never get any of the lost memories back.
(-) Lack of Confidence - Lilith lacks confidence to so some things and she always thinks she is going to fail in something.
(-) Lazy - Lilith has recently become really lazy, probably because she has done so many things in so little time and needs some rest.
(-) Loss of Force Powers - ever since being resurrected for the last time, Lilith has lacked the power to use the Force.






Lilith was born 25 years ago on Coruscant into a Jedi family. They were called Lancasters. The family wasn't a normal Jedi family. They broke the Jedi Code many times (almost always), but they kept it in secret, so they won't get thrown out of the Order. The girl's parents didn't sense Force-sensitivity in the girl, so they thought the child is not worthy for their family. That means, that they didn't teach her anything and they didn't like her very much.
Lilith spent her early life learning how to do stuff (walking, talking...), because no one taught her those things. When she was six years old, her parents had another child, a girl called Jasmine (nickname: Jazzy). Lilith immediately started to love her very much. Their parents became drunkards, so the children had to start their own, independent life. Of course Lilith had to live like this for all of her life, but now she had a sister who needed lots of care.

The Lancaster sisters grew up together, growing a strong bond between them. When Jazzy was six years old, an unknown Jedi found out her Force-sensivity, so she became a Jedi Initiate, also known as Jedi Youngling. But the Jedi didn't sense anything in Lilith, which made her really sad.A change happened, when Lilith was 25 years old. She was in a park and a kid threw a rock towards her, trying to actually hit his friend. Mae almost got hit by the rock, but a few centimetres before it happened, she stopped it by using the Force. She had found out, that she actually is a Force Sensitive person. But what to do now?
After Lilith joined the Jedi Order, she straightly went to a planet called Lunar Meadow with a tourism trip. She had heard, that a very special weekend will be on the planet and thus, she had to see it. On the planet, she met a man called Vitor, a Jedi Padawan, who was partly possessed by an evil Sith spirit, Vitiate. They drank a mystical cocktail called "The Meadow Dream". Actually, this kind of drink didn't exist. The drink was poisoned and the drink increased the corruption rate and since Vitor lost control under his body, Vitiate used the situation to turn the woman to the Dark Side. He would've succeeded completely, but the poison lost its effect before it happened. The corruption continued as Lilith met many Dark Side people. With every meeting, her corruption went deeper and soon, she fully fell into Darkness. It happened on Tund and as she didn't have a way to get away from the planet, she started wandering around and found information about an ancient Dark Side sect called The Sorcerers of Tund. She learned their ways of the Force and started wandering around the galaxy. She became a Sorcerer Initiate and a Prophet who started spreading the knowledge of the sorcerers.
Lilith's Dark Side life started with a rather interesting trip to Utapau where she met Soliael Devin Talith who was in Lilith's opinion really scary and furious. After that, she just had to take time off in a cantina which was located on Naboo. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. She couldn't take time off, but in the bar, there was a small fight in which she also participated in by creating a few illusions, using the Force, etc. After that, she went to a valley on Naboo where she met Daxton Bane. Some time later, Lilith found herself on a planet called Serpena, where she studied the Dark Side a bit more with the help of Circe Savan.
After that, Lilith found out she wanted to really see her home planet Coruscant again. So she went to Coruscant and met a person called Avicus DuSang there. The man was in her opinion very friendly and she believed she was the most gentleman person she had ever met. Unfortunately, their dinner in a pub didn't come out very well. Lilith started seeing bad memories about her and her sister's childhood, so she and Avicus left the pub.
After that, Lilith was seen on Tatooine, where in a cantina, she met a Human Replica Droid (which she thought is a really strange person) who wanted to get a crystal which she could use to create a lightsaber. Lilith was also seen on a moon, doing a bit better things. She participated in a campaign where some slaves were saved.
After these points in her history, she took a little break and went to Tund again. She wanted to learn a bit more about Sorcerers. During this trip, she got an idea, so she went back to Dromund Kaas to get a Master who could teach her. A Sith Knight called Kära Vi'dreya became her Master and she trained under her guidance.
The idea started forming, but Lilith still wanted to rest a bit, so she decided to do something extreme. She went to the icy planet of Hoth, where she met a Null called Kraigmiir Hijiin. And after that meeting, Lilith finally decided to start utilizing her plan. She informed many Sorcerers and Sorceresses of the Galaxy, that she is going to need them on a planet called Zahat'n'ira. They met there to discuss the creation of The Council of Sorcery.
After the meeting of Sorcerers and Sorceresses, she took her time off on Lunar Meadow again. She met a Sith called Paega Anginous there, who managed to crash on the planet's surface. She needed Lilith's help and so she gave it to her. The meeting was followed by another training on Dromund Kaas, where she had to train under Sith Knight Marcus Faust's guidance, since her actual Master was not available.
But Lilith didn't have time to rest. A planet called Valen was discovered and since the Empire decided to try conquering it, Lilith decided to go with them.
The next time Lilith was seen was in a bar where she just drank and had some fun. Not much happened.
Some time later Lilith visited Tatooine again, where she met Tobasu. They didn't get along well, probably because Lilith was not very polite.
/NOTE: Biography is under construction.\
Master - [member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
Apprentice - [member="Nick Gamastar"]

Lilith Mae Lancaster

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I had to bring her back really quickly. :p As soon as I saw Kära coming back, I had an extreme muse boost for Malificete.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Darth Malificete"] You still have my interest in your character! If you need anything for development, just shout.

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