Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Market Darth Maras Contract Terminal

Kwake kwenzeka lokhu kuwe?

Uqashe iqembu labazingeli abazizuzelayo ngalokho obekufanele kube yimishini yokubuyisa ejwayelekile, kuphela ukuze babonakale nabafana abane abangaphansi futhi impahla oyicelile isezicucwini eziyizigidi eziyizinkulungwane. Noma mhlawumbe uqashe umuntu ukuze avikeleke, kuphela ukuthi baphuthaze isibhamu sabo bazidubule ekhanda? Usizo oluhle kunzima ukuthola. Kepha, kuthiwani uma ngikutshela ukuthi bekungafanele kube njalo? Cabanga esikhundleni seqembu lama-mercs, uqashe indoda eyodwa engakhukhula lonke ibutho ngentambo yesandla sayo?

Kuthiwani uma esikhundleni sokuqasha iqembu elizokubuka emuva, ubudinga kuphela indoda eyodwa engafaka ukwesaba okungalawuleki ezitheni zakho ngesikhathi ekhipha isibani sakhe? Ngokubheka okukodwa nje obomvu obomvu wekhaba lakhe izitha zakho zizobe zifuna ukuthola udoti oseduze?

NginguDarth Marras. Ngiqeqeshwe nguDarth Dy Soont, ngingomunye ohlangothini olumnyama lwamandla. Angibesabi ubuhlungu, ngoba ngiyabamukela futhi ngihlanganyela nabo bonke. Angibesabi ubuhlungu, ngoba ngiyabamukela futhi ngihlanganyela nabo bonke. Unamandla, ubungcweti, uqaphile, uthembekile- uma ungiqasha, ngiyizo zonke lezi zinto nokuningi.

The following message has been translated using the free trial version of Nookchint Translator, A translator program created by {DEFUNCT} Manochewan Inc.

Message created by user: Darth Marras What Does Speak Clearly Into Mike Mean

{Error! User is using trial version. Trial version can only translate a max of 20 word(s). Please select which words you want translated, and then delete this message after you have selected your word(s)}

Translated Message is as follows:

I Darth Marras one with dark side of force. You need Sith? I no fear pain. I share uncontrollable fear.

(OOC Message):

The top message was made by translating English text into Zulu via google translate. I went with Zulu because that's what the Jawa trade language is based on. If you really want to know what was said, just translate the text from Zulu to English. It will be garbled though because Google Translate sucks.

Also Marras is good for low(ish) level difficulty missions with a hardcap on difficulty level 2. Part of that is because of his skill level with lightsabers and the force, but also because it's been years since I've done roleplay and my free time is limited.
The following message was translated from detected language "Jawa" to selected language "English" using the standard version of Linguistica Intergalactic's Voice Beyond Borders™ speech to text system. Linguistica Intergalactic, uniting the galaxy one word at a time. <3 Disclaimer: By using the standard version, user agrees to pay a small fee for every few words translated by the Voice Beyond Borders™ speech to text system. Fee shall be withdrawn from the primary bank account listed on user's Linguistica account. If no money is in the account at any point, user's name and contact info will be handed over to a "cut off your toes" collection agency. If you are unsatisfied with our program, you may request a refund as that is free. Getting a refund is a whole other story. By that we mean we hope you have a ton of free time on your hands, because we have, like, one guy working the phones, and he's the help line, receptionist, junior tech support employee, senior tech support employee, as well as the on floor manager. Plus he's narcoleptic, suffers from short term memory loss, and abuses the "hold call button" like a red headed step child. Point is: try us. We got time.

User name: Dirt Mar Ross

Message type: Job Posting

Message sub-type: Freelance (Mercenary)

Message body:

Greetings. I am Dark Murphy. I {3 credits deducted from account} am a Cis warrior trained by {3 credits deducted from account} Door Drei Sock. I am seeking {3 credits deducted from account} work as an enforcer, but am {3 credits deducted from account} also good as why does it {3 credits deducted from account} keep saying three credits deducted from {3 credits deducted from account} account?

Posting alert: User "Dart Mart Rot" has cancelled their Linguistica Intergalactic account. Forum users may still contact him via his normal contract terminal.

Note from Linguistica Intergalactic Staff: We are currently dealing with a very irate and very persistent dissatisfied customer. As such, all our tech support staff are very busy. We apologize to all 299,999 of our premium members, as well as our single standard member for any inconvenience in this trying time.

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