Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Manipula

NAME: Darth Manipula
FACTION: Sith Order
RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: Mid to late 30's

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 126 lbs

EYES: Sith yellow

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale white



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength 1: Negotiation. Despite being a Sith, he's quite open minded and always down for a friendly conversation, even with the enemy.

Strength 2: Composure. Unlike many Sith, he isn't very easy to anger. This keeps him from being sluggish in combat.
Strength 3: Lightsaber and Force proficiency. He's very skilled with most aspects of the Force, and even has his own very unique lightsaber.

Weakness 1: Cocky. He tends not to know when to call it quits, which has gotten him in some dangerous situations.
Weakness 2: Alcohol. While he isn't a "Go to a local cantina and drink himself silly" type of guy, he can't resist most types of wine. Thus, even if he can sense they're spiked, he'll still drink it just for the thrill.

BIOGRAPHY: Manipula didn't know much about himself before he was taken in by the Sith. So much so that he can't even remember what his name was before Manipula, then Lord Manipula, and now Darth Manipula. He was often seen as weak by other Sith due to his calm nature, but after killing his Sith Master and two other Sith students, he eventually rose to the rank of Darth. After that, he abandoned the academy, searching for more knowledge on the Dark Side of the force through any sources he could find. Even Jedi.
A medium-sized cruiser with a cloaking device, powerful shields, and an above-average hyperdrive. Comes with auto and manual blaster cannons on the roof, bottom, and both sides of the ship.


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